徳根 和幸
品川区南品川5-16-14 ローズハイツ仙台坂310号室
2013年1月 日
日 時: 2013年2月1日14:00~15:00
場 所: 衆議院第一議員会館第6会議室
出席者: 井野博満(東大名誉教授/元ストレステスト意見聴取会委員)
阪上武(福島老朽原発を考える会) など
・ 対応が難しい設計については変更せず、追加的対策ですませようとしている:シビアアクシデント(過酷事故)対策のための基準が、設計基準と別途論じられている。そもそもの設計基準を検討しなおすべきである。
・ 立地審査基準について議論しない?:立地審査基準についても議論し、法制化すべき。
・ 福島原発事故の検証が不足:たとえば、地震の影響、いったいどれだけの溶融燃料がどのように圧力容器外に出てきたのかなど
・ お手軽対応のみ、時間のかかる対策を先送り?:可搬式設備(電源設備、消防ポンプなど)による対応をシビアアクシデント対策として許容している。時間のかかる対策は、再稼働の後でも可。
・ 検討メンバー選定:6人の外部専門家のうち、4人(山口彰、阿部豊、山本章夫、杉山智之)までもが直近3~4年間に電力会社などから寄付金等の名目で、計約4500万円を受け取っていたなど問題のある検討メンバー選定となっている
問い合わせ先:原子力規制を監視する市民の会 新安全基準プロジェクト
別添:原子力規制を監視する市民の会 新安全基準プロジェクトとは
原子力規制を監視する市民の会 新安全基準監視プロジェクトについて
※1:原子力規制を監視する市民の会:福島老朽原発を考える会(フクロウの会)、FoE Japan、原発を考える品川の女たち、プルトニウムなんていらないよ!東京、再稼働反対!全国アクション、福島原発事故緊急会議、経産省前テント広場――で構成。
※2原子力規制を監視する市民の会 新安全基準監視プロジェクト
アドバイザーグループ (敬称略 50音順 2013年1月23日現在)
青木 秀樹 (弁護士)
井野 博満 (東京大学名誉教授、元ストレステスト意見聴取会委員)
小倉 志郎 (元東芝 原発技術者)
小川 正治 (プラント技術者の会)
川井 康郎 (プラント技術者の会)
黒田 光太郎(名城大学教授)
後藤 政志 (元東芝 原発設計技術者、元ストレステスト意見聴取会委員)
滝谷 紘一 (元・原子力技術者、元・原子力安全委員会事務局技術参与)
只野 靖 (弁護士)
田中 三彦 (元原発設計技術者、元国会福島原発事故調委員)
筒井 哲郎 (プラント技術者の会)
内藤 誠 (現代技術史研究会)
長谷川 泰司(プラント技術者の会)
藤原 節男 (元三菱重工 原発設計技術者、元原子力安全基盤機構 検査員)
阪上 武(福島老朽原発を考える会)
菅波 完(柏崎刈羽・科学者の会)
東京都新宿区神楽坂2-19-405 AIR気付
TEL:03-5225-7213 FAX:03-5225-7214
Press Release
Notice of the Press Conference of
‘Emergency proposal for the new safety standards of the nuclear power plant from citizens and experts’.
Discussion of the new safety standards of the nuclear power plant that are currently being developed in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is hasty, and the scope of the discussion is too narrow.
To procedural, they use the time to interview only to power businesses and are reluctant to uptake of critical opinion.
We think two weeks is not enough time to hear opinions from the public and professionals that have an interest, as the period for public comment, and we can’t feel the will to embrace it from them.
In this, it is not the discussion that takes into account the Fukushima nuclear accident.
In addition, concerning measures for the severe accident, they are trying to avoid to step into the problem of the basic design, such as the reactor containment vessel, because it is difficult to support, and they are trying to finish with easy measures additional.
On February 1, citizens and some experts, who have a sense of urgency to this situation, will hold a press conference and will issue an emergency proposal from both the procedures side and the content side of the new safety standards. Please cover it and report these problems to the people of the world. For detail information, please check below.
Detail informations about the Press Conference of ‘Emergency proposal for the new safety standards of the nuclear power plant from citizens and experts’.
Date & Time: 14:00 to 15:00, February 01, 2013
Place: Conference room No.6 of the First Members’ office building of the House of Representatives
<Map> http://www.shugiin.go.jp/itdb_english.nsf/html/statics/english/kokkaimap.htm
Hiromitsu Ino (Committee hearing yuan stress test / Professor Emeritus University of Tokyo)
Masashi Goto(Committee hearing stress test / former nuclear technician original)
Hideki Aoki(Lawyer)
Takeshi Sakaue(Such as meeting to consider the aging Fukushima nuclear power plant)
Contact: ‘The project for new safety standards of the Citizens’ organization to monitor the Nuclear Regulatory’
Mitsuta (Mobile 090-6142-1807)
Major problems of the new safety standards of the nuclear power plant.
1. In the reason of the corresponding difficult, they are trying to finish safety measures only with carrying out the additional measures, without changing the basic design.
The discussion about the criteria of the measures for the severe accident are done separately from the discussion of the criteria of the design. We think the discussion of the design criteria should be re-examined firstly.
2. They do not discuss the screening criteria of the location, and we think it would not be legislated.
The screening criteria of the location should be also discussed and legalized.
3. Verification of the Fukushima nuclear accident is insufficient.
For example, how much the impact of the the accident caused by the earthquake was, how much molten fuel went out to the outside of the container pressure, and how it went out.
4. We think that they intend to postpone measures which are time-consuming.
To respond with portable equipments, such as power equipment and fire pump, are allowed as severe accident measures. Measures which are time-consuming are possible to set even after the restart of the nuclear power plants.
5. Until the draft outline are completed, hearings are only performed between the power companies.
6. Selection of members of the team of the study.
We think there is also the problem of the selection of the members. Four members of the six external experts of the team of the study, including Akira Yamaguchi, Yutaka Abe, Akio Yamamoto and Tomoyuki Sugiyama, received a total of about 45 million yen within 3-4 years last, in the name of such as donations, from such as the electric power companies.