zondag, maart 30, 2008
I wil be back next sunday
we are going to Barcelona
see you all soon
warm regards Emmy
dinsdag, maart 25, 2008
more from Mother
The last challenge we are working one is , Mother, it is the theme Sandra gave us ,
we are as you know by now , Sandra, Willy, And my little persone .
We wanted it to be a secret but we are not so good in keeping secrets .
Mother, 3 cirkles for 3 children the connection to the Mother and the long and hard way a Mother hase to go sometimes to the growing up and to let go of her children .
I wonder if you can see the meaning in this quilt of the Mother
it is stil in progres and I dont know howe to finish it But there is first much more embroidery to do
Ther last picture is a close up of the embroidery
maandag, maart 24, 2008
sneak peak
zondag, maart 23, 2008
Bag,, for Dutch bag ladies,,
woensdag, maart 19, 2008
after long and hard thinking
And now I did it ,,,,,, yes I did it
Laura and Linda Kemshall are given this course my Tutor is Marie Roper and I started last week ..
wil keep you informed about this adventure .
I dont have any pictures at this moment I wil be back soon with more news and pictures
dinsdag, maart 11, 2008
great Link
just this link you must see it !!!!!!!!!!
woensdag, maart 05, 2008
some days i sit in my little room and notting come,s out of my hands and some days it goes like crazy this is one of those days
dyeing and making book covers preparing for tommorow, I wil give an other workshop ,
I hope there is more inspiration see you later
maandag, maart 03, 2008
dye day
fabric and embroidery yarn dyeing some in a plastic bag and in a vase the results from the vase are so lovely the first photo,s are from the vase the last photo is yarn out of the plastic bags the fabric is hanging to dry I show you the results later
the colors are so beautiful
yarn from the vase
zondag, maart 02, 2008
a busy week
It hase been a very busy week taht is way it took so long for a new item on my blog
the little bag I made today it is from a UFO ,wendsday I went to Heerde to meet my lovely friends Willy Sandra and Beb these days are so very wonderful lots of ideas and we talk al day long .Willy gave me the idea for the little bag thank you Willy .
there is an other thing a finished I can,t show you it is for the Dutch Bag Ladies a group of ladies we get a challanga every 3 months .
Issue 3 from Fiber and Stitch is out and workshop on the web hase new lessons , you see there are many new things to attend to . and it is March already a new challenge from Sharon b
Do you ever notice the little things, the small moments, the details in life? This months challenge is to do just that, pay attention to the tiny details. Sometimes the small things become emblematic for something larger.
I found this qoute and I think is very great for this challenge ,I also love the colors this month
Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it ...........