Arabella is wondering whether that includes treats and toys perhaps? - for her that is!
I have just finished reading a book by Arto Paasilinna called The Year of the Hare published by Peter Owen in the UK and whilst Vatanen's hare does not have toys to play with he does have treats -
'For the hare, he felled several aspens from a pondside and hauled them into the yard. The simple creature busied itself with them all day, as if it too had it's building work to get on with. At any rate, the aspens turned white as the hare ate the bark.'
It was a good read, but there was a chapter added out of character, which I felt was unnecessary. None the less, any house rabbit owner will immediately relate to the book and the hare's nuances throughout. My two little hares could hear me laughing out loud rather a bit!
A few weeks ago I listed Baby Hare Jurgen on the Hare Preservation Trust's online shop and he is now off to his new home!
though little Forest is in the shop now and like Jurgen, 20% of the sale will be donated to the Trust.
Forest has fluffy felt eye patches with rather a bit of tuftiness at the bottom of them.
Little Forest just loves to clamber about the shrubs and bushes on the edge of the field. Some of the other babies are not too sure if they should be doing the same thing because Forest always seems to have so much fun but it’s rather dark and spiky in there!
However she does come home with lots of burrs and thorns and small twigs caught in her fur that her mother spends ages pulling out. The ones that she can’t tug out have to be snipped off with the fur attached so Forest has a few bare patches here and there.
She has made friends with a couple of the birds who frequent the bushes and has been busy helping them gather nesting materials. Using her front paws and sharp teeth she is able to pull the prized sheeps wool off the outer thorny branches.
Forest is chuffed to be helping in such an important task and even more proud that she has been asked to be a Godmother to the coming babies!
Jurgen loves to play amongst the leaves and since he was born in autumn he has had plenty to roll around in.
Forest is beautiful with his tufty eyes....
ReplyDeleteLovely photos of Arabella too
Arabella looks very cute today :-)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful handcraft !!!
Love all the new hares, Jurgen is especially nice !
ReplyDeleteAlso love the cover of the book !
Can hardly wait for toy test! Tasmin and Scamp did a toy test post. The Hare Shop looks great ! And, of course, the new baby hares, I want to kiss them all.
ReplyDeletePrecious new baby hares! Of course photos of Arabella are the most precious! Razzy would tear that pillow to shreads!
ReplyDeleteThe cover of that book is just so darn cool.
Another lovely read to end the night with :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing :)
oh i just love your stories annette...have you thought about writing your own book? i'm sure it would be delightful...full of wesley & arabella adventures!
ReplyDeleteArabella is gorgeous! Is she a wild bun? She looks so much like Scamp.
ReplyDeleteEveryone tried to convince me he was a hare with his long legs and big ears.. he's grown into them a bit now. I knew he couldn't be, after checking the HPT, as he still had his eyes closed when I got him.
thanks Juliet, I have another tufty eyed one - young Ranger.
ReplyDeletethank you Anya and Kareltje
Pey I love the book cover! how could I not own this book? my bookshelf has books displayed 'otherways' now!
thank you Diana! I was inspired by Tamsin and by you in all these 'toys' - shall be a post by itself if I can get some action shots!
Shell thank you! Arabella loves her stuffed draught 'snakes' though she does attack the fleeces (often!)
thanks Lily! hope Sam is well :)
thanks for your lovely comment Go - hope you enjoy your look around!
Pat I have one in the works! 3 stories written so far!
Tamsin I do believe she is. She has very little domestic traits and actually is rather like a hare most of the time! she is the most unrabbity rabbit I have ever known.
Little Scamp is indeed a wild rabbit - he is so very handsome indeed. Just wait till middle age when he starts to put on a stomach... :)