It's been some time since I've joined in the fun on Wild Bird Wednesday.
I have a very special bird to share.
It's not my first sighting of Cedar Waxwing but by far the best!
The first time a few months back I only caught a glimpse,
just enough to know what I had seen and was unable to get a good picture.
This time there were at least 2 munching on the fruit of this tree and this one gave me a nice photo opportunity. When I first saw them I wasn't sure what they were, then I spotted the yellow band across the bottom edge of the tail!!! I barely resisted doing the happy dance right then and there :)
Coopers Hawk above, that one little leaf was not in a good spot but I managed to get a couple of good pics anyway even though I was quite far away.
Never get enough of these cute little White Crowned Sparrows!
Scrub Jay
Fluffy little Finch, not sure which variety but it's a cutie!
Another favorite, just love photographing Robins.
Lots of Gold Finch!
All these photos were taken in the Reno area over the Thanksgiving Weekend.
Thanks for stopping by!
Click on the picture below to see the other participants this week.