
Posts tonen met het label TAST. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label TAST. Alle posts tonen

donderdag, juni 14, 2007


handdyed threat,buttons ,beads , hand made cords.
The fabrick I am working on is an old jeans
it is not the top of the jeans but the leg
The top of the jeans and the legs wil al be bags
I love the recycling of old cloths
the stitches I used are crosstich and frenchknot

zaterdag, maart 24, 2007

TAST Couching

This week for TAST Couching ,
Here a little black felt piece on top red and green felted wool and some knitting yarn couched on top

donderdag, maart 15, 2007

TAST buttonhole stitch

An other week gone by it is going so fast but here is the new stitch for this week the dubble buttonhole stitch .
Needle felted merino wool and the buttonhole stitch ,
This is just a quick post ,I am working in the garden it is a very nice day and for the next days there wil be rain ,so I wil take some sunshine.

zondag, maart 11, 2007

Little box, TAST, PLOS,

First a little box I seen it on Kay Susans blog
I loved it so much taht is way I made one for a friend

This is for PLOS ,,Personal Lybrary of Stitch,,
this is a class on joggels given by Sharon B
it is a great class I learn a lot

TAST also by Sharon B this week the
Barred Chain Stitch
On needle felted wool and pieces of organza
embrioderd with handdyed silk

vrijdag, februari 02, 2007

TAST chevron stitch

Embrioderd on black cotton ,the cotton is stempt on whit piant from dreamline
I made the stemp whit foam on a wooden block
I tryed to make a curve if you go very easy it wil work

vrijdag, januari 19, 2007


The detached chain stitch an very easy stitch
I like this stitch very much
here it is embrioderd whit DMC on a background of handdyed cotton
the paint I used on the cotton is from
I love that paint you can do so many lovey things whit it .go and see here lovely site

vrijdag, januari 12, 2007

Buttonhole stitch

I adde some more stitching on this piece
I have to wait until next week to add more

The buttonhole stitch

embrioderd on handdeyd cotton .

Do you like it ?

donderdag, januari 04, 2007

Take a stitch

Herringbone stitch

That is the first of many stitches I wil explore ,
The first sample is a little piece of fabric and I embrioderd just the herringbone stitch
I jused embriodery silk in diverent colors

This picture let you see a diverent fabric it is felt , here I wil add more stitches ,
here is the herringbone stitch and next week there wil be an other stitch .