From The Vault: Juicy Blue | Emerald Sparkled -->

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

From The Vault: Juicy Blue

I had about 5 manicures in the past 5 days, but none of them I felt like showing on my blog. This one was the only exception. I wanted to name this manicure "Juicy Blue" because it's a medium blue jelly and it's so glossy and squishy and translucent on the edges =))) I have a thing for jellies, and the only brand that fulfills my jelly needs in Turkey is Claire's.
This is 4 coats, and was stamped with plate m80 and Konad special polish in Sky Pearl. It's very very subtle, and I like that the jelly look is preserved that way =)

I'm almost done with picking stuff for my giveaway! It's going to be awesome =)
Don't forget to check out my NOTD in the below post!


  1. I know what you mean about this sent me that purple one...It's just the way you described it. You're so lucky to have Claire's in Turkey. That's one lovely color.

  2. Hey Sasha, I'm going to include some other jellies and cremes from Clarie's in my giveaway, I just hope I can announce it soon!

  3. I think Jellies are so pretty, this one is no exception...I don't think I have a single one! Need to rectify does one recognize a jelly in the bottle?

  4. Ummm.... Good question! =DD I guess they are sort of translucent when held against a strong light... But you definitely recognize one when you open the cap, they are not opaque like creme polishes and they have a squishy feel =)

  5. I like the subtle sky blue konad design on top of the bright blue.

  6. Cok guzelmis, ben de alayim geldigimde :)

  7. I love this blue, and I'm so jealous that you have Claire! :)

  8. thank you greenmilktea =)
    oykucum, bir giveaway yapmayi dusunuyorum bu ojelerle =)
    Dear laquermanic, I'm going to offer a bunch of Clarie's in a giveaway!
    Thank you Susie =)

  9. Çok güzel olmuş Deniz :) bugün ben de tesadüfen mavi-beyaz Konad yapmak için oturdum ama son onda çizdim tırnağı içime sinmedi :/ Claire's ojeleri merak etmeye başladım, hiç kullanmadım daha önce :)

  10. bunlar yeni cikti canim, cok guzeller =)))) konadlarini merakla bekliyorum =)

  11. Very pretty cornflower blue. I'm just not good at telling the jellies from the cremes. The only polish type I know for sure is glitter! That one I can't miss. Love the design on your nails also.

  12. Thank you Lucy =) Jellies look like water on the nails, a bit transparent on the edges! They are not streaky (not counting the first coat) and they even out well. =)


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