Thursday, 7 January 2010

the Spots come to visit!

Actually the Spots come to stay and now have pride of place above Arabella's extensive castle.

Arabella was delighted, however she was not delighted in me taking yet another photo of her and managed to stick her tongue out at me in such a lady-like way.

She welcomes Sydney and brother Tyler from the Qi Papers blog. Here they are overlooking the castle.
Like a typical castle it has many escape routes and has had modifications made (mainly internal and by a rabbit's sharp teeth).
Unlike a typical Scottish castle it has heating on 24hours and it gets pretty comfortable in there, plus like a castle it is badly lit and the floors sometimes get food left on them.
(When I go in to clean I pick up the occasional half eaten carrot and wilted green).

I was lucky to be able to add to my art collection with a beautfiul print of two Engilsh Spot rabbits - Sydney on the left and her brother Tyler.
Done in my favourite print form of woodblock printing.
Diana from etsy shop the Qi Papers uses Moku Hanga which is the Japanese art of woodblock printing.
Art is so much nicer when you know the artist and the subject.

I had just the frame for it and I thought that a rough edged look would be perfect to set off the rough black markings instead of having it presented neatly under a card mount so I dry tore the edges of the print, making sure to leave Diana's signature and the title on view.
I thought it turned out perfectly!
Now I can gaze admiringly at the Spots all day long.
When Arabella wakes up from her lunch time snooze and emerges from the castle's depths she glances up too and counts the Spot's spots, just to make sure that they are all still there and keep her brain active.
She just said to me that that photo at the top was her licking her lips to get all the carrot bits in :)
Thank you Diana! Love your work and the variations in all the Spots!!


  1. Diana's print looks great! Excellent choice of mat and frame!

  2. Arabella looks so cute with her tongue sticking out. LOL

  3. The Spots have come to stay! LOL Thanks for the nice write up and I love the frame job :)

  4. I love Diana's Spots portraits, you've framed it beautifully too.

  5. That is just beautiful! I love it! Diana is so very talented and very funny too! She always makes me laugh.
    Of course Arabella with her tongue out is pretty hilarious!

  6. Hi Annette
    Arabella is so beautiful, as is Diana's artwork.
    Hope all is well with you?.... Health and Happiness for 2010....Keep Warm

  7. Diana does great work and I am sure it helps to have such good subjects.

  8. unfortuantely I have had someone leave comments here completely unrelated to the post!
    so they have been deleted again!

  9. thanks Cadbury! Diana's print is indeed beautiful

    Maureen - she is cute all of the time and it wasn't till later that I saw the pink tongue!

    you are welcome Diana! I couldn't fit Amelia in.

    thanks Juliet

    thank you Shell, Diana makes me laugh too! a sense of humour is essential

    thank you Julie, well wishes for you in 2010 also

    Christina you are right - she has 3 wonderful subjects!


thanks for leaving your lovely comment and taking the time to read my post, appreciated