Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Blog-versary - 5 years blogging!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Today is the 5 year anniversary of my blogging! It's come a long way, as have I, since it began. Heck it wasn't even called Di Hickman back then, it was still "spot-on creations" named after my craft forum username. How things change eh? I started this blog originally as a place to post my creative stuff, and take part in the blog memes that were hopping around the web. That turned into so much though.

It's funny to thing that 5 years ago I had only had ONE card published, and was wondering if I was a one hit wonder? I also wasn't on any design teams and certainly not any manufacturer design teams! Seems like a lifetime ago.

I thought today that I'd repost the first creative thing I posted on the blog. It was a tag I made for receiving a RAK on 2peas. It actually got picked up for publication by Correspondent Art magazine back in early 2006 and was in their Spring/Summer 2006 publication I think.

So what does the future hold for me and blogging? Well I will still be blogging! However my main focus will be my new website that I am launching later this month, work out with Di. Which will be all things health & fitness related. If you are looking to embark on a healthier lifestyle in the New Year or maybe lose some weight? Then bookmark my new website and come workout with me! I'll be doing fitness video clips so you can do the workout I am doing and posting all kinds of stuff on health, fitness, nutrition and more!

As for this blog, yes I will still be posting. Maybe a little more sporadically but I will be posting! I have thought long and hard about what the future has in store for me, and if I can manage it I'll be creating when I can. Documenting my life in the only way I know how, blogging and scrapbooking. I have to accept that my life has changed so much in the last two years, especially the last year and I am so hoping that by pairing down some responsibilities I can continue with both the fitness and creative work. 

With that said some things have to end, and I have decided to close my digital store at Di Hickman Designs. Sales have been slow and you may have noticed that my digital releases have been pretty sparse this year, and so I just cannot justify the time and energy that goes into keeping that store open. I will still be at Scrapwow, and may even release some new products on occasion but for now that part of my creative life is taking a back seat in the hopes that I can keep both websites open and current AND continue with my design team work as well as manage my IRL fitness career.

So have a cupcake with me in celebration of my 5th blogaversary and here's to another 5 years!


*cupcake clipart from


Music Monday: Meme

Monday, August 30, 2010

I have a rather eclectic taste in music. I know... I know... almost everyone says that, but in my case it really is true. I pretty much love all types of music. My iPod playlist can jump from Musicals, to death metal, pop, dance, a lil' country, hip hop, R & B and more. Seriously! So I figured if I have such varied tastes why not share it once in a while right? You never know blog readers may find a new favorite.

As it's the first week of something like this I thought I'd share the first record I bought. It was a double whammy for me really as I bought two records (yes back in the vinyl days) but this was my favorite.

Blondie - Tide is High

Blog Meme
So I have a little challenge for you fellow bloggers, facebookers & tweeters! Post the first record you ever bought then link back to my blog so we can all check out the tunes!


New Blog is up and running!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I sent out my newsletter this week stating that I would be blogging at a different site in future for all my personal/fitness stuff and leaving this blog as a designing/crafting blog. Well the new blog is live now, not completely satisfied with the layout and I need to change the banner still but hey I have somewhere to post my fitness things independant of this crafty blog. If you want to check it out you can find me at:

First few days of posts are up, so check it out, bookmark it and/or sign up in a reader


Theme Thursday - NEW

Thursday, January 8, 2009

As it's the start of a new year, it makes us think of new things. Whether that's a new job, new house, new body, or in this case new baby! I busted out some one heart... one mind from my stash and got busy with a couple of cards. These were TOTALLY inspired by the little metal "baby" tabs I snagged at the dollartree.

Supplies: Papers & Rub-ons: one heart... one mind; Metal tab: Miss Elizabeths

Supplies: Papers & Rub-ons: one heart... one mind; Metal tab: Miss Elizabeths

Now before anyone asks NO not pregnant, NO not trying to get pregnant, ok now that is out the way, lol. I like to look at my card stash every New Year and see what types of cards I am low on, and strangely the ones I am making this month are all needed! Must be the time of year! Every Thursday this month look out for projects with a "new" theme!


Decided to join in a fun meme I'd seen floating around the blogsphere. This is one of those "100s" lists. It lists 100 activities and you are to bold the ones you have done and italicize five you would like to do most. If you want to participate, just snag and post to your blog!

1. Started my own blog – Yeppers! Got more than one now!

2. Slept under the stars – Does in a tent count? no?

3. Played in a band – Does Rock Band count? I've sung with a band but that's not technically playing is it? I don't even play an instrument though I am kinda learning to play the guitar (though haven't practiced in a while). I'm learning to play by Tab as reading music bores me, I want instant results =)

4. Visited Hawaii – No but I'd like to. Friends of ours have been and it looks beautiful!

5. Watched a meteor shower – yep watched a couple actually. We got a pretty good view of the last few we've had.

6. Given more than I can afford to charity – I've raised money for charity in my time, given lots of items to charity and given money to charities. Kidney disease is something that impacted my life greatly, and will for years to come so obviously that is dear to my heart. This will probably be something I'll talk about later as my Mums kidney function deteriorates, due to Polysystic Kidney Disease. Right now she's at 14% function, has her Cimino fistula and is preparing for a future of dialysis.

7. Been to Disneyland/world - Been to Disneyland many times (and we get in for free now Bob works for Disney so it's a cheap day out for us). On our 1st anniversary we went to Florida, didn't so Disneyworld, but we did Animal Kingdom (awesome btw). I've scrapped a few photo's of the Disneyworld ones when my parents were over, but none from 1997, or Animal Kingdon in 1999. Need to get busy on that!

8. Climbed a mountain – Yes, it was technically a mountain though I was only 15/16 at the time so can't remember a whole lot about it. I do have photo's though, which also need to be scrapbooked!

9. Held a praying mantis – we get these in our garden during summer. Love the way they look, very unusual creatures yet so interesting to look at!

10. Sung a solo – Karaoke queen! Sung with a live band karaoke style at a party a couple of years ago. Fun times!

11. Bungee jumped – no, not sure I would either.

12. Visited Paris – been to France but not Paris specifically

13. Watched lightning at sea – nope don't think so.

14. Taught myself an art from scratch – I can cook (some stuff), and I taught myself to scrapbook and make cards. Oh and I taught myself photoshop =)

15. Adopted a child – If we ever did have kids I think we'd adopt, but I do not have any desire to have children, biological or otherwise.

16. Had food poisoning – It was either the Mushroom Stroganoff or the eggnog desert thing. My money is on the eggnog. Man that was a bad time. I don't even remember the name of the restaurant but ewwww puke city! Only time I've ever had it, and never want it again!

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty – Nope. We did go to the top of the Empire State Building though. That was during an 8 hour stop over whilst waiting for flights.

18. Grown my own vegetables – Something I've recently started again here in the US, but I did this in England. This year we grew tomatoes, beans, corn, radish, cucumbers etc and I have cool season crops in now. Nothing like a tomato right off the vine!

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France – Nope, no real desire to.

20. Slept on an overnight train – Nope

21. Had a pillow fight – Yes I remember having a pillow fight twice in my life. Once with Lisa and Shelley, and again at a slumber party at Rachaels house.

22. Hitchhiked – Nooooooo, have you not seen horror films!

23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill. – hahaha if anyone answers no to this then they are probably lying.

24. Built a snow fort – tried to build an igloo once but we didn't get much snow so I guess with just 1ft high walls it was more a fort?

25. Held a lamb – no but I'd like to I love animals!

26. Gone skinny dipping – hahahaha... no.

27. Run a Marathon – No but again its something I'd like to do.

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice – never been to Venice

29. Seen a total eclipse – yes,

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset – oh yes, many times

31. Hit a home run – Never played baseball, but we have a similar game in England called rounders which I was totally crap at. Now give me a tennis raquet and give me a fighting chance of hitting the ball! I never was much of a team sports player, I prefered tennis, or running, or later on aerobics!!!

32. Been on a cruise – no

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person – no

34. Visited the birthplace of my ancestors – um, yeah I guess. My heritage is English and I am from England so yeah.

35. Seen an Amish community – no. Live without the internet? Yikes, sorry no, couldn't do it! I do love farms though, and the lifestyle they lead. I'd like to incorporate SOME elements into my life, but their lifestyle is a little too strict for me.

36. Taught myself a new language – At school in England we're taught French. Even if you do two languages the other is typically German. I will say that I knew a little French before school as my friend Shelley taught me some as she was learning at school (she was about 4 years older than me). Naturally French does me completely no use here in the US where the second language is Spanish! So even though I know French I'd like to learn Spanish this year (or next year)

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied – We have enough to pay bills, the mortgage, and some savings so yes.

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person – Nope.

39. Gone rock climbing – yep. When I was 15/16 I went on a school trip on an adventure week. We did lots of sports and activities. One of which was rock climbing. I'm quite thankful for that trip to whitehall and getting to try out so many outdoor pursuits.

40. Seen Michelangelo’s David – no

41. Sung karaoke – yep many times. Bob loves Karaoke too. We've sung it regular with the backing track on the TV, and with a live band. I would say without a doubt it's Bobs favorite activity. He loves to sing!

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt – No,

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant – nope

44. Visited Africa – Nope. I would love to go on one of those tours round the plains though and see all the animals. Closest we got was the tour in Aminal Kingdom, I'd prefer to see the animals in their natural habitat.

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight – Yes, on my own, deep in thought.

46. Been transported in an ambulance – Don't think so. All the injuries etc I've had, I don't think any required a trip in an ambulance. If I needed emergency treatment I believe we've always got there by car.

47. Had my portrait painted – No, better things to paint!

48. Gone deep sea fishing – Introducing a new part to the meme of "things I will never do". I'm vegetarian, and totally against this kind of "Sport". Besides the oceans are overfished already!

49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person – So not a “chapel person” and no desire to see this.

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris – Nope never been to Paris.

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling – No, but I'd like to at some point.

52. Kissed in the rain – Yes

53. Played in the mud – I garden, so I play in the mud on a regular basis.

54. Gone to a drive-in theater – No, but one of these is happening soon here as they try and bring back this activity. Maybe we'll go and check it out

55. Been in a movie. – Maybe! Haven't seen the film yet and right now I can't remember what it was called (something like "romance in the park" which was a working title too so could have changed anyway). But about 3 years ago I was walking the dogs in the park and there were notices saying they were filming and basically by entering the park you could be in the movie. I continued my walk. So if you see woman walking a Dalmatian in the background of a movie, let me know! Wish I could remember the proper name, it may come back to me.

56. Visited the Great Wall of China – No, no real desire to either.

57. Started a business –Yes =) I was self employed for many years in England with my company Dynamic Fitness.

58. Taken a martial arts class – No, I've always wanted to though, but I've since discovered that due to my Kidney disease I shouldn't do contact sports.I dunno, I think it's something I'll do at some point just to say I did it. Plus I think the outfits look cool =)

59. Visited Russia – No, no real desire to either. If I could go anywhere I'd go to Egypt (love to see the pyramids), India (hello we LOVE the food!) or somewhere like Hawaii.

60. Served at a soup kitchen – No, I've never even seen a soup kitchen.

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies – nope.

62. Gone whale watching – Yes, more than once. Love it! Such a peaceful experience, love being out on the boat too, even though both times I got sunburnt!

63. Got flowers for no reason – Yes I have BUT I don't like cut flowers. I much prefer seeing them in their natural environment, or in a pot alive. I'd be happier with a packet of vegetable seeds though.

64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma – no, not completely sure if I can due to Kidney Disease either.

65. Gone sky diving – No, we went gliding this year though.

66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp – nope, and no desire to.

67. Bounced a check – Nope, never.

68. Flown in a helicopter – Something I want to do at some point.

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy – No, I'm not really attached to things. I couldn't even tell you my favorite toy. I had a few I liked, for example: Kermit puppet, Orinocho Womble (loved the Wombles, way ahead of their time too! The BBC should totally bring the Wombles back!) , blackboard, Cindy/barbie dolls, but nothing really stands out as a favorite.

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial – no, again no desire to.

71. Eaten caviar – Never have, never will. Vegetarian for 17 years, and quite honestly even when I did eat meat the idea of eating fish eggs just sounded completely disgusting! Ewwww

72. Pieced a quilt – Nope, though I have sewn my own clothing!

73. Stood in Times Square – No, that many people in one place? = my idea of HELL.

74. Toured the Everglades – No, kinda regret not doing that while in Florida, but we had crappy weather with Hurricane Flloyd at the time.

75. Been fired from a job – No, but I got laid off from a job for the first time this year.

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London – yes, and I have photo's.

77. Broken a bone – Not broken no, dislocated collar bone and other cuts and scrapes but nothing broken. (yet... had to add that 'yet' being the clumsy thing I am)

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle – yes =) Though offroad so technically can you speed offroad? I have ridden on a motorcycle on the highway too though, just not as the rider but as a passenger.

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person – No,

80. Published a book – no, but I think everyone would like to write a book, but this is something I really want to achieve!

81. Visited the Vatican – No and no desire to, who thought up this list?

82. Bought a brand new car – Yes! My Hyundai Tuscon we bought brand new in 2006, after my Windstar died. And for anyone wondering, it's awesome, I love it!

83. Walked in Jerusalem – No, again no desire to.

84. Had my picture in the newspaper – Yes, I've scrapbooked it too. I was very young though!

85. Read the entire Bible – No I haven't. I'm not a Christian, I have no desire to read the Bible. I was christened when I was very young, but given a choice I wouldn't have been. Not even sure why my Mom saw fit to have a christening when she isn't religious herself?

86. Visited the White House – Nope, something I can't say I have any urge to do either.

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating – NO! Ewwww! Vegetarian remember! I swear I think the person who thought this list up was a religious person who liked hunting and fishing a lot!

88. Had chickenpox – More than once as I recall!

89. Saved someone’s life – Save my own on a regular basis being the clumsy tart I am! We also saved our dogs lives by rescuing them, 2 weeks at a shelter is a LONG time here, we heard the staff say they were in their final days beforethey were done.

90. Sat on a jury – Not yet. We keep getting the notifications in the mail that we've been selected and we keep telling them we aren't US citizens. They really need a better way to do Jury selections!

91. Met someone famous – Yes! Martin Clunes, Lee & Herring, Brian Clough, Greg Kinnear to name a few.

92. Joined a book club – No.

93. Lost a loved one – Yes, my Grandad died of Kidney failure complications after battling with PKD for many years.

94. Had a baby – Nope and don’t want to! Give me puppies any day! Dang puppies are so cute! Honestly I have no maternal desire for children. Truth be told I don't even like kids that much till they get to about 7-8, and babies, yuk forget it. Some women just weren't made to be mothers. I fall into that catergory.

95. Seen the Alamo in person – No, no desire to

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake – no

97. Been involved in a law suit - Nope, thankfully.

98. Owned a cell phone – Yep I do. Which usually isn't charged up or on my person when I'm out and about. I try I really do! I'm much better than I have been the past few years though, and it's becoming more second nature again. Back in England when I was working and driving all over, it was with me 24/7 but now I just forget... or I'm home anyway and it seems pointless. I will say that having the Helio ocean has been much better for texting, and since I found out the photo uploading thing for facebook I've been using that too!

99. Been stung by a bee – never, I have this insane fear of being stung and act all crazy about bees/wasps being near me. I love them to be beside me on flowers etc. But if one comes too close I get crazy!

100. Ridden an elephant – no but how cool would that be?

Snag the meme if you want to!



Happy Bloggiversary!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Did you know that this blog is THREE YEARS OLD today? Wow, time flies! What started as something to post the occasional bit of creative work, crazy ramblings, and my attempts at getting published and on design teams turned into it's own little beast of a blog :)

Three years ago I decided to start blogging again, after a failed first attempt that lasted just a few weeks till I deleted it. The blog has gone through some changes in the last three years, the URL for one, (Anyone remember when it used to be Spot-on Creations?) the design changed, the design teams changed, the format changed when I introduced the card sketches, then again with the layout sketches, and digital stuff, and stash challenges, and digital designing, and tutorials and well it just snowballed really.

Along the way I discovered I loved blogging!

However I've never been very open when blogging, it's mostly been professional, business like, post stuff say. I think I was more open in the beginning when I posted less creative stuff. In the future I am aiming at striking a middle ground. This may mean mad crazy ramblings about how all drivers in my city are out to kill me, or the fact that I am unhappy that Souplantation soups are a bit crap this month (bring back the broccoli soup! And seriously why can't they make the mushroom soup vegetarian?), all that kinda stuff along with creative stuff, sketches, tutorials etc. Middle ground, a compromise, a merging of the two, that's my vision!

If you want to help, tell me what you like about the blog. What you want to see more of, what you want to learn? I may even post one day about adding the 3 column blog layout (or gouge my eyes out with a pencil trying). Anything blog related you want to know how to do? Adding banners? Blinkies?

So happy bloggiversary everyone, and here's hoping there are many more blog posts to come!!!



Tutorial Tuesday - Blog linkage

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

As someone who does things automatically with blogs and blogger it's hard for me to realize what people DON'T know how to do so can I just take a minute to thank the people that email me with tutorial suggestions. I already emailed the person back with instructions for this but I figure for every person that asks how to do "XYZ" thing there are probably 10 that won't ask, lol. So with that said here is this weeks tutorial "from the mailbag" lol!

I know a lot of people that visit my blog, visit lots of other blogs, sites, message boards and challenge blogs. One of the things with challenge blogs is linking back to your project on your blog. I learned recently that some people aren't aware you can direct link to a particular post in blogger rather than your general blog, so figured I'd take a few minutes to whip up a tutorial.

1. Open your web browser and go to your blog. As you can see on the URL bar at the top the URL is for the general blog. Whenever you link this the viewer will see the current blog entry. This is great for a general blog link, but when you want to link a particular entry you need a direct link to a post.

2. To provide a direct link simply scroll to the post you want to link to (for this example I chose yesterdays 3 Bugs post). When you find the post, click on the title of that post, Again in this example that would be the Manufacturer Monday - 3 Bugs in a Rug (wk 2) text.

3. Clicking the title of the post in blogger takes you to a static page for that blog post, and ONLY that blog post. The links and page frame are still there but the BODY of the blog is that ONE entry only. If you scroll down that would be the only entry you would be able to see, along with the comments for that post.

4. Once you have the static page for that post, simply copy and paste the email to form a link. Manufacturer Monday.

Static linking is particulary valuable if you do lots of challenges, and link back the blogs (like my card sketch challenge) as you can link to your sample of the challenge rather than your general blog!

For more blogging tutorials click here

Feel free to email me anytime regarding tutorial topics! Always looking for ideas!



Tutorial Tues - changing blog URL

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One of the questions I get a lot about blogging is "I don't like my blog name, can I change it?", and the answer is YES you can! As long as it's available on Blogger! I'm not talking the blog title here, I'm talking the URL like mine (up there in your browser) is that can be changed in Blogger if you picked something and decided later that you don't like it. Here's how.

1. Sign into Blogger, and go to your dashboard. Click "settings".

2. Once in settings, click "publishing".

3. In the box, enter the name you want for your blog, and click "save settings". Remember that just because you want a particular name, doesn't mean to say it will be available! Blogger has thousands of active blogs and lots of the popular names have long gone! You may have to try a couple of times till you get a name that you like, and is available!

4. Congratulations you should now have a new blog URL!

  • If you have blog readers using RSS feeds, the feed will now be null and void and they will have to sign up again through their feed provider.
  • As I recall if you are using feedblitz for blog email updates for your blog readers, don't forget to change the blog URL!
  • If you have your blog link in forum signatures, these will need updating.
  • Same thing if you have your blog link in email signatures etc
  • If you are linked on any blog rolls or from any other sources you'll need to send out a reminder to update the blog link.
Happy blogging!



Tutorial: Using Scheduled Blog Posts

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

When I first started doing the whole blog thing "seriously", and I mean posting daily I really wished, hoped and prayed that Blogger would implement scheduled posting. It makes life so much easier, and they heard me! Because this month they announced that after some testing in beta, the scheduled posting would be live and available on all blogger blogs! As a 'serious' blogger this makes me so happy!!! But I thought I'd share how to use this nifty little feature!

Scheduled posting is GREAT! Suppose you want to post something on a specific date, like birthday greetings etc, then this scheduled posting feature is going to save you lots of time!

1. First open up your web browser, sign into blogger and bring up your blog editor. Click new post.

2. Once your post editor is loaded, simple fill in the boxes with the details, title and body text, adding photo's if you want. Once done click the little underlined link that says "post options"

3. Once you clicked the "post options" more text and buttons will appear. On the right is a box for you to fill in for date/time that you want the post to publish on your blog.

4. Once you have input the correct date/time for your blog to publish the post click PUBLISH! This won't publish it immediately I promise!

5. Once you click publish the window will change with highlighted text at the top of the screen telling you when your post is scheduled to go live!

6. Remember at any time before the blog publishes the post, if you want to go back to edit it, you can! Simply click "scheduled" in the 'your posts' options to find the post, and click edit. Simple! (this also works for drafts, and previously published posts, just click the appropriate tab).

7. When it comes to the correct date/time for your post to publish blogger will handle everything automatically!

Note: If you save as drafts, the posts will just be stored in your draft folder. If you edit them, change the date to a future date/time and hit publish, Blogger will automatically process them, and move them into the scheduled posts folder! Very cool!

And to prove this works, this is a scheduled post

I am writing this, taking screenshots etc on the 11th May :)

Hope this was useful!

Happy Blogging!



Tutorial Tues - adding pictures to blog posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Welcome to Tutorial Tuesday! I asked a couple of weeks ago about topics for tutorials and Slyv asked how to post pictures on a blog. Well there are a couple of ways. First up is the technique using blogger to host you're photo's. So let's look at that way today. I also get asked a lot how I add photo's to make them centered and the text not wrapping around the photo, and I'll address that in this post too!

Step one: click "new post" in your blog and we'll get going from there. If you look at the bar above the new post area there is an icon that looks like a photo, when you hover your mouse over it, a text box will appear with "add image". Click on this icon.

Step two: Once you click the icon a pop-up box will appear for you to add your photo's. Let's begin by adding one photo. Click the "browse" button to search for the photo on your hard-drive.

Step three: Another box should pop up where you can browse through your hard-drive for the photo you wish to upload. Once you highlight the photo (by clicking on it) simply click "open".
Note: When I save my photo's/pics after editing I save 3 versions, one large, one small, and one with my watermark for the WEB. The WEB one is usually around 100kb.

Step four: Once you have chosen your photo you need to make a few options of the layout of the photo. My own personal choice is for Centered photo's, it just looks nicer in my opinion. Another reason for choosing this option is blog readers viewing your blog in different browsers. The left and right justification with word wrapping just doesn't seem to work well in Firefox browser. It tends to have the text over some of the photo so I elect not to use either of these options. I also check the "medium" box. Then click "upload image".

Step five: Once you click the upload blogger will connect and load. If it doesn't this could mean that either your file size is too big (see my note above about loading files of approx 100kb in size) or that blogger is down for a while. Sometimes blogger has outtages, so just try again later. Once the image has been added you'll see the box below, where you just need to click "done" to continue.

Finish: Once the image is uploaded, you can continue editing your post as usual. Using the "center" option means you'll get no text to the right or left of the image just above or below. [Like this post]

Another option for Step 2: Blogger has the ability to add multiple images at once. If like me you want to post lots of images on certain days (sketch days!!!) then this is a great feature! At the top of the initial pop-up box is a link saying "Add another image". You can upload up to 5 images at a time by just repeatedly clicking this box. Then browsing and adding images as before.

Once done you'll end up with a blog post similar to this one. With multiple, centered images and no text wrapping.

Hope this helps! Any more questions or tutorial suggestions just post in the comments or email me



Goin' Bloggin'

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ok I hope to be getting around to lots of new stuff in 2008 and one of those things is the series of blogging articles I promised last year. So here is a beginners guide to starting your own blog I had published in Scrapstreet May 2007 ezine. Let me know what other blogging tutorials, tips etc you'd like to see!

So first things first, what is a blog? The word blog is defined in the dictionary as an online diary , a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a webpage, also Weblog. If you have a blog you are a blogger. Why blog? If you look at any scrapbooking message board lately blog links are popping up daily in people's signatures. Celebrity scrapbookers are blogging, magazines are blogging, and even scrapbook manufacturers are getting in the blog bandwagon. For me blogging started out as a way to keep in touch with friends and family back in England when we moved to America. I was able to put all our information on a blog and visitors could read the information that was pertinent to them. It saved me a lot of emails let me tell you! As time went on I discovered scrapbooking and not wanting to clutter up our family blog (and some of my family just don't "get" scrapbooking) I decided to start a blog dedicated to my scrapbooking. Some blogs are just daily updates of random thoughts, some are photoblogs, each blog is a little bit different, because each blogger has a different reason for blogging.

Privacy issue - I know for some privacy can be a difficult issue with the threat of online predators. Blogs for this very reason can be private. In most blogs settings you can make your blog private, either by password protection or email invite only. Think of these private blogs like your own little yahoo group.

Guidelines for bloggers - As with ANY activity online please be careful with the information you share! Offer little in the way of personal information, especially if you have children. I realize that isn't always possible, but if safety is a concern follow the guidelines below:

  • don't post personal information such as: your surname, phone number, home address, email, instant messaging name, birthdate, schools name, email address or personal information of friends
  • use initials only of your children or other family members if you aren't comfortable declaring their name
  • don't post provocative pictures online or you or anyone else.
  • assume anyone can see your blog, post anything you don't want online permanently. Whilst YOU can edit/delete your post, anyone could have saved that information to their own computer, or printed it out. Its up to each of us to decide the how's and why's and if's of blogging. Is it right for you? If the answer is YES then read on....

How to blog? There are many resources for blogging. The first thing to decide is whether or not you want a free blog. Yes blogging can cost you nothing! Or you can pay per month for a blogging service, like No they won't blog for you, but typically the paid blogs provide more services, such as separate webpages for galleries etc. I personally choose its free, and I'm thrifty, plus with the new blogger its very easy to customize your blog to suit your style with some basic blogging knowledge, which I hope to provide in this series of articles.

Free blogs:

Is it easy? If you want a basic blog yes its very easy! If you can navigate your way around message board forum, sign up for message boards etc then you can definitely blog! In these tutorials we'll deal with as it is one of the popular blogging services. When you go to blogger the homepage has a tour you can take or in just 3 steps you can be blogging, click create your blog now.

Blogger is now owned by google so if you already have a google/gmail account you're good to go and can just sign at the top of the page and move onto step 2 - name your blog by just clicking "create my blog" on the next page.

If you don't have a google account it will ask you to sign up for one. They are free and quite honestly a great email account and definitely worth having!

As you can see it is pretty foolproof with help to the right if you are unsure of what anything means. Once you've pressed continue check your email account you signed up with, a verification email will be sent to that email address to ensure you meant to sign up for blogger. All you have to do is click the link in the email to confirm you are the blogger. Then you can move onto step 2 below

Again blogger is very helpful giving you tips. The blog title and address do not have to be the same. The blog address is the url you enter into your web browser to read the blog (in my case dihickman), the blog title is simply the heading at the top of your blog, this can be anything you wish. Both the title and URL can be changed later if you decide you want a new title, bear in mind that not all urls will be available. Once you press continue you will see the template page.

This is where you will decide the layout of your first blog. There is a scroll bar to the right where you can see more templates. Once you make your blog, more options become available. On most templates you will be able to change the colors and layout later. Not to worry if you don't like the template you selected you can change it later. Once you hit continue you get the following message!

Congratulations! You are now a blogger! We can go to the posting page and create your first post! If you've posted on a message board or used a word processing program the next screen will look familiar, for now we're going to stay in this screen and create your first basic post. We'll go into more detail on the icons another time. Click the title box, enter your post title, then click the text box and enter your text. You then have the option to save as draft or publish. Saving as a draft means you can save the post and publish it at a later date. Publishing means that the post goes out into the world wide web and everyone can see your post! Click publish, on the next page you have the option to view to blog, so click it and take a look at your first blog entry!

I added a "blogging" over on the side bar to the right which has the tutorial for making url links in your blog post. Want more blogging tutorials? Hook me up in the comments with what want to know? How-to ideas, tips and tricks, etc. I hope to get around to one or two blogging tutorials a month.

Tutorial by Di Hickman published in Scrapstreet Ezine May 2007

More coming soon!



Making url links in your post

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Want to know how to add URL links in your blog post without having the whole url appear in your post? Then read on! These easy steps will show you how!

  • Ok first open up a new post, then follow the pics below!

  • Continue your post, then hit Publish and view your post with a spanking text link!

If anyone needs blog help I'm putting a list together for tutorials on here, so let me know what you'd like to know (anything but the 3 column template, that's a royal pain in the you-know-where!)