Showing posts with label chekov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chekov. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Happy / Merry / Hoppy ~ c Рождеством ~

Happy / Merry / Hoppy 

Wesley and I wish everyone a good one

a good good one

and may the bears be friendly
the racoons polite
and the young hares well behaved 

and this is for my good good friend in the States 

( ~ she knows who she is ~ )
an abundance of  **!! HAPPY !!* 

just for her :)  yay!

Happy Christmas beautiful lady! xxx

and may you bask in the light of love
often and always 

okey dokey, personal greetings over

I've got my calendar up already
though my tree is still not yet up

- no time! 

I've been flat out bringing many little leverets into the world and sending them safely on their journeys to adorn xmas trees else where

I treated myself to a calendar from the Hare Preservation Trust

I am their volunteer business development manager (big title huh!) and I run their online shop

I've been doing it for quite a few years now.
I like that the Trust is primarily concerned with changing the law regarding the status of hares in the UK by political policy. This is a nice approach to do things and we work with all sides of hare interests. 

The calendars are all sold out for this year. They sold well, and fast!

I rather like this pic of a hare.
I usually keep my fav pic on display all year round, so maybe I will be fast forwarding to August, in January (most probably!)
I'm not into dates or numbers or week days or stuff like that. I work for myself, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, so every day is the same to me - work, work, work....

*yaaaaaawwwnnn* ..complain.. complain.. complain..

no, not complaining Wesley! just sayin'

I bought Wes a heater the other week. 
A little one that can be kept on all the time.
It's a tube type thingy and gets nice n toasty and Wes has spent every waking minute dozing by it

his toys wanted to get in on the action too

hey! get them away!
heat hoggers!!

infact Wes has adored his heater so much so, that when I was cuddling him the other night I happened to notice that the inside of his ear was all raw and pinky and *burnt* (shameful blush!!)

so I remedied that right away 

- with a kiss for Wesley (kisses Always work!)
- and a little loose sock slipped onto the heater
(the heater does have huge writing saying Do Not Cover, but hey! just look at Wes and his toys!? it's completely covered in my opinion!) hmmmm

the Edinburgh skies have been all pinky too

beautiful December sunsets over the Scottish capital, so good to see

took this one a couple weeks ago, was so breath-taking

and then got a repeat a couple nights later

isn't it just amazing how beautiful the world can be
truly blessed to live on earth
(em, as opposed to the grey dry desolate moon .. perhaps..)

and as the year draws to an end I am more than half way thru War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

I read this book in high school for my English matric. I studied the persona of the Russian male hero in a few of the classics (Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky et al). 
I read the book in lightening speed ofcourse as I had a few books to wade thru and dissect and study. I loved them all ofcourse, being a huge fan of things Russian. And War and Peace is a BIG book! 

but now that I'm older, not under exam pressure and can relax and enjoy a read, I am taking my time to savour it.

I get it in my inbox 3 times a week from Daily Lit and when it comes in at 11pm I make myself a lady grey and sit down for a cosy 5 minute read. 
This really is a great way to get thru books you've always wanted to read but never found the time.
I've read a few Chekovs, and the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and a few other bits here and there but just now I am adoring my War and Peace with Andrew Bolkonski, Pierre and Natasha. 

It's good good stuff!

Tolstoy is truly a master story teller and such an insightful man. Now that I have some life experience, as opposed to purely intellectual dissemination, under my belt, I can really appreciate his incredible wisdom and sagacity. 

alrighty, enough high-brow

next on my read list is Conan the Conqueror. So, so excited!! LOVE Conan :) *sigh*

I just have to finish my current books, which in no particular order are - Andy McNab ~ Immediate Action, W.Stanley Moss ~ Ill Met by Moonlight, John Le Carre ~ The Constant Gardener and Douglas Reeman ~ Battlecruiser that I started about oh, about a year ago. 

Hmmm, then again, maybe I will just go straight on to Conan. I do like to eat my dessert first. When I go out to dinner I look at the desserts first :)

anyway, whatever book I pick up next

will be because I surely LOVE it

I have always loved books. 
I love their feel, their contents, their voice, their world, their comfort, their....

so, whatever you do this xmas,
whether with friends or family or familiarity 

make sure you have a good good one

and you're happy 
and if you've had a few, hoppy :)

and to all my Russian readers who've been stopping by ~ спасибо!