ok here is the next section of the story-lots of fun was had by all, we sorely missed our buddy Sharon but she was able to make it on the last day!!! Better late than never!! here she is getting hug from nancy and all by sweet self!

I probably forgot to mention that nancy is the Queen of all, LOL she has to wear a crown a meals and we all bow to her, LOL this is the rest of my group(hmm I am not here, LOL) seated left to right is Beth Dobbins and Katy Welch, standing is JoAn, and her highness Nancy, LOL you can look to the right and see our orange haired mermaid table decoration. and then a little bigger pic of it. Nancy brought her from her DIL's store.
I probably forgot to mention that nancy is the Queen of all, LOL she has to wear a crown a meals and we all bow to her, LOL this is the rest of my group(hmm I am not here, LOL) seated left to right is Beth Dobbins and Katy Welch, standing is JoAn, and her highness Nancy, LOL you can look to the right and see our orange haired mermaid table decoration. and then a little bigger pic of it. Nancy brought her from her DIL's store.
Ok now there are lots of pics to put up of just everyone and i will try to label as many as i can but i am no good at even getting these pics to go where i want so don't be shocked by anything that happens, LOL
This is beth-fixin: to get down to the real reason for coming-Beading-she probably can concentrate better than anyone i know, and can finish stuff she starts, unlike yours truly, LOL
this is Katy(I get on her nerves sometimes but I love her anyway, LOL) she is very talented and if it can be beaded she can do it, teach it, or make it better. I keep waiting for her to be published in some magazine or other cuz she is so good at it!
This is our redheaded step child Eileen, she kinda came along the second or third year we were here as a group and has kind of tagged along since, guess we will have to officially adopt her. LOL She made some beading kits just to see what would happen and made a killing. I think she may still be up on cloud 9.
Ok well, I will put more up here tomorrow, I have been typing and uploading for about 2 hours and there is much more to add. watch the blog in the next day or 2 for more, gotta work the old day job tomorrow so, don't know how tired i might be. TTYL