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Showing posts with label m80. Show all posts
Showing posts with label m80. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2010

NOTD: Essie Flirt

NOTE: I've added a konad design. Click here to see =)

Essie Turkey Facebook Page recently did a "Guess That Polish" challenge, and I was one of the three winners. As a prize, they sent me the polish I guessed correctly, which is Essie Flirt.
Essie Flirt is an orange-based coral, with a little pink inside. It's a bit hard to describe. It's not too bright like Eyeko Coral Polish, a bit muted, and it's a very pretty shade. I think color might be called Deep Carmine Pink. (See Wikipedia.) The only problem I had was the opacity of this polish. I used 4 coats, and they were not thin. And I can still see a bit of VNL. I'm going to apply this over an off-white polish next time. If I have to waste coats of polish, it might at least be white =)

See how gorgeous it is? I love it.
Oh, and something more important. When I received Essie Van D'go last week from their online store, I realized that the polish had leaked from the bottle. I contacted their help center, and they offered to send me a new bottle immediately. I received a mint condition polish in less than 24 hours. So thanks again, Essie Turkey, for your fast reply and excellent customer service.

ETA: I did some konad on this manicure, but it didn't last very long =) But here is a picture, anyway:

Used special polish in white & m80 for the design.

Essie Türkiye Facebook Sayfası'nın son yarışmasında rengi ilk doğru tahmin eden 3 kişiden biri olduğum için, o rengi bana hediye olarak gönderdiler, yani Essie Flirt.
Essie Flirt turuncu bazlı bir mercan rengi, ama içinde pembe de var. Tarif etmesi zor bir renk. Eyeko Coral Polish gibi parlak değil, daha soluk bir renk ve çok çok güzel. Tek sorunu opaklığı. 4 kat sürmeme rağmen, ki ince de sürmediğim halde hala tırnak çizgim belli oluyor. Bunu bir daha sefere #319 gibi bir ojenin üzerine süreceğim, en azından oje harcayacaksam bu her an bulabileceğim bir oje olsun =)
Bu arada daha önemli birşeyden bahsetmek istiyorum. Geçen hafta web sayfalarından Essie Van D'go siparişi vermiştim, ama geldiğinde ojenin akmış olduğunu gördüm. Bunu kendilerine bildirdiğimde, bana hemen yeni bir oje göndereceklerini söylediler, ve ertesi gün gerçekten elime ulaştı. Hızlı cevabınıza ve kusursuz müşteri hizmetinize tekrar teşekkür ederim Essie Türkiye yetkilileri.
Ekleme: Konad m80 ve beyaz oje ile yaptığım deseni ekledim =)

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

From The Vault: Juicy Blue

I had about 5 manicures in the past 5 days, but none of them I felt like showing on my blog. This one was the only exception. I wanted to name this manicure "Juicy Blue" because it's a medium blue jelly and it's so glossy and squishy and translucent on the edges =))) I have a thing for jellies, and the only brand that fulfills my jelly needs in Turkey is Claire's.
This is 4 coats, and was stamped with plate m80 and Konad special polish in Sky Pearl. It's very very subtle, and I like that the jelly look is preserved that way =)

I'm almost done with picking stuff for my giveaway! It's going to be awesome =)
Don't forget to check out my NOTD in the below post!
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Thursday, March 4, 2010

NOTD: Oh Hai Spring!

After cutting my nails down, I've decided to sum up the black theme, because I needed something more cheerful and bright on my nubbinz. Here is Del Sol Island Fever, 3 coats. This polish was sent to me by Elizabeth, thank you dear lady =) Del Sol polishes are supposed to change their color outdoors, but I didn't experience any remarkable color change with this one. Maybe it's because of the weather today, but I placed the bottle in a ray of sunlight and it stayed green and didn't turn aqua. Maybe it will work better on a sunny day, I'm hopeful!
Anyway, I stamped the manicure with flowers from plate m80 and Konad special polish in red. Then I used my pink Konad nail art pen to place dots in the middle of the flowers:

Nails are out of focus here:

I took these pictures with dad's camera. So far I like them more than the ones taken with my own cam. I guess I'll experiment a bit more with it.
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