Showing posts with label styling product. Show all posts
Showing posts with label styling product. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Down the drain - Organix mousse, bonus hair recipe

I poured the last half of my Organix pomegranate green tea mousse down the drain yesterday. It made my hair crunchy, tangly, and didn't really do much for definition.

Also, I got a rebate on it, so it's not like I'm out anything.

Actually, I bought it on sale and I think the rebate amount was for the regular price, so I actually made a profit. Thanks, Organix!

Now all I have in the way of styling products is a tiny thing of hairspray, a homemade oil-cream paste, and some aloe gel - which is also good for other things.

The oil-cream paste comes from a recipe by Fox on a hair forum I belong to.

1 part coconut oil
2 parts shea butter
2 parts conditioner of your choice (I've used both Kiss My Face Whenever and Giovanni Direct Leave in).

Gently melt the oil and butter together, take off heat (or out of microwave), stir in conditioner. Pour into a clean jar. Let solidify.

A teaspoon is a good part size to start with.

Use a small amount to tame flyaway hair or condition the ends.