
Posts tonen met het label TAST 2. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label TAST 2. Alle posts tonen

donderdag, mei 06, 2010

Tast 2

For Tast 2 week 6 -7-8-9
the first picture is week 6-7 Buttonhole Eyelet Flower and the rope stitch
second picture is weel 8-9 Fancy hem stitch and the Raised Herringbone band
If you like to join ore see how the stitches are done go to

zondag, april 11, 2010


knotted buttonhole stitch and Tast 2 is turning in to a little book
A lovely stitch with lots of possibilitys
all thanks to sharon b

portuguese border stitch

I know I am a bit late but here is week 4  of Tast2
I want to keep up but there are many things to attend to
you can see week 5 and 6  and I will be busy to let you see more pictures

zondag, maart 21, 2010

week 3 for TAST 2

the beaded hedebo edge
the stitch for TAST 2
if you like to see howe the stitch is done go here
thanks to Sharon b a great blog

zaterdag, maart 13, 2010


TAST 2 there are 2 stitches already diamond stitch and the knotted loop stitch 
I am working on silk punched on organza 
the embroidery yarn is a perle  and hand deyd 
If you like to join and look how the stitches are done go and visite Sharon b