Showing posts with label nuthatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuthatch. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Spotted Towhee

A cute little juvenile Spotted Towhee, finally starting to show it's adult colors
and notice the eyes are beginning to get that intense orange color too.

And lots of watering hole pictures,
I'm happy to provide a spot for them they seem to really enjoy!

Black Capped Chickadee

Red-Breasted Nuthatch

Red-Breasted Nuthatch

Red Breasted Nuthatch just about to take off!
Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker

White Crowned Sparrow

Male Anna's Hummingbird
This little jewel spent a good half an hour atop my Butterfly Bush,
 right where I could set my camera up and click away, that was very kind of him.
