Showing posts with label owls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label owls. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Wow, it's been some time since I've joined in BTW.
 I thought about it last week but it was nearly Friday so...
But it's actually Wednesday so here you go!

More new Shapes and Textures

Still need to be cleaned up before I fire them, hopefully tonight but if not tomorrow for sure!

Both pair of the new Owl Crescents I made a few days ago sold quickly
 so I'm making a whole flock of them.
They are 5 pair available for Pre-Order in my Etsy Shop.

Check out what all of the other BTW Participants are sharing this week.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Whoooo whooo whooo....

Or should that be hoooo hooo hooo?
Here's some new Owls, still playing with my Scratch Foam and having a blast!
I saw a picture of some Great Horned Owls in one of my bird magazines and a lightbulb went on,
 here's what I created!

Great Horned Owl

And a little pair of Crescent Owls too!

Crescent Owl Pair
 Click HERE to learn more about Scratch Foam.


Monday, August 27, 2012

New Owls and more

6 Owls are made and ready to ship!
There are 8 in the photo 2 of them are sold and will be mailed shortly.

Sea Urchin Big Button
Eight Point Star

Tapestry and Ammonite Focal

Tribal Big Button Earrings


Saturday, August 25, 2012

This weeks new Copper

Let me just start by saying I LOVE these new pieces,
I'll try to only say it this one time and not when I talk about each piece.
It's so much fun to always be thinking of new things to make,
 new shapes new textures,
 tweeking something old so it's different and fresh!!

These Owls fit in the NEW category,
you know how I feel about them so I won't say the L word again.

Not a new Shape or Texture but this time I put Ammonite in Leaf Shapes

Again a shape and texture you've seen before but I put them together.
Large Ammonite Button

Another shot of the Ammonite Leaves.

Tribal Texture in Large Button!!!
This is one of the first textures I made and I'm happy you all seem to like it as much as I do!

A grouping of the Big Buttons,
Ammonite and Tribal.
One of my lovely customers suggested using the Tribal Texture in this shape and I think it's amazing!

It's still pretty early in the morning and I wasn't sure the early dawn filtered sun would give me anything I could use but after lightening them a little I can't complain.
I'll take more pictures later and get some of these listed over the weekend.

As usual if you want something let me know and I'll reserve it just for you!

I had to stop myself so many times from using the L word,
I did good!!


Friday, August 24, 2012

Copper in the Kiln tonight

Love these new Copper Owl Pendants!

And these big oversized Earring button pair in 2 new textures.
Tribal and Ammonite!
