It's been way toooo long from my last post. I'm sorry about this silence but I really had no 'extra time to blog'. So in the past months we had football tournaments for the middle child .
price day concert for the big girl.... she is the one standing up holding the sphere of fortune. Yes that's my gypsy fortune teller.... madame zarouski !! great play :)
a late birthday celebration for my eldest. Her and I were both busy doing exams during her birthday week so we had to celebrate late .
We had also holy communion . For some years now the parents of all those girls and boys who are in their communion year at school organise a day out at the Mediterraneo fun park. It was crazy but we still loved watching the dolphins show, the parrots and the sea lions x
and the hot season is here and there is nothing better than to end one's hot day by the beach enjoying a pim (swim in my daughter's lingo) ;)