This week was such a week of 'firsts' (relatively speaking):
My first movie in an actual theater in over 8 years. It was one of those 'plexes' and I was surprised at how small the viewing area was. And how expensive the popcorn was! I decided to take myself out on a movie date, since waiting for the arrival of a real date would probably post-date the existence of theaters. And, since it was a date, I opted for non-cholesterol-free popcorn with butter. So there. I did choose the smallest size and I did bring water. I haven't had a soda for ......
as many years until Tuesday! When I had a diet ginger ale. Now I remember why I don't drink them. I burped all afternoon. And spent a lot of time worrying about the safety of drinking out of a can, took another half hour to locate a straw, then fussed so much with it that I wouldn't be surprised that my next one won't be for another 10 years, if ever.
Both of these 'new' experiences have made me realize how far out of the mainstream I've swum. I saw Les Miserables and enjoyed parts of the movie but, for the most part, I spent most of the time at a disconnect. I was disconnected from the characters, critiqued the singing, wondered why they would cast a boy with a Cockney accent so thick you could have shoveled it as a Parisian urchin, and spent WAY too much time contemplating Hugh Jackman's tongue (before you get any ideas, go see the movie). This unwillingness on my part to throw myself with abandon into the movie experience bothered me all the way home (an hour round trip, thanks to booneyville living). Then I realized that I have spent a good 14 years cut off from the arts. No wonder, I sez to me. I need to ease myself back in! And I need to go with an actual date - talking to myself is not as much fun as sharing a whine...
So, I am going to take me to the movies once a month. Providing, of course, there is anything I want to see.