Time is definitely moving along swiftly these days. These last 2 weeks have been so busy I didn't get these earrings made until the last minute. One pair I made last night one I just made 10 minutes ago. But I really enjoy making earrings and taking part in this challenge so I made it happen....just barely!
Last night's creation are made with beads from Jen Camerona of
Glass Addictions.
I really tried to show the beauty of these beads and I got close but not quite.
This morning I made earrings using amazing discs by Sue Kennedy of
SueBeads. I've had a couple ideas brewing for these discs but when I pulled these little leaves out of my kiln this morning I knew the right pairing had finally presented itself.
Yes not only did I make the earrings this morning, the little leaves are fresh out of the kiln as well.
The leaves are molded from some Polymer Clay leaves I made recently.
I hope to get these listed today.
Don't miss the other creations of the past 2 weeks, the blog hop is at the end of this post.
Join us in 2 weeks for our next reveal.
Oh and I haven't named either pair, I always struggle with the naming part.
If anybody out there has a great name for either pair please share it, I'd love all the help I can get!