this last week was very busy as always before a holiday .
But I also hade a wonderful day with the girls on wednesday ,,,,I so love those days I am looking forwerd for the next day thanks girls I am so happy we have met .....
And here is the last day for the big trip al is ready just a goodnight sleep and then we go ..
And I like to say thanks for al your lovely comments on my blog
11 sept my blog wil be 2 years and I must say I I love blogging ,,,
to all of my blog friends ,,warm regards and hope to see you soon,,
I wil mis you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vrijdag, augustus 24, 2007
zaterdag, augustus 18, 2007
transfere painting
I have never been there so it is al new for me very exciting ,,,,,,
But I hade to do something and this is the result ,,,
with transfere paint on paper irioned on polyeter vlies ,
I started to FM embriodery in the left corner there wil be muts more embriodery and I think also hand embriodery ,
the piece is A4 not so big but I love the colors
so maybe it wil turn out nice.
donderdag, augustus 16, 2007
zondag, augustus 12, 2007
Sumptuous Surface
zaterdag, augustus 11, 2007
a nomination
wauw look at this Sharon b nominated me for the nice matters award
thank you so much ,,,,, but now I have to go and think about the ones I want to nominate
and there are many ,,,,,,,,,
I stard here in my country there are 3 ladies I want to nominate
jacqueline , I love here art and she is a lovely ladie
Heidi, a great artist and a loving persone
annejeu also a great artist and I think it is of great impotans to nominate these people we are a small country with great woman and they make greatt art
Waltraud and Beate some great artist from germany
Dianne shirley these are also great friends and wonderful artists
there are so many more to nominate and it is so hard to do it I have many great friends one the internet and I love you all
zondag, augustus 05, 2007
more sumptuous surface
this picture is much better these colors are real the other picture was taking in to the dark this was taking in the sun
there is much more stitching to do but it is going one very well
As you al can see i made it into my headre I love this piece very much it gives my so much fun to make I hope to let you see the hole piece soon
and I must thank you so much for the comments on this work it is an insperation to me to go on
thank you so much
zaterdag, augustus 04, 2007
the first garden embriodery
this took a lot of time but is was so much fun to do I could not stop
the photo is not so very good it is to red .
the first part of the garden is finished
it wil take sometime to do the other parts
I did many different stitches more than is use to
I am very pleased with the result of it
but I like to now what you think
vrijdag, augustus 03, 2007
Sumptuous Surface lesson 4
A new design and in color .
I made this desing for the first lesson but did not use it
now I wil use it .
cirkels ful of the beauty of nature and the pad is there to walk on to look at al the wonders that nature gives us
the little pieces of linnen are handdyed
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better
Albert Einstein
donderdag, augustus 02, 2007
FAF page for Margaret
It is august already time fly,s
this page is for my FAF partner for august
here theme is curves I made curves from cords I made from threads and painted it is on a base fabric it is black silk on top layers of handdeyd chiffon
beads and hand embriodery added
I hope margaret wil like it
I added the color blue I think it needed it
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