Showing posts with label shawls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shawls. Show all posts

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Happy To Be Back!

 I haven't blogged in a really long time.  I had lost interest, and found myself smitten with Instagram, which is a site that I really enjoy still.  But, I decided to give blogging another try, hopping to share more thoughts and content.  Hopefully I can stay with it.  There's still blogs that I love to look at, and I think more people are starting to blog again.  Maybe?

I'm still rug hooking.  The above is my current project, which will eventually be a large poppy pillow.  I stopped hooking for awhile, but joined Deanne Fitzpatricks creativity class called The Harbour.  It's a monthly class for one year full of great books, interviews and lots of creative inspiration and discussion.
This class really got me jump started back into rug hooking!

I've also had a lot of fun designing and constructing hooked bags.

These three are my most recent.  The blue and black are currently in my

Another favorite pastime that I continue is weaving on my triloom.  I'm addicted to Noro yarns and have recently woven these two lovely shawls made from a soft and vibrant cotton blend.  They drape beautifully!

These two shawls are also in my shop.

Another fun thing that I recently dipped my brush into is Annie Sloan Chalk paint.  I have/had these white cupboard doors in my bath.  Well, I became enamored with Annie Sloan's chalk paint palette after reading an article about her in Selvedge Magazine.  I fell in love with all her colors, but really have a passion for the Antibes Green.  So I used that on the insets of my doors.  Then I cut a stencil using inspiration from seeing the gorgeous purple/black tulips in Amsterdam.  So happy with the results!

Hope you're enjoying this gorgeous spring.  All the flowering trees are in full bloom here.  The colors and lilac fragrance outside my door in amazing!

One of my new fancy tulips I planted last fall.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Shawls, Bags, and The Little Blue Cupboard


I've been making, and organizing, and trying to make creative plans for 2018!

Put a couple of shawls and bags in the Between Friends library gift shop where I volunteer one night a week.  It's the absolute best place to shop for gifts and just fun things for yourself.  No tax, and proceeds go back to the library.  WIN WIN!

I've got another on the loom that needs to be fringed, just haven't "felt it" lately.  Maybe this weekend I'll get back at it.

I'm showing a bit of my work for the month of December at a sweet little bistro, Tea Bar and Bites Cafe.  "Willow's Dream" is one of five pieces I'm showing.  The reception is tomorrow evening, and I'll post a few photos from that soon.

Willow's Dream

Having the best time with my Little Blue Cupboard spot at the Vintage Peddler Antique and Vintage Market.  

I've put a bit of Christmas in, but looking forward to January for a complete redo.  It's a tiny spot, but I've got big plans!

Loving this late spring like weather, but also looking forward to a bit of winter (crazy, but I love all four seasons!).  We don't have as much of that anymore, and things are starting to rebloom, not to mention insects are still out and about.  Saw a pretty little yellow butterfly the other day.  Oh... and a couple of mornings back, I was up early getting ready for my morning swim, stepping into the dark living room to turn on a light, looked up, and a bat was splayed out on the ceiling!  After much swooping about, hubby was able to get it in a large jar without any injuries for us, cats, or the bat.  Aren't bats supposed to be hibernating by now?


Monday, August 14, 2017

That's What I Do

Blog Post Time

I'm still at it.... can't seem to stay away.  And the true reason is that I'm continually wowed with several very awesome blogs I've seen lately.  Women who write about all kinds of interesting and somewhat relevant (depending) topics.  Art, fashion, hair, more art, books.   I haven't linked anything new in my sidebar, but will get to that soon.  Stay tuned as you'll discover some very funny, artistic, and thoughtful musings and photography.

So.... I'm

Sleeveless with shawl.  Tank underneath, and sort of a 
cool look as is.

Well, ok, it's just another shawl.  The story on this one is that I was not the least bit inspired by the color.  But I continued to weave just wanting it done and off the loom.  When finished I tea dyed some ribbon, dug out more of my dwindling supply of sari silk, but then.... happy, but not just super excited.  I rooted around in the studio, and came up with an unopened ball of some luscious gold thick/thin Italian yarn.  I added long streamers between all the ribbon and sari silk.  That did it!  Love it, and it looks and feels so fall, fall, fall!

Kinda loving this little "blowing in the wind" shot.

And here's


Willow's Dream mounted on canvas.  She's a sweetie for sure.  I think I got her little smile, and intensely blue eyes about right.  I dyed most of this wool, and what doesn't show up, is the very tiny gold threads that run through out.  Gives this piece a very subtle sparkle.  If you read my blog, you probably know this is wool hooked onto linen.  If not, well there you go..... that's what I do!

I'm trying to get up the courage to apply for a spot in a Chicago show.  I have the application bookmarked, but can't quite get to filling it out yet.  Not even sure what I'd enter.  Self-esteem, fear of failure, etc.  We'll see.... it all depends on my inner spark.  If I'm tired.... no way.... If I'm in a general burst of energy and creativity ..... there's a good chance I'll apply, then fret about it later.  

Ok.... hang in there.... here's something new!

I made a dress!

Picked up this cute Tina Givens pattern and fabric on complete impulse.  Just stared at it for a couple of weeks.  Then started to cut.  At that point I began to get a little excited.  I remembered my old sewing days (still use the used machine I bought when I was 18).... gathering, basting, etc.  What's completely wonderful with this pattern..... no facings, honoring the fray by leaving edges sewed to right sides, no darts or enclosures of any kind.  Actually, my cat could probably make this.   But I'm pretty  proud.  I'll wear it and have hubby take a photo.  It will be perfect this fall with tights, boots, and a very pretty pink shawl I have socked away.

Lastly, here's a dreamy shot taken the other day at Sandstone.... the most gigantic and truly magnificent garden store.  We went there and had a fab lunch, then drooled at all the concrete statuary and fountains.  Need a trip back with a truck!


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Summer Musings

Oh.... hello!  Been awhile.  I battle with this blog thing.  Can't seem to get myself to post anymore, but then I read these great posts on other's blogs, and I think "well, blogging's not dead yet".  And.... I really do like taking photos and writing about them.  I use Instagram all the time.  It's become a tiny hobby.  Love using the filters, and curating my own little band of people and organizations that I like to follow.  It's sort of like a magazine of pictures that I've personally chosen.  But...... I'm here today to lay a few shots down of my beautiful, but extremely hot and humid world.  Although....the upside with all this humidity is skin, nails and hair.  Really, there's a big difference this time of year as opposed to days on end in heated enclosures.  But, boy do I LOVE a change of seasons!  Would not want to live where it's the same day in and out.  Oh dear, a bit off topic (whatever my topic is.......) not sure.

This photo was taken from the upstairs bedroom window a couple of weeks ago before all this heat wrapped us up in it's sweaty grip .  The mimosa has grown so much this year.  It's become a cloud of pink, with the most heavenly scent.  This tree has been in bloom for a month!  But I'm looking outside right now, and blooms are browning and tumbling into birdbaths and our pond.  Still, the aroma is fabulous if you catch the breeze just right.

See all those pink puffs!  All the same tree crowning our back yard.  It's like a tropical jungle.

I use these super hot days of summer to spend time in my studio with the AC cranked up, and podcasts and Netflix keeping me company (I've discovered "Absolutely Fabulous"  Hysterical!).  Things are a bit untidy, but it's my "happy place".

I took this shot today.  You may see the green shawl I'm working on, and the canvas that I've just painted red.  The color is actually called Christmas Red, but it has just a touch of orange in it that makes it perfect to mount this on.

My Willow Rug.... Willow is our extremely sweet girl.  This rug is done, with a few tweaks since I took this photo.  I'll post again when I have her mounted on canvas.  I'm showing her in December at a little exhibition I'm having.  Just four large pieces.

My new favorite shawl is the most gorgeous dusty sort of lavender.  Lovely silk/cotton blend.  I tea dyed much of the attached ribbon.

Smashing against the old green iron bench!  I chalk painted that bench a couple of years ago, and it just gets better with time and the elements.

Speaking of green.... here's little peek of a deck corner.  Everything is here, because it's the only spot that receives any sun.  I keep a few herbs and my trusty geraniums.

Fact:  when in France I saw that people really do have tidy window boxes of geraniums sitting on windowsills.  The scent keeps away insects.  Good to know.  I loaded up on red this year and have several pots located about.

And lastly...... enjoy this sweet little video I took the other morning of a very industrious garden spider.  The web was amazing with the east sun shining through.  All golden and sparkly!


Monday, May 29, 2017

Creating Here And Abroad

It certainly has been awhile since I've been here!  But.... good excuse.... have been in France!

Must include the "tower selfie"

And, of course, the tower at night.

I have zillions of other photos taken in amazing places, but this has to be my very most favorite.

Many beautiful swans drifting along the River Seine.  Lots of white baby puff balls everywhere!  Love how she carries her tiny ones on her back.  So sweet!

Another nice memory was taking an afternoon watercolor class just outside of Giverny.  The artist that gave the class has a painting studio on the grounds.  Here is my little watercolor.

I'm so glad I took a small set of paints with me, because I had the opportunity to paint a few more times on the journey.

My latest creations here at home (home sweet home.... so nice to return to) are these small hooked artbags.

And another lovely shawl I wove shortly before France.  It's a nice lite ply and a silk/mohair blend.  Perfect for cool spring and summer evenings.

I'm contemplating putting these in my Etsy store.  It's all the photography, writing, whatnot.... feeling a bit lazy.  

I'm really concentrating on a relaxing and healthy life these days.  It's becoming sort of a hobby.
This is where I'm at right now.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Bits and Pieces

It's such a lovely time right now.  60 degree days interspersed with days in the 40's.  Warm enough for early crocus and bees.

My beloved snowdrops are also starting to poke up their tiny heads.  Something about the small early bloomers really makes me hopeful and happy.

I' ve been tending my indoor gardens this winter here's a favorite of mine.  The "toilet garden".

Plants just seem to be accumulating in this nicely lit spot.  

Another project this week has been denim redo's.  First I decided I really wanted a particular kind of denim skirt.  It had to be just below the knee and a bit a-lined.  I found a Youtube video that showed how to make one out of jeans, so I starting ripping out the seams of my old beat up garden jeans.  Ended up with my perfect fit denim skirt!

I am so pleased with it!  I actually have it out now being embroidered with my initials in gold on the front pocket, a bit more fraying on the hem, and good to go!

The man saw me rummaging around for denim and gave me his horribly ripped 501's.  The knees were too ripped to be stylish, so I patched with a bit of antique paisley and hand dyed velvet.  I have them on now (2nd day in a row), and am totally in love!  

Also been working on shawls, and have a couple of new ones at Ms. Gilmores Vintage Suitcase.  Her style works well with my style.

Love how they're displayed so lushly layered.

And...... a visit today by this big boy at the bird feeder (with several lady friends who had scattered).

Spring may officially be some weeks away yet, but oh..... I can feel it coming!


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Pompoms and Lemons

I've been weaving away, and decided to add a new little "happy" to one of my shawls.

Notice the three raggedy pompoms?  Just enough to add a bit of charm without being silly.  Also used the same silk/mohair blend with the pompoms as I use with my shawls.  No cheap yarn pompoms on my shawls!  Actually it's very cute on.  Especially when I wrap it with all three showing in the front.

I like the following picture of another recent shawl.  I draped it with a tote I made about 20 plus years ago.

I needle pointed these sweet little folk art houses from a pattern book of my mom's.  The designer is Mary Norden.  I then turned the needle pointed piece into a bag.  I don't carry it much anymore as I prefer much smaller handbags, but mom and I did several patterns from her book, and this piece has a great amount of sentimental value and love in it.  I keep it on the door for memories and inspiration.

Another home "happy" that I recently acquired is this pretty little lemon tree.

I had been wanting one, but thought I would have to wait until spring.  Then.... a couple of weeks ago at the grocery, I found that they had brought in a bunch of lemon and lime trees!  I was so excited, and brought this one to it's new home.  Hope it does well.  I've been gently visiting it each morning when I open the blinds with encouraging loving thoughts and words.

And I am very encouraged by the huge turnout in our small/medium town at the Women's March Saturday.

On my right is my very dear friend Katie.  We made a perfect marching pair! 


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Carrying On

These short, and unseasonably warm days are a bit strange, and yet so lovely........ they make me feel  lazy, and not sure what to do with myself.  My inner seasonal clock wants to nest, work with wool, and make soup.  I'm actually doing these things, but don't feel as driven as I usually do.  I have an upcoming bazaar that I'm forcing myself to get ready for.  

One shawl done, and last one on the loom.

Ready to be crocheted off, then finished up.

Spent an afternoon dyeing wool with Tammy.

 These colors inspire me to get something on the hooking frame.  They're just luscious!

I've been very intrigued and wowed by the work of Louisa Creed, and her cats.  I've drawn a similar pattern with our little cat Iris in mind.  This pattern is lacking almost all detail.... which I'll add as I hook.  I've put together, what I hope to be, an awesome color palette for this one.

Excited to start the eyes!

And...... finished my "Create" pillow.

Had gobs of fun making this.  Some things come together with little to no real effort, and others are just plain hard.  I think it has to do with where my creativity level is at.  Energized or low octane.  I seem to not have much control over that.

And, with kiddos arriving tomorrow, the man wanted to have some lights out to greet them.  

They look like bright red berries in this old scrubby tree!


Simple Pleasures During Confusing Times

Such complicated and confusing times we’re living in these days. Do I go out or stay in? Mask all or some of the time? Travel?! It’s all so...