Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts

Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Member Of The Family

Welcome Shelly!

Summer and Crystal have been gone just over 6 months and our family has had a big hole in our hearts. Max has been very sad and attached to his human dads side and JBs when he came home from college. Now he has Shelly to play with and love. Shelly and Max are best of friends. As you can see Shelly is very happy in her new home.

Debbi Proud Parent of a U.S. Army Soldier and AROTC Cadet ©2006 - 2010 DubiQuilts

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Puppy, Belated Birthday and Easter

I hope everyone had a great Easter. My family got together at my sister house for Easter dinner, to celebrate my son's (belated) birthday and to met the new puppy.

This cutie is Sasha. She is an eight week old black lab.

This is BB with Roxie. Roxie is still looking around the house for Carmella and does not understand why Carmella is not there. Roxie also does not understand what the little black puppy is doing in the house but they are getting along well with each other.
I did not bring my camera to my sister's so I used my cellphone camera and this photo is not the best. This is BB blowing out this candles for this 22nd birthday. The flame was not that big but the glare from 23 candles was very big.

Debbi (email)
©2006 - 2008 DubiQuilts

Thursday, September 27, 2007

When It Rains My Dogs Sleep Here

This is Summer (left side) and Max sleeping in my bed. They are at the end of my bed on a body pillow. You can see the dark green sheet that I am using to cover the quilt so it does not get muddy. Now you know why I am making a blue jean quilt for my bed (see early post). This is Crystal on the chair in the livingroom. As you can see the chair is covered with sheets. Cystal sleeps like this all the time.

Debbi (email)
©2006 - 2007 DubiQuilts

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Max and Crystal - Resting Dogs

How Much Is That Doggy In The Window?
This is Max and he is allowed to sit on the bow window sill. When I went to take his photo he must of though I was going to yell and tell him to get down. Max is sitting on a pad that I quilted for him. His was scratching the wood sill with his nails. This sweet but very big black lab is Crystal. She is not allowed to "rest" on the bow window sill. I did yell for her to get off not that she listened. I guess it is doggy see doggy do. Crystal is sitting on Max's sill pad, well she is trying too. I have my antique Singer Sewing Machine covered with patchwork bed sheet because Crystal has been spotted "resting" on it when Max is in the window. At least our other dog Summer has not be spotted "resting" in the window. Summer is the good dog who never gets in trouble.

Debbi (email)
©2006 - 2007 DubiQuilts

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

WIP - Wednesday 06-13-2007

I am not working on anything in the studio, just ironing the 20 yards of fabric I painted over the past 2 days.

It was another great day here in Chicagoland and I spent most of my day outside.

It is not quite the dog days of summer but my dogs do not know that. Here are some photos of Crystal and Summer enjoying their day.



Crystal on Tramp and Summer on the ground

Debbi (email)
©2006 - 2007 DubiQuilts