Showing posts with label Lizzie Kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lizzie Kate. Show all posts

Sep 11, 2023

Sept 11th Monday HUGE Update

Hey readers it's a Monday but not a normal Monday. I have been playing along with a Go Stitch challenge on Semi Sane Stitchers FB group and boy I have a ton of stitching report. So get ready and let's do this...

So as I explained a letter of the alphabet is called randomly from a wheel spin every morning. I am in the normal level so if you have a pattern that the name of the pattern starts with that letter you stitch 200 on that for a completed day. If you don't have that letter you have a penalty of 400 stitches. Awesome part it doesn't have to be completed that day. Just soon as possible. Entry into a drawing for every 10 days you complete. If you don't miss a day you get an extra 3 entries. There is also an insane version where they do 400/800 stitches for more entries. Not for me....this time haha. So let's see Week 1 of this fun challenge...

Monday - No Stitching. So exhausted from the weekend.

Tuesday - Makeup Day 1 - I got a ton done!!!

Day 1 Letter - I - It's a Mermaid Life from Tiny Modernist (200 stitches needed)

 Day 2 - Letter P - Peppermint Sleds from Lizzie Kate (200 needed)

Day 3 - Letter G - Grow Together from Heaven and Earth Designs (200 needed)

This is an old WIP from 2014. I even had to rekit it. I was happy to have it back into my WIP tote though. Means a lot to me. Jeremiah holding on to my hand to walk. Getting through life together. So many things. Plus I love the artist Jim Warren. It's funny it creeps some people out. But I love the meaning behind it for me.

3 Days Caught up. Wohoo!!!

Wednesday - Still trying to catch up. A lot done though...

Day 4 - Letter X - No X for me so Go Stitch. I picked Season 2 from Hands on Design so I could get a start on September. (400 needed) 401 added.

Day 5 - Letter A - I have 3 options for today Jeremiah picked All American from Primrose Cottage Stitches (200 needed)


I got 118 of the 200 added.

Thursday - More catching up why did I have to miss the whole starting weekend haha.
Finishing up Day 5...
Added the 82 needed to finish.

Day 6 - Wild Card - We could pick any piece and do the small number of stitches thankfully. (200 needed)
I kept working on Season 2 after posting the 200 for Day 6 toward Day 7. Got another 260 added before calling it for the day...
Friday - I finally catch up today!!!

Day 7 - Letter V - Go stitch day for me. Yep back to Season 2. (400 needed) So the 260 from Thursday...

Added the 140 to finish Day 7.

Day 8 - Letter P again - Peppermint Sleds from Lizzie Kate (200 needed)

So close! One more sled in this set and kitted up another P just in case.

Saturday - Constant Consonants - Several options for this wild card day. One option was to pick up WIPs that start with a consonant and do 100 each and get extra entries for every 3 worked on. 2nd option hit 600 stitches on any WIP in one 24 hours span and get an extra entry. Final option was to treat it like a normal day and do 200 on any consonant piece. I was overwhelmed mentally on Saturday and took the last option. I thought we would have a busy day. We had a busy day planned at least.

So I worked on Season 2. As the day progressed plans kept changing. We ended up having a very lazy Saturday and it was very needed. I just stitched away. As the day progressed I noticed I was nearing a finish on Season 2. So I noticed my needles started going faster...
643 stitches later it was finished!
Plus I got an extra entry accidentally haha.

Sunday - Letter U - No U so a Go Stitch day (400) for me. This time I picked up Hello Four Seasons from Soda Stitch (Summer Gnome) I would like it done by the start of Autumn on the 23rd. 
Added 406.

Wow that was a lot to keep track of and post. I found an error too and because of my crazy list keeping I was able to correct it. Just a problem logging in my stitching calendar thankfully. What a busy stitching week. Now I'm curious.... 3,039 stitches this week!!!! Wow! I ignored pretty much everything else haha. 

Sunday we did go up to the old house. I just get so depressed going up there. We did get a van of stuff at least. Just not the feeling of Wohoo we got a lot done. I was just overwhelmed with the junk. Probably 3 boxes I boxed up is trash or should be. My sorting brain wasn't working. I was just throwing stuff at this point. Just want it done. I get mad at how much trash and just junk I had. Like my computer desk. Full of junk. Grrr. Oh well it's done. Just need to sort the thrown together boxes but I told Fred at this point let's just get it out and be done. I will bring it to the cabin later sit down and sort it out. I found some postcards mom sent countless years ago. Yep tears were shed. Lots of tears. We are going back this coming weekend. Helping the homeowner move some furniture. Hopefully getting the laundry and dressers of ours which will be a huge accomplishment. Just need to get them downs the stairs, loaded on the trailer, and to the storage unit. 

Okay I'm off to stitch for week 2. Have a great week. Love yourself. Cry if you need to but then smile at how lucky we all are. No matter how bad it could always be worse. Breath. Smile. We got this.

Nov 23, 2020

Monday Update

Let's see....lots to talk about again...

Thursday I worked on Beer Dragon...

Man this one is so hard to put down. But Friday was another Naughty November New Start. Plus it was IHSW (International Hermit Stitch Weekend) This time around Jeremiah picked Lizzie Kate A Little Beach. I started it at home and then packed it up for a lazy cabin weekend. Fred was going to deer hunt with my Dad and Step mom for the weekend and that meant a lot of down time for Jeremiah and I. We watched several movies and just enjoyed our lazy time before the Thanksgiving hustle. No deer for anyone unfortunately. Fred almost got one but she got away. Which my animal lover instinct is kind of happy about haha. I do know the way my dad is though the meat and everything is very well used so it would have been okay if they had caught up. Anyway back to my stitching. Last night I put the final stitches into the Lizzie Kate...

I just love how it turned out. The kit came with linen which isn't my favorite thing to stitch on but I love the way it looks. I asked mom (since I knew she would steal it haha) and she said a little pillow would look great so another reason to pull out the sewing machine.

So third Naughty November start and third finished. Don't worry I will ruin that with the last start it's a larger piece and I doubt I will stick with it till I finish it. Too many other projects screaming at me for attention. 

Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the US. Lots to do between now and then. Few last groceries to gather tomorrow. Prep day Wednesday with Pumpkin pies, deviled eggs, veggie dip, and cutting up veggies, and another yummy dessert that Jeremiah demands called Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball. Yummy Yummy. We will eat ourselves miserable then Thursday. Just our little family in our house. Nothing fancy but means the world to us. Fred has to work Friday so hopefully that will mean lots of stitching and relaxing time. In between eating leftovers of course haha. I hope everyone has a great week. Try to find time to yourself.

Nov 16, 2020

Monday Update - Naughty New Start 2

 Hi everyone. So lots to talk about. Tuesday I finished up the Thanksgiving Heart...

I LOVE the way it turned out. Yes I ordered two from Ebay so shush haha. Now to find time to drag out the sewing machine to finish it before Thanksgiving. After finishing that up I pulled out 99 Bottles. I told Fred it won't be done by Christmas like I wanted. I'm now hoping to have it done by his birthday March 5th. We'll see. Anyway. I added two new bottles. Here it is now...

Then I cheated...after reading the other participants of the Naughty November SAL I realized I could start my new start whatever day I wanted to. Besides I'm extra naughty so I started my new start Thursday. I knew I would have a busy weekend. So Thursday Jeremiah picked Lizzie Kate Peppermint Sleds. Mom picked the sled with the peppermints for the first of this set...

I got 1 hour and 58 minutes to work on it Thursday. I didn't get to pick it up again till Sunday but after just 32 more minutes I was able to finish it off...

Fred and me headed down to our cabin Friday after he got off work. Jeremiah stayed home to have a gaming marathon. He had a blast with his friends. Fred and I had so much fun. We did only what we wanted to do and nothing we didn't want to. Those weekends are just wonderful. Saturday we went geocaching and found 20 before the rain and wind kicked in. It was a perfect relaxing recharging weekend. Definitely needed. Now I'm ready for the new week.

Have a great week. Love yourself. Love each other. Smile as much as you can. Take care of yourself.

Nov 5, 2020


 Oops missed my Monday update. We had a fantastic week at our cabin for Halloween week. Few friends joined us and of course loved our happy place too. The weather was cold but honestly that was a nice change. I did stitch every day in October! How awesome is that. Now since we've got home I'm so far behind. No stitching. Just trying to catch up. I'm either walking. Trying to read emails. Doing laundry. Walking more. No time. I need more time haha. Don't we all?? As you seen in my Halloween post I did manage to finish up another Halloween Mini so that made two finished this year. Wohoo. Now it's ready to be put away though. I have so so many projects screaming to be stitched. I've told myself NO SALs next year! I just need a year off. I need to breath and stitch to be happy and work on what I want to work on. Please please remind me this when I see all the fun stuff starting this winter when I'm in hermit mode. I will pick out a year long monthly piece but that's it. I want to concentrate on my being healthy and just being happy. 

Haha now might not be a good time to talk about this but I did join in with Rachel and I think a few others for Naughty November. Hey it's not really a SAL. It's blog fun. That's different. Plus it's a good excuse to start 4 new projects. That's the naughty part. So I went through everything......that was mean..... and narrowed the choices down to that was hard. So on the Friday's in November I will be starting a new project. Here are my 4 picks...

A Little Beach from Lizzie Kate. What a cute little project. 
Woof Block Party from Hands on Design

A Thanksgiving Heart from Sekas

Peppermint Sleds from Lizzie Kate 

I don't know which one of the 4 will be first. I'm going to let Jeremiah randomly pick a number for the pick. He loves doing that. Yes I love the irony that I complained about having projects yell at me and then I'm starting 4 more but hey it's Naughty November. I deserve it. Get over it! Haha.

I probably won't get too much time on them of course. We are going to our cabin still on the weekends. This weekend is supposed to be warm again even. So we will clean up and take down our Halloween decorations. 

Have a great week....end. Love yourself. Love each other. Smile. I'm sure trying. I'll be back Monday.....hopefully for an update.

Jan 5, 2020

The People's Choice -- Lizzie Kate

First Saturday of every month the lovely Jo gives us a fun blog check in. Each month will have a one word theme for us to make a post about.

The January theme is Lizzie Kate. Why not join in? Just make a post on your blog about Lizzie Kate. Anything you want to share. Then go here for the check in post and sign that you have participated. It's that easy. It's a lot of fun to see what everyone comes up with for the same theme. Are you ready for my post. Here we go...

You might find this funny. For a long time I refused to stitch Lizzie Kate. I heard a story a long time ago in an online group. Lizzie Kate had attended a retreat in Italy. I guess she released a design and told the attendees of the retreat that it was an exclusive to only those who attended the retreat. A few months later she released the pattern in US. It upset the people who attended enough that the rumor was spread online about how Lizzie Kate had lied to them. I agreed with the points I was told and boycotted her patterns completely.

In 2007 I stitched this pattern and didn't know it was a Lizzie Kate...
I haven't seen the finished piece so I almost wonder if I threw it away when I found out it was a LK. After I started attending the PALs retreat I learned about designers and that most exclusive releases are in fact released at a later date for others to purchase. I had no idea. I thought exclusive meant never to be shared. Guess it does make sense that after a time they would have the right it's their design after all. Plus when she announced her retirement I thought what a fool I had been. There were some of her designs I really did enjoy.

In 2018 I went to my LNS and they had a lot of her patterns on sale. I purchased 3 sets of her year long monthlies. 2019 I finished the Flip It Stamps...
I really did enjoy stitching them. I have the Flip it Bits and Blocks also...
I also did these two Easter themed LK's for the Easter Blog Hop in 2018...
The bunny in the middle was a lovely gift from a friend. She came with her own suitcase because we traveled all the time. The fabric on the bottom is the fabric that I put on the back of the cubes.

What a long time I boycotted her and I've definitely learned to find out more information before I jump on a band wagon now. Thanks for stopping by my People Choice post. Next month the check in is on Feb 1st with a Penguins theme.

Dec 27, 2019

2019 Smalls SAL Wrap Up and Next Year Reveal

Today is the last check in for the 2019 Smalls SAL. The idea of this fun SAL was to stitch up something small each month. So at the end of the year we know we will at least have 12 finishes. Even better if they are finished finishes. This is my 4th year participating. Mary is hosting now. Stop over to the check in post here to see what others have posted for the check in.

The first year I thought about this project I had in my stash that was a year long monthly set. I thought how perfect. I've stuck to that theme now and I really enjoy sitting out my monthly pieces the beginning of each month.

This year I found the perfect Nautical set to do for my mom. But I couldn't stop there could I? No, I picked a set of the Lizzie Kate monthly sets too for my side. I'm so happy I finished BOTH sets!
I was looking for something in my hope chest and found this basket my Grandmother made a long time ago. It is the perfect fit for Mom's Nautical set. Here is a photo of the set laid out...
Funny story. I went to use the December fabric and noticed a stain on it. So I switched out fabric. As you can see in the photo I used a smaller count obviously. Of course I didn't notice until it was finished. It looks fine until you sit them all side by side like this haha.  I really enjoyed doing this set for mom. Reminder they are from Sand, Sea & Cross Stitch book.

For my set I used the Lizzie Kate Flip It Stamps...
I really enjoyed this set as well. I really enjoyed how each month had 3 little buttons worked into the design.

I'm glad I did both sets. I'm also very glad they are finished haha. Plus I kept up with them which shocked me and most of you haha.

Next year I picked just one set to do. I will finally reveal them to you now...
This calendar was in a 2016 Cross Stitcher magazine. I seen another blogger stitch up one or two of them and fell in love. I searched and searched and couldn't find the pattern. They are called Lili of the Valley. When I was attending the PA retreat they had a free table and I couldn't believe my eyes when I seen this calendar. I can't wait to stitch them up.

Dec 21, 2019

2 Finishes to End the Year

Guess what I have 2 new finishes to show you. My last two finishes of the year and two finished finishes at that. Wohoo!

First is the Snowflake SAL from Stitchonomy...
The last day she gave us an optional part to add the white thread throughout the design. The idea was to make little sparkles throughout the piece. She said you could use metallics or beads instead of course. I decided on beads and just LOVE how it added a little sparkle all over between the snowflakes. To finish it off I did my first hoop finish. I used a 6 inch wooden hoop. Then I wrapped a ribbon around the edge to give it a special touch...
On the back I cut out some white felt and glued it down. This way it would hide the extra fabric and the backside of the threads...
We had this little metal easel and I really LOVE the way it looks on display.

Then I finally put my finishing touches on my last Lizzie Kate Flip It Stamp...
I think since I really wanted it finished it took forever or at least felt like it. I also was squeezing in time here and there since we were in the Christmas rush full force. I'm so happy I stuck with these and finished them each month. I really enjoyed doing them. I just LOVED the touch of the little buttons on each month.

The presents are bought and wrapped. The menu is planned. We have to stop Monday and pick up some things that the deadline would be too quick if we got it today. The excitement has hit us all full force. We are ready to unwrap our goodies!! I can't wait. I love Christmas. I can't wait for everyone to unwrap the stuff I just finished wrapping. I love the look on their eyes when they try to figure out what's inside.

I doubt I will have time Monday for an update. So I will take a moment now and say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to anyone reading this. Thank you so very much for all the comments. I love my blog friends. I don't care what people say blogging is still my favorite. I love the community and the friends I've made because of my blog. Instagram is great for a quick photo. Flosstube just gets boring to me. I don't know why. I think because it feels one sided. I know this blogging is too but I look at like a letter to a stitching friend. Facebook is great for keeping in touch with all my friends I don't get to see every day. This blog is the journal I've always wanted to keep. I can't wait to see what 2020 brings us all. Wonder what projects will find their way into our hands?

I'll be back after all the Christmas fun. Have a fantastic time however you celebrate. 

Dec 16, 2019

Monday Update

I just finally finished my stash sorting/organizing. What a pain but boy I'm glad I did it. I will be updating my Goals and SALs tab at the top. I started 2019 with 71 WIPs in my two totes. Right now I have 63. That's including several new starts that I'm planning in the new year. I will wait and make the official count until after Santa visits though.

I also wanted to update anyone who seen in my last Monday update about my dad's surgery this past Friday. He's doing fantastic. The surgery went quickly. We were able to be at the hospital for it. Jeremiah said it was only fair since my dad has been at all Jeremiah's surgeries. I do have to admit though it was hard to see him like that. My dad is supposed to be tough. This past few years he went from no surgeries to both shoulders worked on and now his back. This time he had a bone spur that would push on a nerve in his side and down his leg. So it would really cause a lot of pain. The doc said he was able to shave it and get it off the nerve. It will take a bit for the nerve to repair itself but he should have a very successful recovery. He is retiring from his factory work in February after 41 years and really can't wait to be out of there. It's hard work and his body just can't do it any more.

Saturday and Sunday was spent doing the rest of our Christmas shopping and BOY I'm tired. The Christmas rush has sure stolen my stitching time but it will be so worth it come Christmas morning.

I got a tiny bit of time on my December Lizzie Kate Stamp...
At this point I will just be happy if I finish it before the month ends. My poor acrostic will definitely not be completed this month. Oh well it's a stress free SAL so that's A-OK.

I have been trying to keep up with the Snowflake SAL each day...
There are only 4 days left of this SAL now. Wow! Stitchonomy has released the info on the next SAL she is hosting too. It's going to be Houseplant SAL. Finally a house plant I don't have to worry about watering or killing haha. I'm all signed up. It doesn't start till February which is okay. I have more than enough to work on till then haha.

This week I will be busy wrapping everything. It's the only time a year it's bad to be spoiled haha. But I love the unwrapping and the excitement involved so it's totally worth it. At least I hope I keep feeling that way haha. Remind my back that so it stops hurting too haha.

We are changing our Christmas tradition this year. Mom is going to join us for our Christmas with my Dad. Let me explain. My parents got a very amicable divorce when I was 10. They knew fighting would only hurt me. So they were amazing instead. So I'm extremely thankful for that. So after talking about it they didn't want her at home alone this year. She is more than welcome to join our traditions and boy do I appreciate that. We are going to stay at our cabin over night on the 23rd and my Dad and Step Mom will come over Tuesday morning to do our presents together on the 24th. Just perfect!

So busy busy getting everything wrapped in time. I really hope to squeeze in some time on my Lizzie Kate to finish that up. Plus I will be finishing up the Snowflake SAL. I will really miss that fun little email every day. I really look forward to them.

Have a great week and Good luck getting everything done. Wish me luck too. We can do this! Just need a little Christmas magic.

Nov 30, 2019

#24HOCS December Challenges

#24HoursofCrossStitch Facebook group has these fun monthly challenges. No stress. Just extra motivation to do something fun and pick projects to fit in a theme for the month. The part I enjoy the most is the monthly acrostics. You pick a project for each letter in a word she picks. The name of the project can start with the letter. The designer can start with the letter. Or you can be creative. I've never heard a no sorry that won't work. The group loves creativity. No prizes other than to feel motivated and boy that's sure working for me.  No prizes needed.

For December we have a new acrostic. This one is 12DAYSOFXS. The 2nd goal is to stitch 24 hours throughout the month. So let's see what my acrostic picks are...

1 -- Beer Dragon from Paine Free Crafts
Connection: Over "1"
Goal: At least 200 more stitches
2 -- 99 Bottle of Beer from Ink Circles
Connection: Add "2" more bottles
D -- Christmas Jars from "D"imensions 
Goal: Maybe Finish the Last Jar
The last one I need to do is the one on the left with the deer.

A -- "A"utumn Blessing from Waxing Moon Designs
Goal: At least 1 more leaf added
Y -- December LK Flip It Stamp
Connection: "Y"ear Long Set
Goal: Finish
S -- "S"nowflake SAL from Stitchonomy
Whole bunch of S's in this one.
Goal: Keep up and Finish this SAL
Here it was after Day 8. 19 Snowflakes Left.

O -- Best Friend Santa Mill Hill Kit
Connection: "O"ld Start
Goal: Maybe Finish?
I started this one in June 2017 for the Longest Day SAL and never got back to it.

F -- Christmas Celebration Sampler from "F"rosted Pumpkin
Goal: Make Progress
Another WIP that I haven't worked on in a long time...
X -- December Nautical Year
Connection: "X"stitch23 on Instagram is the reason I bought this set to do for Mom
Goal: Finish
S -- "S"easide Sampler Mill Hill Kit
Goal: Make Progress
Okay there are my plans for December. We'll see what actually gets accomplished. I will be happy with anything really. December is a month full of Christmas shopping, decorating, wrapping, and fun. We also have 1 fun night planned with great friends. Looking forward to that. Let's just hope it's a great month for myself and all my readers. Thanks for keeping me motivated.