Earlier today I posted for the Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop. I'm back for a follow up post.
First off I received this beautiful piece to put on display this morning...
I'm not the only one that loved it. Several of you commented on loving the blues that she used. Here is the story from the person who created it...
Happy Valentine's Day! Guess what! I am your sweetheart and that blue
heart is mine! The story behind this goes like this. I wanted to stitch
something really fast for a lady I love very much who is having a great
adventure with her health right now out of which we all hope she will
come out stronger. So I took a piece of very low count aida and lots of
left over vintage threads I had. I found the pattern on pinterest and
made it in blue because the person it is for loves blue. I tried to turn
it into a little cushion with not much success so it finally ended up
into a hanging ornament for her and she really loves it. That was all. I
am glad you enjoyed the photo!
Thanks Ariadne for participating so we could all see your beautiful heart shaped piece. Go to
this link to find the pattern if you are interested in it.
I also very much enjoyed looking through the
list Jo posted on her blog. What fun love filled posts and so many gorgeous pieces to admire. Then I found my piece on display at
The Alchymyst's Study. I'm so glad to see so many people appreciated my picture. Here it is...
This is the piece I was so excited to share with you guys. I finished it like a tuck pillow where the tuck part is attached. I just love this finishing technique since it's shows the backing fabric on the front as well. I see many many more of these type of pillows in my future. My little pink dragon and pink Yoshi just had to join in the photo. They love hugs and kisses too.
The pattern is a freebie available at
this site if you are interested. I seen it on Instagram stitched by a friend
Pam and thought it would be a fun fast stitch and boy it was. When hubby and I was getting groceries at Walmart they had this material pre-cut and I just couldn't pass it up. Plus it was only 97cents! I love how it turned out. Exactly what I had in my mind when I dreamed of how I wanted it to look. So now you understand why I was so very happy about it.
Another wonderful blog hop in the books if you ask me. Thanks Jo for hosting.