
donderdag, december 31, 2015


It was late last night
There he was, home again

A bit shaken and hungry
and I was very happy

woensdag, december 30, 2015

I do not understand

one cat is home save
one cat is gone

fire works all day long
and not old year yet

poor kitty,s poor dogs
poor birds  poor animals

Poor Earth

when will we learn

Blue Bird

I had a dream of bluebirds flying in the sky
singing songs of love as they were flying by
flying all in unison singing all in tune
my heart began to melt as they began to croon

 with there bright blue feathers flying high above
singing all together there lovely song of love
i wont forget the dream or the bluebirds that i saw
i hope that they return in to my dreams once more

Follow your dreams

dinsdag, december 29, 2015

what is Home

Today  I moved my Mother in what I hope
To be here last home

I hope for her she will have some time
in rest and peace

and a bit of joy an happiness
but some love and warm care
that is what she needs

And what is Home 

love to you all

maandag, december 28, 2015

Early to bed

Early to bed and early to rise:
If that would make me wealthy and wise
I’d rise at daybreak, cold or hot,
And go back to bed at once. Why not?

zaterdag, december 26, 2015

Blue bird lane quilt

Block 3 is almost done
I use the quilt as you go method

This way I have smaller pieces to quilt
A nice way to quilt

vrijdag, december 25, 2015

Christmas 2015

It is a full moon this christmas
Hope you all have peace in your hart 

woensdag, december 23, 2015


She's trapped inside the prison walls
That used to be her mind.
The woman that she used to be,
Has long been left behind....

Most of the time it's difficult,
To see our Mom that way.
All we can do is love her now,
As we take life day by day.

elderly holding hands

dinsdag, december 22, 2015

About flowers and some stitching

In my garden
almost in bloom
In december
 Have you ever heard
of a flower that never needs
Water ,soil, or sunshine

A flower that stays in full bloom
Through summer and winter
Through good times and bad

 I have one of those.
I call it Love.

zaterdag, december 19, 2015

day 20 sunday

A house is made of walls and beams
a home is built with love and dreams

Let,s stay
Have a lazy day

and watch  
the tree,s

How they
come to

Have nice and lazy sunday


Christmas full of thought,
thoughtfulness in giving thi
rather than the gift.

vrijdag, december 18, 2015

No Sleep

I cannot get to sleep tonight.
I toss and turn and flop.
I try to count some fluffy sheep
while o'er a fence they hop.
I try to think of pleasant dreams
of places really cool.
I don't know why I cannot sleep -

donderdag, december 17, 2015

Spring in December

Birds sing springtime
Diminished in cold
Climate changing
have a nice day

woensdag, december 16, 2015

Itching To Be Stitching

Anytime is stitchin' time.

A yard a day keeps the blues away.

have a nice day

maandag, december 14, 2015

day 14

A red hanky for a quilt
Nederlands Erfgoed een patroon van Hester

making a star

and futher step by step

hav a nice day

zondag, december 13, 2015


Friends and a bottle of wine
Daily agonies
Sips, smiles and all seems fine

have nice day

zaterdag, december 12, 2015

Day 12

Time is passing by
Flying quickly past us now
in a blink of an eye

vrijdag, december 11, 2015

2 years ago

two years ago
two little fur balls

a cosy spot
two little friends

stretching out long 
 sleepy orange kittens
Have a nice day

donderdag, december 10, 2015

Day 10

Angel blessing fly
On the breeze I blow your way
Send my love to you

Have a nice day

woensdag, december 09, 2015


Parents nurture young
Finally freedom to fly
Fledglings spread their wings

dinsdag, december 08, 2015


Back and sometimes forth
Mirrors, thoughts reflect as well
Stories of my life

maandag, december 07, 2015


another week gone 
it is Monday once again
weeks going by fast

            Have a nice Day                                                                                                                      

zondag, december 06, 2015

Long ago

fabrick art journals
It was a swap setup by Arlee
the wonderful flowers you see are from the page arlee made

have a nice day

zaterdag, december 05, 2015

Sinterklaas feest

Sinterklaas Kapoentje
 Gooi wat in mijn Schoentje
 Gooi wat in mijn laarsje
 Dank u sinterklaasje

Have a nice day

 Afbeeldingsresultaat voor sinterklaas

vrijdag, december 04, 2015

Day 4

I like my pillow, my fancy bed,
My cat tree and the bathroom sink.
Each has its time and fills a need,
but a box is best when I want to think.

  have a nice day

donderdag, december 03, 2015

Day 3

the beginning of my blog  in september 2005
sharon b the challenge to make a bag from an old jeans
I learned a lot and made friends al around the world
 some of them  are still on my blog list

 My bag of fun ,,,the name of the challenge
is still a bag but worn out
a very good use of the bag

 have a nice day