
Posts tonen met het label doll. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label doll. Alle posts tonen

zondag, juni 19, 2011


A new outfit for a new doll

a jacket and apron for working in the garden

New feet within my garden go,
New fingers stir the sod;
A troubadour upon the elm
Betrays the solitude.

New children play upon the green,
New weary sleep below;
And still the pensive spring returns,
And still the punctual snow!

-         Emily Dickinson  

woensdag, mei 18, 2011

The Mushroom

The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants --
At Evening, it is not --
At Morning, in a Truffled Hut
It stop upon a Spot
As if it tarried always
And yet its whole Career
Is shorter than a Snake's Delay
And fleeter than a Tare --
'Tis Vegetation's Juggler --
The Germ of Alibi --
Doth like a Bubble antedate
And like a Bubble, hie --
I feel as if the Grass was pleased
To have it intermit --
This surreptitious scion
Of Summer's circumspect.
Had Nature any supple Face
Or could she one contemn --
Had Nature an Apostate --
That Mushroom -- it is Him!
Emily Dickinson
1830 - 1886

zaterdag, januari 29, 2011


so cute so easy just for fun  I found it here 
how to make it 
and the article from Arlee
on this site

vrijdag, januari 21, 2011


A Beautiful Smile

A beautiful smile
falls 'cross your face
When you are happy
or full of grace.

A beautiful smile
fills your eyes,
When you're contented
 or surprised.

A beautiful magic
attends your soul,
When you have spoken
 of love untold.

woensdag, januari 19, 2011

Have patience

she want to get dressed , yes I know
Have patience first I want to take a walk
outside the sun is shining

this is my day of
time for myself
when I am back I make you a dress

ooo I forgot to say
I found her in this little shop

oant sjen

zaterdag, december 18, 2010

Christmas Angel

Christmas Angel

I'm not the smallest angel,
Nor a perfect one 'tis true,
And I'm not always so angelic
In everything I do.

But when I'm sad or frightened,
Or happy and okay,
You're the ones who love me
each and every day.

And though often I'm mistaken
This I know is true:
That I'm a special Christmas Angel
For I belong to you.

zondag, november 07, 2010

Rag Doll

The Little Rag Doll
Sally sat in a corner, a pretty Rag Doll
Molly loved her, Sally was hers, but once, Sally fell
Mother picked her up and loved Sally's frill a lot
'Ah! so nice for my little Jill' she thought
Mother mended little Jill's hem
using Sally's frill
It did look cute as Jill's white lace
But Sally was sad to lose her face
And now Molly did not think Sally was a gem
So she threw Sally
Behind her alley
Sally cried silent tears huddling naked washed with fright
in that empty can of Sprite
Jill picked her up and thought her dress was bright
It would make a pretty sight
when she cut her up and used her
to stuff her little Rag Doll.