Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Violet-Green Swallow - Day 7

Day 7 - Hatched 061715

I quickly got in to the nest to take a picture while the parents were out,
I was in and out in about 30 seconds.
It looks like their eyes are just in the process of starting to open.
What little cuties!!
As usual the parents returned as soon as we moved away.

Video taken with a Camera inside the nest.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Violet-Green Swallow Nesting - Wild Bird Wednesday


Mama has been collecting for the nest!

Handsome couple!

Still watching and waiting.
One day she'll be in the nest dozens of times the next day only a few. She is a tease! :) It has to happen soon, I've been watching her for 3-4 weeks!


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

I get to add another sighting of these beautiful Cedar Waxwing to my short list of sighting. The 4th time and by far the best photo op and I saw a pair!!!!

These birds seem to be fairly shy much of the time but this pair was very cooperative.
They stayed on this branch for some time while I care fully moved around it maybe 15 feet away.
They flew off and came back a couple of times as well.

They take my breath away!



Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

You've heard of Angry Birds, well these are Clever Birds.
They say these birds are not supposed to be able to feed off of this upside down feeder but they can.
They are not as good at it as the other birds they are meant to feed but it's amazing to watch them.

Crow doing a good job of hanging upside down.


Stellar's Jay

I don't mind so much because if they are good enough to make it happen they can have some suet.
They don't do it all the time, it's not like there isn't plenty of other food at my other feeders for them.
It does keep the squirrels from wiping my suet out and that's my main goal.

Here's the Professional, while the Clever Birds can only stay up a few seconds this little Hairy Woodpecker stays for many minutes and makes it look so easy.
He's been spending lots of time in my yard which makes me very happy!
Not the best pic taken from my window but you get the idea!

On another note, I saw my first Lazuli Bunting, actually saw 3 and heard numerous others.
I was only able to get 2 pics, this isn't in focus but I don't mind one bit!!

Lazuli Bunting
I also got some wonderful pics of this adorable little Western Wood Pewee.

Western Wood Pewee


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

It's been a bit since I've participated,
due to a recent trip to Anaheim, CA I have lots of wonderful birds to share!

These 2 Double Crested Cormorants got lots of attention from me. They were in Disneyland Park in the area where the Pirate Ship is. Since I don't do many rides and my traveling companions did I spent lots of time watching these amazing birds!

Juvenile Double Crested Cormorant.

We discovered a lovely little park, Yorba Regional Park, lots of lakes and lots of birds!
Black Phoebe

My first Western Bluebird!

Egyption Goose, I saw 3

Beautiful Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow at the nest
 There were many Tree Swallow all over this park but this pair appears to have been nesting or close to it. Would have loved to see babies popping their little heads out!

Below are some of my sightings at
 Oak Canyon Nature Center.

A lovely pair of Wood Duck in a tree, my first!

Male Anna's Hummingbird

Female Anna's Hummingbird
I have more to share but I'll wait for next time!!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

More wonderful birds from my recent trip to Puerto Vallarta a couple of weeks ago.
Every bird on today's post was new to me so they added nicely to my life list!

Lesser Yellow Legs

Black Neck Stilts and Lesser Yellow Legs

Little Blue Heron

Tropical Kingbird!

Almost didn't get a picture of this Summer Tanager,
as bright as it is it managed to camouflage very well.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

We were lucky enough to spend another weekend in the Reno
 and discovered another great birding area, Rancho San Rafael Park.
They've done a beautiful job, lots of different types of walking/hiking and LOTS of nature, I think it will be one of our go to spots especially since it's so close to the city.

The first time we went I was lucky enough to photograph this beautiful Juvenile Red Tailed Hawk on a fence on the border of the park.

In another area of the park I came across this Juvenile Red Shouldered Hawk,
 I get to add this one to my list!!

Only a few feet away from the Red Shouldered Hawk was this gorgeous Rufous Hummingbird.
There were lots of birds either perched or flying very close to the hawk,
 I suppose they are keeping a close eye on it's location.
The light caught it just right and very pops the color on it's back.

Another new bird for me, the Western Kingbird! I'm very lucky to get this shot, it was quite a distance away and I was perched on the side of a hill but I got an ok picture of it, enough to get an ID.

While not a bird who can resist a cute old Bull Frog.
There were 3 of them croaking away and this one was the closest and was a very cooperative subject.
