'A merry Christmas, uncle! God save you!' cried a cheerful voice. It was the voice of Scrooge's nephew, who came upon him so quickly that this was the first intimation he had of his approach.
A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens.
Eeeeg! After buying another throat plate, I can't believe I found my original one yesterday morning!?? I don't need two of these things, they're metal and they last forever!
I was doing a little tidying up in my sewing room when I found the original plate in a plastic shoe box under some pieces I cut who-knows-when for who-knows-what. I've said before that if you can't find something, look under a pile of fabric... I should have remembered that.
This is a quilt I made for my sister Ruby for Christmas 1997, one of my first quilts. It's a paper-pieced pinwheel design and, because she collected elephants (as well as being a Delta), I threw in one elephant block as a surprise (that's an elephant button on his face). I named it "One More Elephant."
Ruby passed away from cancer in 2008; she was one of the best sisters you could ever have! She was generous, inventive, fun-loving, not afraid of a challenge,
and a good cook. One night several months after she died, my brother-in-law had gone to bed and was asleep when all of a sudden he stumbled into the hallway yelling, "Ruby! Ruby is in the bedroom!" To say he was "pale as a ghost" wouldn't be accurate because he's a rather dark-skinned Black man... but he was getting there. I'm telling this as I heard it. I don't know what he did to get on her bad side, but this happened twice already. Now, he's in his mid- to late-seventies and in reasonably good health, but if she pulls that trick just
one more time ...
I didn't get any sewing done yesterday, but I did have adventures in Honda-land, as it were. I definitely want a new car before the end of the month and I'm pretty sure I want a CR-V, so I comparison shopped and test-drove three of them; man, it took hours. Naturally the dealer wanted to reel me in by offering a deal that was good only if I "accepted-the-deal-and-drove-the-car-home-today!" I was expecting that, but I still don't like being pressured, it "gets my back up." This is the end of the year, dealers want to move their cars, I believe I can get a good deal when I'm ready.
Today I'll work on more retreat projects. Until next time...