Showing posts with label vlog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vlog. Show all posts

Operation Office Organization!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Video post about office organization! Funny to see yourself on video. I mix Englishisms and Americanisms so deal with it, also I say "yeah" a helluva lot! Lots of stuff in here, and there is a spotty doggy but in a couple of shots ;) for all the doggy lovers out there!


Doggy Video :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

After yesterdays post about the animal cruelty I thought I'd share a lighter note today by finally uploading a video of our dogs. I promised family a while ago that I'd post this video of the dogs eating corn on the cob. We had a few BBQs this Summer and I LOVE LOVE LOVE BBQ corn on the cob!!! As do the dogs apparently! They were sniffing around mine one day so I figured next time I'd cut one in half and we'd cook them their own to eat. Hope you enjoy it!

I thought we'd recorded the main eating with Sky but it seems there was a technical hitch as the camera didn't record :( I think you get the idea though = DOG LOVE CORN ON THE COB!!!

Also uploaded a video I did during another of our BBQs over the Summer. We've had some work done on the back garden so apologies for the messy garden. Cute doggy alert too!

Hopefully uploading more vid's and vlogs soon! Charging the camcorder as I type :) I need to find some vid editing software too! Any recommendations?



Vlog post - blasts from the past 2008

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just thought I'd share today some footage of when we went to Warner Springs Ranch back in Sept 2008 to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary. Warner Springs is a hot springs resort. We stayed there for 3 days and did the whole relaxation thing, hot spring baths, horseriding, walks around the golf course (with the dogs) and we also went for a ride in a glider. The hot springs were definitely the best thing though!

I'm uploading another horseriding video, plus a video of us up in a glider, so be sure to check out my YouTube channel! Thankfully no footage or photo's of me being sick in the glider (ewww). Yeah I was fine through the whole thing till we just started going round, and round, and round the mountains. I'm weird I admit it, Rollercoasters I can deal with, buses however I get travel sick on. It's the constant motion I think. Anyways the heat and confined space didn't help either. Still, it's something we'll remember forever!

Seems strange to look at this and think that the clothes I wore then are now HUGE on me. Also looking at my arms and seeing no muscle definition looks weird now. This was a few months before I started back on my fitness journey (Dec 2008) so I was probably around 148lbs here.

Gonna be dragging up some other video footage to post as soon as I find it!



Operation Office Organization Underway!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Afternoon all! It's OOO time! That's operation office organization!!! Just taking a break for some random silliness :) If you know me IRL you'll know I don't take life too seriously, no matter the situation things are ALWAYS made better with some humor. That's my belief anyway, hence the damn laughter lines (they aren't wrinkles!) forming around my eyes :) Too much laughing :)

So after a pathetic attempt to clear out my scrapbook paper (I purged a 3" stack truly pathetic) I am onto sorting out the closet and wow the treasures you find in there! It's like Santa's grotto! Or Shreks grotto? We got these 'Shrek ears' at E3 many years ago, been in a box in the closet since, gonna see if I can get some pics of the dogs wearing these, scrapbook layout waiting to happen there I think :)

Ok since I've been using Skype all week to chat with Bob whilst he's been away at GDC in San Fransisco I've become quite fond of chatting to a webcam so I am gonna try Vlogging again. Someone hold me to this! Below is a test of different video options, let me know which format you prefer, blogger video or YouTube! First up is bloggers video embedding, test, test, 1,2...

For YouTube junkies here is the same vid on youtube. I plan on making a few more of these Vlogs addicting, and sooo much quicker than typing :)

If you want you can subscribe to my youtube channel, whatever that means :) I think it means you get email updates as soon as I upload them? Not 100% sure on that one.

I've been trying to streamline things, linking things all up to the same email account so lots of things getting done.

Also if anyone is in the Simi Valley area and wants a load of free craft supplies email me! I have a tote full of paper, stamps, punches, and general crafting stuff.

Ok back into the depths of the office closet for me!



Are you ready for me to vlog?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunday Bob was browsing his usual techy sites and came across an ad for a camcorder on sale. In a fit of consumerism I bought one. We've been working without any major purchases so camcorder seemed like a great idea! We have a video camera but getting data off the tape and into the computer was apparently a chore and this takes memory cards. The reason for getting the cam? Well pretty much my parents are going to be limited now to UK vacations, due to my Moms health and with the price of airfares us going back to the UK isn't going to happen anytime soon and so the camcorder idea seemed a great visual way to keep in touch along with our phone chats, IM chats, emails and letters.

After the initial charging Sunday I was ready to go Monday and did a little recording (testing/playing), and just did another few minutes. I just played it back on the cam and discovered that:
  1. I talk in a REALLY funny voice to the dogs!
  2. I look a mess in the afternoons! Midday hot is not a good look for me! Also don't turn the camera on yourself when you are zoomed in at something else, close up of your nose is NOT a good thing!
  3. If people see these first vids they are gonna think I am crazy cos I have 15 minutes of dog/house/garden footage, and 15 seconds of me.
  4. I don't like how I look very much, moreso 'cos I look at the screen not at the lens. Seriously I don't have a nervous twitch, not that I'm aware of anyway!
  5. People are NOT gonna believe I am English as my accent is going and I am sounding more American everyday.
  6. Do I really talk like that? Why can't I have a nice girly voice? Oh yeah that's cos I'm not a girly girl!
  7. Our house is pretty dark, due to the fact the curtains/blinds are closed (so the house doesn't get too hot), remember to SWITCH THE DARN LIGHTS ON or open the blinds!
  8. Take footage of more than just the dogs, or my tomatoes!
  9. Not much happens around here on a daily basis.
  10. I have a long way to go before I start vlogging anything interesting!
Seriously though I hope to get some video tutorials and stuff done in the future once I stop doing the mad shaky thing, and maybe dig out the tripod. This baby has time lapse recording so that should be cool!

So yeah be prepared for me vlogging! Scary times ahead! lol!