Showing posts with label Blog Hiatus 20. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Hiatus 20. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Sewing - Make your own Animal Bag

Every time I get my sewing machine out of the attic my son always asks to have a go on it.  During 'normal' times my answer is a swift no, maybe another time, ask me in the holidays etc... etc... 
However, after trying homeschooling for a few days and realising that finding activities that last more than a few minutes are our top tip - suddenly when he asked about the sewing machine this week my answer was yes!  

Inspired by a pin on Pinterest I decided to set a simple task of creating two small animal faced draw string bags for them.   Alfred was happy making the Panda that initially inspired us from Pinterest (link) Unfortunately, like so many Pinterest pins these days I can't credit the original owner OR click though to a blog with detailed instructions so I re-created it myself (see downloadable patterns below).  We chose a panda face inspired by one of Wendy Kendall's Designs to draw on the front (link to Wendy's instagram and website)  She has loads of there cute characters which if you're confident enough to adjust my pattern template will make equally cute designs!  My daughter Elsie wanted to make a Unicorn(!) so we were inspired by a print by Printed Fabrics and adapted that design into our own bag print.

What you will need:

- Fabric about A3 size* (an old shirt or bedding would work great)
- Chord - an old shoelace, plaited wool, gardeners string will do**
- Cotton (any colour)
- Permanent Marker - a sharpie
- Sewing Machine ( or needle and cotton if you have the time and patience!)
- Scissors
- Pins (if you don't have pins just tape a couple of edges of the pattern to the fabric so pattern doesn't move when you're cutting out!)

Optional Extras:

- Buttons for eyes
- Fabric paint/pens
- Anything creative you can add to make it your own!

*I used calico that I ordered from Amazon
**I used some florescent camping guy rope spares

Step 1:

Download one of the attached templates (see bottom of post) - either the panda or the Unicorn.  These are simple templates.  You can change the details/design of the faces easily into a bear, horse, giraffe etc.  Just look online for inspiration! Cut the templates out carefully with scissors.

Step 2:

Pin the patterns to a piece of fabric.  An old piece of bedding or some shirt fabric will do.  I used calico (which you can order off Amazon) as I always have some around.  Cut out the pieces of fabric carefully.

Step 3:

Use marker pens and/or fabric paints to draw any face details to your design.  I placed the design under my fabric - the fabric was thin enough for me to see through and trance the design.  I used a thin nib black sharpie for the Panda and a combination of a black sharpie and some fabric paints I had in the attic for the Unicorn.  Make sure if you are using fabric paints that you leave the fabric to dry over night to avoid smudging and spoiling your design!

Step 4:

Iron the fold lines for the tunnel that will house your draw chord.  Iron the 5 mm at the top and then then over again to make the channel for the chord.  At this stage if you want to be a perfectionist you can sew the 2 cm edge in at the top just at what will be the entry to the chord channel to avoid fraying.  You can totally miss this part out though if its too confusing/complicated!!

Step 5:

Stitch the back and front of the ears together.  Make sure you sew them together inside out so when you turn out, the drawing details are facing the outside and all the stick details are bagged into the middle.

Step 6:

Place the chord into the channel you have ironed at the top (this is easier to do now then trying to thread it through later!  Stitch the channels closed so - make sure you don't sew over the chord.  Go very slow!

Step 7:

Place the back and front of the face together so the fact details are on the inside.  Insert ears into the correct positions and pin/stick into place.

Step 8:

Sew from BELOW the drawcord channel all the way around to the other side (below the drawcord entry)  Turn inside out and secure the drawcord with a knot at the end and you should have a draw string bag?

Panda Template

Unicorn Template

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