Showing posts with label earring challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earring challenge. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Earring Challenge, Reveal 17, Weeks 35&36

Coming in to this one a little late. I was gone all of last week and only just got a pair of earrings made. I'm in serious lust with these so I thought I'd better share them on the Earring Challenge even though the day is almost over.

I call them Tide Pools

They start with a pair of Bronze components I made long ago. I haven't used bronze in quite some time but I happened to spot them and because they had that extra off center hold I immediately remembered I had some of Jen Cameron's amazing headpins that were for a Component of the Month some time ago that I wasn't able to participate in. They are a perfect match!! I created the niobium earwires and embellished them with a beautiful Czech glass bead that matches the lampwork almost exactly and wrapped them in Copper.

These are available for sale HERE in my Etsy Shop.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Earring Challenge Reveal 16 weeks 33-34/52

The weeks are just flying by!!
Time for another Art Jewelry Elements Earring Challenge Reveal!

My first pair are Copper Drops made using Burlap as the texture and lots of Czech Glass beads dangling from the bottom!

My second pair I call Garden Party, they start with Poymer Clay Barrels with vines and leaves as their texture and cute little Flower Charms with Sea Urchin texture danging from them.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

AJE Earring Challenge Reveal 12, weeks 25&26

This week I have to very different pair of earrings to reveal!

Copper Cocoons

The first pair feature gorgeous Lampwork beads by Andrea Guarino-Slemmons
and Copper Ammonite Cocoons made by me.

Crusty Flower Earrings

My second pair are much more cutsie and feminine.
Starting with wonderful crusty flower glass beads by HavanaBeads,
and I believe the adorable dotted beads are by Golem Studio
They are actually somewhat out of my normal style but I love them anyway!

Checkout all the links to the other reveals below and enjoy!!


Friday, June 21, 2013

AJE Earring Challenge and Giveaway

The AJE Earring Challenge Reveal is coming up this weekend.
We're trying to spice it up and increase participation
 by giving away some hand crafted goodies and gemstones this week.
Linda of Linda Landig Jewelry raided her stash and is giving away all these wonderful goodies.

AND these

AND I'm throwing in a pair of my Ammonite Squares!

AND Francesca Watson will be adding something to the mix as well!
Easy to enter!
Check out today's AJE blog post for details

Sunday, June 9, 2013

AJE Earring Challenge Reveal 11 weeks 21&22/52

Glass Sea Urchin and Bone Tube Earrings
Wonderful Lampwork Sea Urchins by Lori Bergmann
paired with bone tube beads.

These gorgeous Lampwork Beads by Stone Designs by Sheila
Double sided Copper discs and a touch of complimenting Sari Silk Ribbon

Now it's time to hop around and see what else has been created for this Reveal.
See the links below.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

AJE Earring Challenge #2 Reveal

The Art Jewelry Elements Blog is having an Earring Challenge, make 1 pair of earrings a week, 52 per year and share them on the AJE blog every other week.

This is Reveal #2 which includes weeks 3-4.
These are my 2 pair of earrings for this reveal.

Above I've used some new Copper Components I've made in the shape of a V with handmade texture.
The gorgeous Lampwork Discs are from HavanaBeads.

The second pair are also made from new Copper pieces I call Arrowhead with handmade texture.
Again the wonderful glass beads are from HavanaBeads.

Take a look at all the amazing creations made in the last 2 weeks by all 50+ participants.
You can always check out the Earring Challenge board on Pinterest as well.
And see you in 2 weeks for Reveal#3 weeks 5-6.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

AJE Earring Challenge

The Art Jewelry Elements Blog is having a challenge this year.
Come join in the fun over at the AJE Blog.
Sign up today to become part of the Challenge Board on Pinterest,
we'd love to see your creations using Art Jewelry Elements!!
First Reveal January 20th!
