
Showing posts with label pine trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pine trees. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Re-purposing is a Farm-ily Affair.

(Pardon the 'redecorating' - Blogger seems to have a mind of its own lately.  Blue does seem appropriate for February, though.)

Behold the Christmas tree!  Sheep and goats love pine.  They love to nibble the needles.  They love to chew the bark.  I give them a regular helping of tree trimmings, but this year each group got its own tree!  This is what is left of the sheep's tree.  Once they've finished with it, it goes into the wooded part of the lot as small animal habitat.  Yes, I am a chipmunk enabler. 

Chipmunk, shipmunk.  Let's talk about my cool camouflage!
Finishing off a few branches.
 The goats don't seem to mind the snow, but hate rain.  They take rain very personally.  They also don't get much exercise in the winter, as all they want to do is eat.  Sound familiar?  I do try to run around and get them going every once in a while.  Mostly, I am afraid that I will fall and lie there on my back in the snow like a turtle, clad in sixteen layers, zipped into a one piece Carhart insulated jumpsuit - undiscovered until spring.