i've been wanting to share what's new in my book shelves but deadlines keep getting in the way. so here they are, enjoy :)

printing by hand - lena corwin.

the dangerous alphabet - neil gaiman & gris grimly (his fave author and my fave illustrator).

room for children - susanna salk.

and although this is not something you can read from, it's a book nevertheless. bought for the husband with our wedding quote on its cover, made by
buku yang diatas itu untuk printing handmade sendiri kah mbak ??
ReplyDeletewawww info bisa dapet dimana yah ??
selama ini masih manual pake busa dan cat air huhu
i have one too..those vitarlenology notebook..for my husband with our wedding quote "live learn love" on it :)
ReplyDeletehey beli dimana ya buku2nya? seems interesting :)
ReplyDeletesepertinya bukunya mba lena corwin ini jadi 'bible' buat banyak crafter ya.. termasuk aku heheheh... thanks notebooknya udah di post di sini :)
ReplyDeleteNeil Gaiman happens to be one of my favorite too! And yes, I am currently obsessed with the book too!