Showing posts with label organize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organize. Show all posts

It's a clean up weekend!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

So I decided that before I get crafty I need to get my office/craftroom under control. This is what happens when you try and do everything... mess ensues! This room is my home office, store room, craft room, scrapbook room, sewing room and where I research fitness information and new moves/routines. To say that I'm outgrowing this space is an understatement so it needs to be reigned in I think!

The problem lies in too much stuff in too small a space and not enough organization. Plus I started organizing a few months ago but never got around to finishing so there are many piles of stuff that just need sorting through and reorganizing. I will finish this time!

One area that hasn't seen much action lately is the scrapbook area. It's become a catch-all area for supplies, photo's and more so I can't actually create till this area is cleared off!

And then there is the computer desk! Seriously!!! So in need of a makeover!!!

I'll be back next week with an update, new pics of the room and then hopefully some creative stuff!!! Whooohooo!



working on my one little word

Thursday, January 21, 2010

As I stated in a previous post my one little word for 2010 is balance. I find I have all these design commitments, creative things I want to do, digital things to design, housework, fitness, study, dogs, husband, and now goals to get back to creating, photographing and documenting our lives, and also getting out and about more together! Plus I'd really like to get back into the garden and get the garden productive again, but how do we fit it all in when we only have so many hours in the day? Well, we become more productive in the time we do have!

One of the creative blogs I follow is Craft Leftovers. Kristin recently wrote a post about being more productive by scheduling her time more, and this really hit a point with what I was trying to do in December, making subtle changes to my day that would hopefully make me more productive. So I am going to write out the goals/steps she outlines in her post but for my own life, we apparently we have a lot in common :)

Step 1: Set your Goals

1. Work 5-6 hours a day
2. Take time to workout
3. Take time to cook healthy food

Step 2: Make a list of all the activities you have to do on a regular basis

Work - Fitness classes
Work at the office – 5 hours a day
Workout – 1 - 2 hours (including shower/change) (longer in Summer as I swim also)
Take time each day to prepare healthy meals ahead of time, whether meal prep or cooking for the week ahead

Weekly dinner with Bob (date night)
Chat with Mum Thursdays
Boxer projects weekly article monthly
walk dogs twice a day minimum
bi-monthly lunch with girls

Step 3: Analyze the things you CAN change and schedule them where they make the most sense

I tend to waste a lot of time in the morning that could be used more productively. I get up considerably earlier than Bob (he's a night owl, I'm a morning person). I have 2 1/2 hours from rising to working out that I seem to waste on an average day. I mentioned this in my newsletter but I started sitting at the dining table for breakfast last year and that seemed to help keep me active (till I got out the habit and slouched back in the lounge for breakfast), this also helps me focus on the kitchen/dining room and do dishes/laundry etc rather than sitting in the lounge.

My laptop broke (ok I broke it by dropping it on the floor, Bob is trying to fix it), since it broke I've had to find other things to do in the mornings (usually my iphone for checking Facebook etc). If I sit at the dining table for breakfast I don't use the phone or laptop in the morning and my time is more productive :)

When laptop is repaired do research online after dinner, usually have a 30 - 60 mins window before walking the dogs. Use this time to prepare blog posts, or for scheduling work ahead.

Bob and I like different foods. I'm very much a health nut and he likes all things carb based. Often for lunch I have the same thing everyday as I need good healthy carbs, and protein to refuel after working out. So instead of cooking this daily, recently I've taken to cooking ahead. On Mondays I make enough to last the whole week and simply reheat. This could work with some evening meals too! Learn to use the fridge/freezer more for cooking.

Step 3: Mapping it out

Taking all that into account, here is what I came up with:

6:30 – wake up and walk the dogs
7.00 – Breakfast, feed dogs, do daily household chores (laundry etc)
9:00 – Workout, shower, change
11:00 – Do weekly household chores/Gardening
12:00 – lunch (30 minutes)
12:30 –Work

6:00 – Dinner prep, eat and clean up
8.30 - walk dogs then feed dogs
9:30 – take the rest of the evening off, read/tv/movie etc
11:00 – go to bed

All sounds good right? I started this at the beginning of January and so far so good! I am certainly more productive, the house is a little cleaner and I feel like I definitely achieve more in a given day.

Update since writing the blog post.

I had this post scheduled already and of course though life has it's own way of throwing spanners in the works and I find myself sitting here thinking I may have to revisit the schedule as things are changing in my life now. I am gradually getting back into my fitness career and have instructed my first class this week so it's all change with the focus and now I have another little tweak to make to the schedule. Each afternoon that I work from home I plan on focusing on a specific subject, for example:
  • Monday - fitness accounting and routine planning
  • Tuesday - Digital Designing
  • Wednesday - Paper Scrapbooking
  • Thursday - Blog prep
  • Friday - General Paperwork, emails etc

By focusing on one subject a day I hope to get more achieved, hopefully this will also mean the blog doesn't become focused on one topic.

I also decided that I need to get the dogs out for another walk in the day. Found out yesterday that River is 60lbs! Fat little bugger! So yeah they were already on a diet, now they go on a fitness plan too! lol!

Looks like more balancing required as life changes around me, but I WILL get there!


one little word & goals for 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010

One little word... for the past few years I've joined in on Ali Edwards focus on one word for the upcoming year, something that encompasses what I want to achieve for the year ahead. Initially it's tough to choose one word, but when you find that word it just speaks to you. Previous words for me: 2007- focus, 2008 - change, and 2009 - adapt.
Adapt: I'm a planner you see, I like schedules, I like routine, but life has a way of just slapping you in the face and changing everything so my goal is to deal and adapt. Other ways this word is apt for 2009 are: adapting my schedule to allow time for working out, adapting my diet to eat healthier, adapting my style to step outside my 'box' and try new things. 
How right that was for 2009! I lost 30lbs and lots of inches. Gained fitness qualifications and my design career took some interesting turns in 2009 as usually happens in this industry. I do find that I am more open to change now and adapting my life around it. I still don't like the not knowing phase and would rather plan things out, but being open to adapting my life is much easier than fighting it!.

 In 2010 all those words above are still very apt for my life and I've found lots of words I like in Ali's 2009 list of words from her blog readers, all of the following spoke to me for one reason or another...
  • adventure
  • create
  • connect
  • commit
  • discover
  • energy
  • enjoy
  • happy
  • nourish
  • nurture
  • reconnect

but my one little word for 2010 is: balance

It has lots of meaning but basically encompasses everything in my goals for 2010 set out below. Every year,  I make goals. I am making myself accountable and setting some goals for 2010 here on the ol' blog

take more ME/US time - this is more one for Bob than it is for me but he knows he needs to take time off, work less and have more ME/US time. We need to find a balance between house/dogs/work/and us... which leads to

get out more - We bought the RV and decided we like the lifestyle and have plans to get out and about in the RV in 2010. I hope to make an album for our RV trips to document the whole thing, get a resource book together of places we've been and in general for us to get out and about more and enjoy the country we've moved to. Again it's the balance between the work vs play :)

document life more - already mentioned above but I realized I haven't really documented our lives that much since I'm not on so many design teams anymore. I'd rather make cards than do scrapbook layouts but I need to print those photo's off and actually make layouts. Heck even if it's just a blog post I'd be happy! The balance between creating for fun, and creating for design teams is sometimes lost. I need to find the time to get more creative.

take more photographs - Previous years I've said I wanted to not document things as much and LIVE the moments more. Well this one kinda backfired on me as I lived the moments so much I didn't have any photo's from the events! Need to get back into the habit of taking photo's regularly, which leads to balancing the living vs the documenting

Continue with fitness - finding balance between weights, cardio and flexibility training. I have some fitness goals for the year ahead but first I need to recover from an injury and take some time to get back into the fitness routine (and routine in general) after being out the game for 2 weeks over the holidays. I find fitness routines are continually changing and especially so with the seaons so this is something I need to balance in the year ahead.

There are more goals I set each quarter which are more habit forming than anything, but these are my 5 focus oriented goals for 2010!

What's your one little word for 2010?

Also do you set yourself any goals for the upcoming year?

Happy New Year everyone!!!
