Showing posts with label bosnian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bosnian. Show all posts

Monday, June 2, 2008

And she's off!

We said goodbye to Abigail shortly after 4:00a.m. this morning. The "we" was supposed to be my son and I, but Sunday morning, as we headed to church, the van was not working. I couldn't believe it! We had to leave for the airport, which is two hours away, at 2:00a.m! After the passport fiasco Wednesday, this was unbelievable! But, we have a great church, and one lady just happened to be driving past our house (not her normal route to church) Sunday morning just as we had the hood of the van open, so we got a ride to church, and when I announced we had a need of a vehicle or driver to the airport that night, our friend Mary responded immediately! She's twenty minutes further from the airport than we are, and has a demanding job, so I was really blessed! Another friend managed to get the van working enough to drive to the repair shop, so at least we won't have to pay for a tow. I have to admit to being a bit grumpy in the beginning (we've been trying to save for a second vehicle for almost two years now, and with Bruce gone this week, I had thought I at least had a week with an accessible vehicle all day!), but really, God provided for us. I'm hoping it will be something simple to fix.

We also are expecting a call this week from a hospital (same city as the airport, so also two hours away) for my daughter Karen to stay for 4-5 days or more to be monitored by EEG and video to see what is causing her "mystery" illness that becomes more and more debilitating all the time. I hope the van is ready by then, but my mom, who lives about 3/4 of the way to the hospital has already said she'll come down here and get us.

Life is CRAZY.

This card is one of a bunch I made, or I should say, remade, last minute for my daughter to take to Bosnia. With the preparation for Bruce's trip, and the cards I really needed to make for that, then the lost day passport hunting, etc, I just had not been able to "think" Bosnia. After my husband left Saturday, I had to clean up the disaster in our living room created by packing & re-packing (and organizing what didn't fit), and return all the stuff I had removed from our study/craft room in the search for the passport. So, Sunday, which I really keep as a Sabbath for my own sanity (ie: no card making), was my last chance. I took card "parts" and reworked them, using online scriptures. At first, I only found Croatian, which is very similar to Bosnian, and made the first two. Then I found Bosnian, and used the same scripture reference. Very confusing! This card has a Bosnian scripture. The layers were all together from a card I had made over two years ago, when I first started stamping. It was rather boring, but the flower helped!