
Posts tonen met het label postcard. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label postcard. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag, maart 03, 2007


This is a postcard I made for the needle felted challenge but it is also for the FAF the march issue is Tyvek
I made this card starting to Tyvek and on top a layer of organza ,this was FME on the machine and then heated with the heathgun ,
dyed chiffon needle punched on the tyvekand organza and ontop of that an other piece of needle felted organza in different colors

vrijdag, februari 02, 2007


Anna made this wonderful card I got it from here
in return I send here a card I made .
I am very happy whit this card

This card is from Lynda I recieved it some weeks ago .
it is a wonderful card
Thank you very much for the cards

zondag, januari 28, 2007

From Lynda

This page is made by Lynda
We are in a swap and my theme is blue and green

This is the first page and it is a beauty
10 layers of diverent fabric and paper

The blue pieces on top that is the paper

On Lynda,s blog you can see the proces of the
making of the page

This is the Tag It is hand made paper

al so wonderful

Here is a detail of the page

In real it is so baeutiful

It is a shame you can,t see it as it realy is

Thank you very much Lynda

This is a fabric post card I made today ,I am working on the page for Sue b I wil let you see the page in February ,

woensdag, januari 24, 2007


This postcard is for Francoise we are in on a swap she send me some lovely things and I made a postcard of it .I fergot to take a picture of the material she send me ,

but this is the result ,hand made paper i made in little pieces angelwire I burtn a bit and organza was punched on the embelisher I aranged it on the handdeyd cotton some FME and I added some beads

I hope she wil like it I liked doing it .

maandag, januari 22, 2007

colors of spring

I made these cards yesterday on the embellisher

It is a very soft winter here and I long for spring

so here are more spring colors.

merino wool and handdyed silk punched whit the embellisher

FME on cotton .

zaterdag, januari 06, 2007

Donna per Donna

I just got the deadline for Donna per Donna (Woman for woman)

I made two cards and wil send them monday
then they wil be there in time .

more on QuiltArtLugano 2007
There is a link on my blog

zaterdag, november 11, 2006

Red for Textile Tuesday

This is it now the finish of it and I am pleased

For the textile tuesday RED

in progres

I am not sure this wil work so I added more gold bands ,and go and see what is in my stas,

And then I see a left over from the goedies i got from Arlee so her it goes and I think this is it
Yes this wil be very nice

red it goes on

My machine is back again so I can work on my red piece ,and added some FME, At this moment I am not very happy with it so I must add more

A piece of needle felted wol with organza and FME ,It stil is not what I want it to be,more gold band added,And Imust take a cup of tea and think about it,not happy yet.

woensdag, november 08, 2006

Red for Textile Tuesday

I wil let you see the proses of making this piece for the textiele Tuesday
The first thing was looking for the richt fabric ,this is a piece of silk left over from a fabric journal I have made .
On the embelisher I made a altering in the fabric .

It is not good to see but if you look very good oyu see some needle felted wol I made on the embellisher

I got some mull, wol,punched it togeter on the embellisher and added it to the silk ,
I wamted to add some FME ,,, but my machine brook and I have to get it to the man to get it fiksed so I an you have to wait until this weekend , so sorry ,
when I am in the mood I like to go on ,, but I have to wait , it is so hard .....

vrijdag, november 03, 2006


I am a bit behind ,this post card is for the textile tuesday ,,chaos ,, it is a bit chaos in my mind ,

To mane swaps to little time , I hope to do some work in the weekend to clear out the work floor

My dear friend Dianne hase a blog to now ,please visite her blog and see the wonderful things she is making

I get a wonderful page from her it is a private swap and I am very pleased that we did this

donderdag, november 02, 2006


I hade so much trouble to post this, but here it is ,,,I wil try to put op some more photo,s If it workes ????
there are some swaps I am in to so I hade to make Fabric postcards ,,,
I was so happy becouse it worked very wel
This one is made from ,,, needle felt ,organza, silk, I wil keep this one and frame it ....
And I fergot to tel that this card is made for the,,, textile tuesday,,, I have a link on my blog ..

zondag, september 24, 2006

Donna per Donna

Donne per donne (Women for women)

Fiber Art Cards for Women after Breast Cancer

Dear Quilters
Dear Textile Artists

In 2007, the General Assembly of patCHquilt (Swiss Quilters Guild) takes place here in Lugano. On this occasion, we organize from 1-3 June Switzerland's first Quilt Festival: QuiltArtLugano 2007.

In addition to the various exhibitions and workshops in program, we have planned an exhibition of Fiber Art Postcards. Those postcards will be exhibited in Lugano before and during the Festival and put up for auction during our Gala evening and on our website to raise funds for a society called "Vivere come prima" ("Living as Before", a Swiss society for women after breast cancer). We have chosen this society on advise of Doctor Thomas Gyr, principal of our local Breast-Center.

We would like to invite Quilters and Textile Artists around the world to donate Fiber Art Postcards for this project. Therefore we invite you to forward this message to your friends and groups (attached files: invitations in four languages).

There are no restrictions on style of the Fiber Art Postcards, every material and every technique is allowed (traditional piecework as well as surface design techniques, mixed media, stitching/quilting by hand or machine), but please follow these guidelines to assure that we will have Fiber Art Postcards of high quality to offer:

Fiber Art Postcards are small works of ART of fine craftsmanship, created the same way as small (art-)quilts. Build your front as you would a small (art-)quilt.
Make each postcard unique, although it is possible working in a series (please number each piece).
Finished size: 4" x 6" (10cm x 15cm)
All edges should be finished in a clean manner (using a zigzag stitch around the edges).
The postcards must be sturdy and stable (use solid batting or interfacing such as Timtex or Vilene to provide a solid base for a collage.)
Sign your card on the (fabric) back with a Pigma pen. Write your name, city and country, the date and title of your postcard.
Put your card(s) in an envelope and send it to:

Bea Bernasconi, Via Navree 5, CH-6964 Davesco-Soragno (name from A-L), for informations:
Marlis Egger, Via Nava 16 C, CH-6963 Pregassona (name from M-Z, for informations:

Deadline: 31 January, 2007

For inspiration, view the Fiber Art Postcards at
More on QuiltArtLugano 2007: (official Festival website).

On behalf of the organizing committee we would like to thank you for your support of this project, fundraising for this society and helping women through breast cancer recovery.

Kind regards.

Bea Bernasconi
Marlis Egger


woensdag, januari 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by cramzy.

I made this for a swap

on the embellisher I made the leave . much FME

donderdag, oktober 20, 2005


This is a textile postcard free motion embriodery I made this to experement whit free motion embriodery .I want to make a Large wallhanging .