We were lucky enough to spend another weekend in the Reno
They've done a beautiful job, lots of different types of walking/hiking and LOTS of nature, I think it will be one of our go to spots especially since it's so close to the city.
The first time we went I was lucky enough to photograph this beautiful Juvenile Red Tailed Hawk on a fence on the border of the park.
In another area of the park I came across this Juvenile Red Shouldered Hawk,
I get to add this one to my list!!
Only a few feet away from the Red Shouldered Hawk was this gorgeous Rufous Hummingbird.
There were lots of birds either perched or flying very close to the hawk,
I suppose they are keeping a close eye on it's location.
The light caught it just right and very pops the color on it's back.
Another new bird for me, the Western Kingbird! I'm very lucky to get this shot, it was quite a distance away and I was perched on the side of a hill but I got an ok picture of it, enough to get an ID.
While not a bird who can resist a cute old Bull Frog.
There were 3 of them croaking away and this one was the closest and was a very cooperative subject.