Monday, 2 January 2017

it's a new dawn but the stars are still bright ~*Starbright*~

Happy New Year! 

um, it's been a while since my last post! life kinda got in the way

but my etsy shop is still open, I'm still making the wee leverets and I'm still around!
and I have some great news to share!

- quite a few months ago, one very cold day - a very special bright little star came into my life!!!

I have been thinking of Wesley every single day, ever since he left on xmas eve 2013 in the arms
Yes I missed him but I felt it was maybe time for another rescue rabbit to come into my life, but I didn't feel the urge to contact any rescues, just yet.

..and so the stars answered my request for me

and a tiny little piece of brightness came into my life last May!
(oops! that long ago? and I haven't told anyone? tut tut!)

but here she is - please welcome ~Starbright~ 
my little blue-eyed princess!!

she was a wee bit shy at first

but soon came out of her shell

and like all rabbits feeling safe in a safe place she has already checked out every inch of my apartment, and em, made some slight improvements 
(oh okay, they can be classed as de-provements, but to a rabbit deconstructing something IS seen as an improvement!)

just small matters like the rearrangement of soft furnishings (and carpet corners ripped to buggery)
slight indents made to bathroom walls, but I'm in the process of constructing a new bathroom so that has been most helpful actually
and the inspection of wallpaper-to-skirting board fixments. They just weren't good enough so she has ripped strips of paper off the wall instead so I can do a better job next time

It's such a blessing to have her! 
she was an unwanted bunny and a lovely lady took her in, in the meantime, and word got around and I got the chance to meet her.
As I approached the run that she was in outside, she came over to me, then stood up on her hindlegs, made a small bark noise and poked her nose thru the wire at me!
Oh WOW!! 
that was it! I was sold on her!
-she had done the choosing- simple as that

and every day since then has been wonderful!
here she is opening a packet of Ikea ryvita biscuits

my hares are still selling, and I'm still making them when I have the time

and are also available in a beautiful desert cam pattern too! This Army uniform has seen service in Afghanistan. You are not just buying a hare, you are taking in a little bit of history:)

my life has been filled with love! Even the clouds remind me how much love surrounds me!

and on New Year's eve I posted my last etsy sale for 2016!
A wee hare going to England to brighten someone's new year! Yay!

I'm so appreciative that people still take the time to stop by my etsy shop and choose a hare for themselves. Love making them 

Isn't this a very wonderful piece of wood? I came across it in a forest and yes, it HAD to come home with me, haha
Love is always revealing itself to me - clouds, wood, stones, rocks, leaves - all in the shape of hearts
and besides, I knew someone who would appreciate this piece of wood very much:)

I've been flying all over the place this past year! So exciting! and exciting to always come home as well

I love flying RyanAir!

Edinburgh has been stunning as usual! Here is a castle that had been living in one of the main streets in the city centre.
Yeah, a castle was put up in a couple of nights, just to, just to, well - just to look beautiful and make you smile!
It came with bright sparkly lights on it, but I rather preferred the ghost-like snow-maiden appearance instead

when you are happy then reminders about enjoying life flash before you
Where ever you happen to be!

sometimes you are reminded of what's important in the most unusual of places - a lorry carpark 

..and here is that happy recipient of the heart shaped log 
Starbright knows all about appreciation:)
and so do I
~always follow your heart
~and do what you love

life is too short to do otherwise

be happy, appreciate, smile, laugh and love
and have a great 2017!

thank you
oh! someone has had enough?!

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Love always Actually

well I managed to get my ass into gear, and for the first time ever I have my tree up - with decorations! (yes, I've had my tree up before but never got around to actually decorating it) and I have my firtree candles on! yay!

it's jsut so beautiful!
I feel SO in love, sitting here just looking at the little flames flickering away!

and because this xmas day I will all alone by myself with no other beings around
...just sayin'
I shall put on some of my favourite movies!

ofcourse one of them HAS to be  Love Actually!

all I can remember is laughing non-stop thru it! I'm sure you've seen it too eh? 
It's THE xmas classic!

and since it's xmas, and everyone loves everyone - here's some beautiful, heartfelt love on display! 
naaaawww :)

such a romantic scene in the movie! I adored it! So much love!

alrighty, enough of toons like that :/ heh heh

lets's have some sexy Jamelia instead!  
really really LOVE this song! sexy superstar!

happy to say I made some little Drive Safe Hares
and two have already gone to their forever homes

these are in British DPMs
aren't they cutesy little honeys?

and here they are with their Australian counterparts made from my old Australian Army cams

as usual all these leverets come with imperfections - tatty rump anyone? 

or unkempt ears perhaps?

or loose threads here n there?

been making wee Guardian Angel Hares too!

wings vary, but all work ;)
blue cotton..

blue tinsel

gold and silver satin

and orangey gold satin

irrespective of the visual suitability of the flying apparatus, I am sure that these angels fly unfettered on a wing and a prayer

- if any of these wee beasties call to your heart, and you just have to have one, then send me an email at to buy one, or go to my etsy shop and purchase one there
I'm just happy to know that every hare I make goes to a loving home - and heart!

I've only given out 2 cards this year
heh heh
slack eh?!

and I have received um, a couple...
but so pleased that one of them is of Mr Mick! from Jade!
thank you so much Jade!! you know how much I love Mickey - even if he is an angel now :)
and I still have my calendar of him that you sent me a few years ago, hanging on my wall

what can I say?
yes - I am the type of girl who lets days fly by, months turn into years and time march on
sometimes it is far more important to just simply enjoy your now

I still have my big pile of hares that are not even born yet! okay, they don't actually get born, they jsut sort of turn up one day, all fully stuffed

em, that day wasn't today, haha

and not sure if this is any more shocking than the unfinished work pile - but it's all the hares I do have finished, finished over a year ago infact, and they are not yet in my shop day! 
(maybe in the new year...)

I am really happy to have my xmas tree up!
and I got some new lights for it - they are of Olaf, that wee happy snowman 

I've rather fallen in love with him

he jsut makes me smile all the time! 
how cute is he eh?

and last month I even bought an advent calendar with him on it
cost me £1 at the £ store

I actually forgot I had it until the 7th December when I discovered it in my cupboard, so I ate 5 days of chocolates at once, felt a bit sick then left it for a few days
and when I picked it up next I could hardly make out the wee numbers, and ate a couple of days out of order, then I noticed that day 25 was missing?! huh? what the hell is that all about? so I thought, oh hell - and I ended up eating all the rest of the chocolates, that was on day 17
ha ha
yeah, I do what I want, all the time!

Went to the cinema the other week, had a free ticket! yay, so treated myself to the little dragon movie 'The Good Dinosaur'
oh gosh, it was just so sweet!

the hero was the tiniest, littlest little adorable dino I have ever seen! - and omg! the scene of his hatching - aaw! my heart melted :)

just imagine if the meteorite missed earth, and then there would be little dinosaurs with wings living now! 
I want one of these ones!!!

anyway ...when I came out of the Mesozoic Era I was heading for the powder room and in my path was one of these, gulp!

yeah it was a darth vader white fighter soldier
oh goodness me!
I was a little embarassed to be around all that high profile media stuff going on at the moment, so I darted into the powder room
then I did have a fleeting thought that maybe I could've taken a picture, but the one marching past me was looking a little malnourished in the quads and delts department! 

later I googled them and they are referred to as Stormtroopers! ah ofcourse they are! hahahaa
but I ain't seen the StarWars yet, and can't remember the last time I did, so I came across this more improved version of them above - check out the sexy quads and look at the size of those delts! Impressive!!!

now if those kinda StormTroopers are in the movie - then I will promptly race along to see it :)
only joking, I will be going to see the movie soon...

so - it's Christmas!
time to relax, put your feet up, enjoy!

and share the love

and count your blessings for the year!

~love actually is always all around me~

so no need for santa to bring me any presents this year - I already have mine thank you very much!

Thank You so much to all my wonderful customers this year, I appreciate you with all my heart - you make it possible for me to do something I love and make things I love and that makes me happy!
Thank you xxx

I hope you have a Happy Xmas and Happy New Year 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

winter's tales

same old, same old
I've been busy busy busy
and now, suddenly I see it's December! and still I have a basket full of un-made-up hares
tut tut

I have been away 
but i did manage to bring some snow back with me

got some beautiful xmas cards for my family, and treated myself to another beautiful drinking vessel
(that gorgeous glass jar from Italy is now having a rest!) and the winter horses are bringing me tea every few hours

and like those horses above, I am out doing what I love in all weathers - training
and - I was Happy!

I love my training so very much!
free weights ~ running
and I am so happy following my heart, doing what I love every day

every day my life is filled with Joy and Love
(such a beautiful poster! it's in Starbucks at Edinburgh airport)
I always do things that make me happy

and I have an exciting film to go see soon, with a real honey in it! Chris Hemsworth *sigh*

The Huntsman Winter's War 

looks like a good tale ?

the other week I went to a night-show light-show with my papa and his bestie, at the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh
to see more of my favourite flowers
um, the fir trees were doing well
it was so freezing cold! there was snow in the air, but unlike tonight it didn't fall
thank goodness! though, me being me and a typical Scot, I had forgotten my gloves and hat and was dressed for a late summer's day

in between shivering I took some snaps
some displays were small and beautiful

this was a water fountain with fire flames at the same time
papa and I were wondering about the mechanics of it all, and the fuels involved, no oily residues were visible on the tiny loch so it must've been a fast evaporating flammable liquid...

(I would've liked a bigger fire to warm me up!)

and some of the light displays were very grand

a little while later I saw another light show

I visited the kelpies at night - em, well it was about 4pm, and you can just see the snow covered mountains in the background as the dusk set in

it's the first time I've seen these horses lit up, and they were very impressive
here they are dancing
oh okay, it was freezing cold - so it may have been my hands shaking instead!

and like all things illuminated, they changed colour as their mood dictated

erm, what's with the eery green eye? looks like it's rising from the sea

a little while before all that light show stuff, I was touching down down South

yeah - this is the plane's wheel on the landing strip
pretty neat pic eh
I am sure I had my phone set on the right settings to be able to take that pic safely (for the pilot and touch-down), but it's still a conundrum to me and every day I learn more about this mysterious little piece of communication equipment

it was at least 10degrees warmer than in Scotland! 14degree days - T shirt weather!

I've been getting some nice pics with my wee smart phone
and took this sunrise one last week as I was driving my papa to the airport
(he was off to colder fields! (Norway to be precise))
so it was good to see the Scottish morning giving some visual warmth at least

anyway, back to those beautiful eyes!
...if they have this attached to them - then definitely, for sure, absolutely, without a smidgen of a doubt - 

...and if one of these wee babies comes my way,
then - oh my god!!

it will be xmas every single day!!

on December 24th it will be exactly 2years since my little soulmate Wesley left for the stars
- last night I dreamt about him -
and every day with a heart filled with love I think about him, and yes - he fills me with Joy and Love and Happiness

anyway, back to reality! I have hares ready to journey across the big pond, and more heading to snow laden pastures!
plus a basket full of leverets that need stuffing and homes to go
(maybe, just maybe, they will make it in time for xmas? but I'm not holding my breath!)

happy xmas!
and a late Happy Thanksgiving to all my wonderful American friends! 

Thank You so very much! 

I appreciate you with all my heart 
lots of love xxxxx