Showing posts with label dreamsome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreamsome. Show all posts

Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Copper Components

Here's a few new and returning favorites, I have more that I won't have a chance to photogragh until later today or tomorrow. Check out the new listings in the Components section of my Etsy Shop.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Diggin for Gold

Well not Gold, but Copper which to me is as good as Gold!! Very large load of Copper last night, had to hold back a couple of stragglers that wouldn't fit in the container, but the important stuff got in. Turned on the kiln before going to bed last night, fished them out of charcoal this morning and in to the tumbler then dumped them all out on a towel to dig out all the treasure.

If you want to see more, I plan on doing some listing in my Etsy Shop tonight and throughout the weekend. I also post just about all my new listing on my FB Business page.

For now, I've got to dig them all out of the shot and start torching them hoping for some awesom color! Like these special order crosses, the torch rocked that bright blue one right off the bat. They are both beautiful, now the struggle is to get them to look similar enough to match and be a pair!!

Some of your favorite items to re-list, some special orders and some new, if you see anything you like let me know and I'll save them just for you!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Glass and more Glass

 Here are some of the gorgeous Glass Beads I've collected over the last month or so, hard to choose a favorite.

Ammonite Glass Beads by MyLampworkGarden

Raku Black and Gold by CottageCove

Secret Powers by CatalinaGlass

Dragons Breath by CatalinaGlass

Etched Turquoise by FerrariOriginalBeads

3 sets of Orphans by SilverFishDesigns

Gorgeous set all the way from Spain by MruMru

2 pair, also by MruMru
I was very lucky shipping time was just over 2 weeks!

These aren't glass but I had to share them,
Carved Floral Woodland Bone Beads from SharonUnlimited

Look for these amazing beauties in future designs!



Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Process of Copper Metal Clay

Here is today's copper firing, basically from start to finish. There can be variations in the firing schedule of pmc, this is the one I've been using on my Copper work and it's worked well for me.

Here are the pieces all molded and shaped and filed and ready for the kiln.

First phase of firing is open shelf, 15 minutes at about 650 degrees.

This is what they look like after open shelf firing. All the black stuff comes off during the second Phase.

Then they get packed in Carbon for the second phase, 1700 degrees for about 3 hours.
Here they are all layered in the carbon and loaded in to the kiln.

3 hours later...

I let the container cool off to under 500 degrees before I attempt to remove it. Then I let it sit until it's much cooler. Below it's still hot enough I need to use my heavy duty welding gloves to handle it.

There they are peeking out of the carbon when I pour it out of the container.

Used my gloves and a metal spoon to start to unearth the pieces. Everything cools off rather quickly from here and by the time I've found the large pieces I can usually start using my bare hand to find the smaller ones. There are usually one or 2 that don't want to be found, so when it's completely cool I sift them through the slotted spoon back in to the container and find the stragglers.


And then...

Some of them are just about perfect out of the kiln, just a little brushing and they are good to go. Some need to be tumbled for awhile and then I usually take a torch to them to give them lovely variations in color.

So there ya go, approximately 7 hours later I have some pretty Copper goodies, not counting the time it took to get them ready for the kiln. Copper and Bronze are not quick processes.

Then some of them get listed on Etsy!

Like this Large Paisley Flower Pendant

To see all the components I have listed click the link below

I'll be listing these over the next few days, or using them to create my own jewelry designs.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Metal Clay Components

As many of you have seen, I've been in the process of making Metal Clay Components to sell in my Etsy Shop. Well to day is the day!!!

I asked 3 Jewelry Designer friends to take some of my new Components and make their own creations with them. I could not be more tickled with the results. I am also including my wonderful Bead Soup partner that did a fantastic job using one of my Components in her Bead Soup necklace. I hope you enjoy seeing all the creations and share some love with all these amazing ladies and take a look at the new bits I have for sale.

Really difficult to know where to start they are all so gorgeous and each one so different!!

These stunning earrings (below) are the creation of Erin Prais-Hints of and here is her wonderful Blog. She paired my leaf shaped Silver charms with these wonderful lampwork beads, a perfect combination.

Then we have the amazing work of Gloria Ewing of Chrysalis Originals I just adore the earthy beads she chose to go with the Bronze Components she was given to work with.

And then we have a Beautiful Necklace created by Catherine Waterhouse of Shadow Dog Designs
She combines beautiful stones and copper wire with this Bronze Leaf Pendant. She calls this necklace "Dreaming of Belize" I think it suits it quite well.

Gloria Ewing created another fantastic piece using one of my tiny little charms, set off by big bold Trade beads, I absolutely love this look!!!

Here's a set of Elegant Earrings created by Cathering Waterhouse, the Silver Metal Clay squares with a cascade of blue she aptly calls "Waterfall", beautiful, delicate and uber elegant earrings.

Last but most certaily not least, my Bead Soup partner Shelby of SundownBeadDesign who took the beads I sent her, including the very bold Bronze Butterfly and created a masterpiece necklace.

There are no words to express how thankful I am to these artists for creating such beautiful work. Thank you my wonderful friends!!

I'd love to see what YOU would create with my PMC Components, check them out in my shop and see if there's something that strikes your fancy!!


Sunday, December 26, 2010

And the Winner Is!!!

This morning I am pleased to announce the winner in my After Christmas Give Away!!!!

The winner is Jenni M, she was number 10! She chose my Copper Filigree Pendant with Filigree Ruby!!! Contratulations Jenni, I'll be in touch by email and get all your information!! Will get your prize to you right away!

Copper Filigree Pendant with Faceted Ruby Briolette

That was fun and exciting, I'll have to do that more often!! Thanks to all who played!!
