
zaterdag, december 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by cramzy.
I wish you all i very merry christmas an d a happy new year
greatings Emmy

zondag, december 18, 2005


Originally uploaded by cramzy.
startet again on my journals
thanks to arlee . I did every day 1 mandala and some words
for years and I will do it again


Originally uploaded by cramzy.
a journal,, years ago

vrijdag, december 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by artphoto2005.
Cramzy thanks for letting me use your picture...The lamp reminded me of monarch butterflys so I created a butterfly flower and used the blend mode with some orchids and a distortion filter...enjoy have a nice holiday

maandag, december 05, 2005

feltet bag

feltet bag
Originally uploaded by cramzy.
It is a little feltet bag just for small things .

red flower

red flower
Originally uploaded by cramzy.
Just a red flower I needed to do something in red so a made a flower

woensdag, november 30, 2005

CQ katerina

CQ katerina
Originally uploaded by cramzy.
All that Jazz is a fundraiser for survivors of the Katrina disaster. The aim is produce a gem of crazy quilt or quilts to be auctioned in March on the six month anniversary of the disaster. They will be sold on Ebay in the United States with the money going to American Red Cross.

More information about the project can be found at

zondag, november 27, 2005

bag whit faeri

bag whit faeri
Originally uploaded by cramzy.

the front of the bag she wanted a feary so here she is

the bag with the faery

Flowers on backsite

Flowers on backsite
Originally uploaded by cramzy.

An other bag I made for a friend this is the back site.

Al flowers some fringels and much freemotion embriodery

on the machine

maandag, november 21, 2005

wunder world

wunder world
Originally uploaded by cramzy.
I ame trying Free motion embriodery First I have handdyed silk and than I embrioderd it on the machine .
I think it is oke it was a lot of fun to do .

Angelina fiber

Angelina fiber
Originally uploaded by cramzy.
Beads made of Angelina fiber not no what to do with it .

woensdag, oktober 26, 2005

You Are An Iris
You are a unique woman who needs a lot of novelty in her life.An inspiration seeker, you often have to change scenery to recharge.You don't deal well with structure or rules. You need to do it your own way.Your ideal relationships are free and flowing. No one can tie you down. href="">What Flower Are You?

Bag of fun

The backside of the bag. autum colors .This one is for my daugther ,
There are many buttons on the backside of the bag .

Bag of fun

my bag of fun

my bag is done now the linning is red and the straps are yellow as the colors in the bag.

donderdag, oktober 20, 2005


This is a textile postcard free motion embriodery I made this to experement whit free motion embriodery .I want to make a Large wallhanging .

zondag, oktober 16, 2005

And the backsite of the skirt.

Close up of the front of the skirt.

(bag) skirt of fun

evening bag

This is also a freeform bag knitting and crochet it is a little bag just for small things.


Well this is yummi yarn for a new bag freeform knitting and crochet .A new group on flick startet
it is about, sunday stash,every sundag you uploud a photo of some goodies in you stash this is a great idea so you will go and explore you one stash and then put it on the net . you can see more on Sunday stash

zondag, september 11, 2005

Dit is een uitdaging

Om van een oude spijkerbroek een tas te maken

Ik ben al aardig ver er zijn nog veel meer dames die hier aan mee doen je kan de tassen allemaal bekijken bij Flirk bags of Fun de uitdaging is op gang gebracht door sharon b

Veel kijk plezier


Vanaf nu ga ik je regelmatig wat vertellen over mijn hobby,s
Het maken van tassen ,crazy quilten ,borduren en nog veel meer met