
Posts tonen met het label PLOS.. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label PLOS.. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag, maart 30, 2007


The last week for the Personal Lybrary of stitch the class of Sharon B on Joggles
I learned a lot and I am stil making samplers ,
This one I just finished

zondag, maart 11, 2007

Little box, TAST, PLOS,

First a little box I seen it on Kay Susans blog
I loved it so much taht is way I made one for a friend

This is for PLOS ,,Personal Lybrary of Stitch,,
this is a class on joggels given by Sharon B
it is a great class I learn a lot

TAST also by Sharon B this week the
Barred Chain Stitch
On needle felted wool and pieces of organza
embrioderd with handdyed silk

zaterdag, maart 03, 2007

week 2 for class with Sharon b

here is some work for the embriodery class I am taken at the moment
Sharon B is given the lessons and I must say it is a great class