Posts tonen met het label bag. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label bag. Alle posts tonen
zondag, maart 13, 2011
This Little Bag
This little bag I hope will prove
To be not vainly made--
For, if you should a needle want
It will afford you aid.
And as we are about to part
T'will serve another end,
For when you look upon the Bag
You'll recollect your friend
Jane Austen
zaterdag, juni 19, 2010
Old and new
old Fabric new fabric and here is a Bag
did not made one in a long time
this one can hold a lot
I love big bags
did not made one in a long time
this one can hold a lot
I love big bags
vrijdag, juni 04, 2010
woensdag, februari 28, 2007
wonderful wool
I love this wool the colors are so wonderful , I bought it from a lady that dyed it she hase a blog called
storm op zolder it is a lovely blog go and see this blog
I think this wil be a little bag
On the embellisher I felted the wool and than added embriodery
maandag, juli 31, 2006
Little Green Bag
A Little Green Bag
Lots of FME and beading .
It is not so hot anymore and It is my holiday ,
so I have some time to make new things ,
maandag, december 05, 2005
feltet bag
It is a little feltet bag just for small things .
zondag, november 27, 2005
bag whit faeri
the front of the bag she wanted a feary so here she is
the bag with the faery
Flowers on backsite
An other bag I made for a friend this is the back site.
Al flowers some fringels and much freemotion embriodery
on the machine
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