Showing posts with label art wear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art wear. Show all posts

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Summer Shawl

Another shawl with the additions of extra long sari silk and tea dyed ribbon. Great for summer in this soft silk/cotton Noro blend.   Love it against this old disintegrating chair.  The chair should be pitched, definitely not useable.  But it's so beautifully old!  Great prop for whatever I decide to photograph!

Very hot and extremely humid, but I love the jungle effect we have surrounding our house.  Daily visits by deer, and a mother raccoon the other morning with at least seven babies bumping into each other.  So cute!  Watched a hawk flutter up outside the studio door with a snake.  That didn't end well.  I like all the dampness.  It looks and feels lush.  Great for skin and hair!  Another summer day in the Ozarks.


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Etsy Time

It's that time of year again...... yes, updating and reviving my Etsy store.  For now, I'm just adding a few shawls as I finish them.  I put in three today, and will add another pretty blue next week.

Here's what I have so far:

All three are made with gorgeous Noro yarn, in a silk/mohair blend.  Very light weight, and nice for all seasons and occasions.

This one is mine, but love the green and have yarn to make another.  Its's a silk/cotton Noro blend.  Such a great color!

So.... if you like green, may have one in the shop in a couple of weeks or so.  You can visit at

I take these everywhere in the spring and summer to stay warm in overly air-conditioned shops, restaurants, etc.  They wad up nicely in a tote.... no wrinkles ever!  That's what you get with great yarn..... gorgeous color, and soft great texture!


Simple Pleasures During Confusing Times

Such complicated and confusing times we’re living in these days. Do I go out or stay in? Mask all or some of the time? Travel?! It’s all so...