Showing posts with label Pallet Kit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pallet Kit. Show all posts

Mar 27, 2022

March WIPocalypse

Here we are again. The last Sunday of a month. Already the 3rd month of the year....WOW. Time sure flies. I really wish it would slow down a bit. So if you haven't heard of WIPocalypse (you must not have a blog haha). It's a push to finish all our WIPs before the end of the world. I like to use this as an excuse to keep track of my progress month to month. So let's take a look back since my last check in.

Springtime by New York Dreamer -- 2 Days. Finished up this one right after my last check in...

Year of Celebrations July by Hands on Design -- 2 Days. Finished this one up quickly too...

Flag Box by Shepherd's Bush -- Started and Finished this one in just 1 Day...

Oct Fairy by Lili of the Valley -- 6 Days. Another finish this month...

Wish Upon a Starfish by Designs by Lisa -- 1 Day. Added a few stitches to this one...

Campfire Pallet Kit -- 2 Days. Small start of this little kit...

Rainbow Dragon -- 3 Days. Still working on this one so will update tomorrow. Check back.

Non Stitching Days -- 11 Days. Life just gets in the way. But look at those finishes. I'll take it as a win.

Measi also gives us fun questions to answer....March 27 – Tell us about a technique, designer, pattern, or anything else in stitching that you’ve been nervous or afraid to try. I hate hardanger. I tried it and don't plan on ever doing it again haha.

Mar 21, 2022

Monday Update - Lots of Stitching and a Finish

 Lots to talk about so let's go...

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I worked on the October Lili of the Valley Fairy. I finished it Thursday...

(6) March 17th
October from Lili of the Valley Calendar
From 2016 Cross Stitcher Magazine
Stitched on 32ct Lambswool Evenweave
Threads are Suggested DMC
Started Jan 25, 2021 Took 9 Days.
Total Time 15 Hours and 2 Minutes 
I had 3 days into this one January 2021. Now I only have 1 left for this set. 

Friday I pulled out Wish Upon a Starfish for the day. It's an easy one to work on when I am busy doing a lot of other things...

I outlined the top pebbles and added a little bit of water color in the top section. Then we headed down to our cabin for the weekend. 

I started my next Mischievous March new start...

I worked on it a little bit Saturday and Sunday...

So lots of stitching going on for me. Love it. Life is going to start getting busier but I'm going to do my best to work stitching in. Have a great week. I have no idea what I'm going to work on. This little kit is annoying so might take a break from it haha. We'll see. I hear a lot of screaming from my WIP tote.

Feb 20, 2017

Monday Update

I had a very productive week last week. I finally broke down and wrote an actual to do list. I kept forgetting what all I needed to do. It's so nice to be able to mark stuff off. Of course there were a million things I did that weren't on my list. I told Jeremiah it's not fair when you do a bunch of things and yet only mark off one haha. Anyway I also got a lot of stitching done.

I put 3 days into the family crest. It's really moving along. You already saw most the progress on the 15th GG post so I won't repost that. I decided to do a new start from my Christmas pile. I thought it would be a fast stitch and boy it was. Got it started and finished Friday...
Not Lost Pallet Kit from Janlynn
Used kit material and threads
Started and Finished Feb 17th.

Guess what? It's also a FFO (Fully Finished Object) Wohoo!! First one of the year out of the 4 finishes I have. Oh well I'm trying. It was a really fun stitch. The material was 6x6. I did the stitching and then cut it out. I have to admit it was a little scary to cut out. No wrong moves allowed. Then I glued them onto the little 4inx4in pallet. I told Jeremiah I was worried I would have it all out of order haha. Not all who lost are wander?! LOL Got it right though. I have a camping pallet kit in my pile from Christmas too.

Saturday I flipped through my 2 tubs of WIPs. I spotted the Spring Bell Pull from the Stoney Creek Magazine. I haven't worked on it since August 21st. Here is where I was on it...
I just LOVE these and can't wait to have this one finished and get to the other seasons. So I worked on it for the weekend. Here I am now on the R block...
Very close to finished with this block as you can see. So I will have to keep it out till I finish this block and I will need to remember to bring it out more often.

I hope everyone has a great week. It looks like it will be a full one for us already. Unfortunately I have to go to the dentist. My biggest fear in the world! I go tomorrow for a consultation to figure out what we need to do. Please send any spare thoughts/prayers my way. I'm a total nervous wreck. But I know it has to be done.