Showing posts with label winged messengers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winged messengers. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2014

you are beautiful

you are beautiful
read it hear it believe it
wings are not required

Monday, June 18, 2012

beautiful in my own way

I'm perfect in my imperfections, 
happy in my pain, 
strong in my weaknesses 
and beautiful in my own way 
cause I'm me

winged messenger by Susanna Gordon

Friday, November 27, 2009

Love is free!

Susanna tells my story on her blog...come on over HERE!
and another article I love "The Nature of Love" is HERE!

Monday, November 23, 2009

message on a wing

Lizzie Lous, Round Top, Texas
Round Top, Texas
Merritt Island, Florida
La Grange, Texas

Susanna Gordon, artist, painter, woman with BIG HEART, started a project called "Winged Messengers" By request she would mail you a set of her handpainted wings...these messages were to be placed in random locations to be discovered by someone unknown. All she asked for in return was a photo and maybe a reason why you chose the location to place your secret message. So I carried my camera and wings in my car and like a little kid hiding Easter eggs all afternoon for my brothers AFTER the Easter Bunny, I searched for uninvited places to land! I love to leave secret messages, love notes and random acts of kindness. So when she gave me two sets, I decided to carry one with me for photo opportunities. And the other I left behind at my local Thrift Store for the volunteers who works so hard, with very little appreciation. It felt so good to give back, in a magical invisible way!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Winged Messengers

I love to take pictures. For as long as I can remember, since 7 years old at summer camp. Before that, my Daddy had a shiny fancy camera with a sexy smelling leather case. We( me and my brothers) would pile up at my Grandmothers house and watch slides of vacations, decorating christmas trees and jumping off diving boards. I transitioned easily from film to digital because it was during my days of traveling abroad and my only way to tell my story was emails with attached photographs! Now I Blog, Flickr and even get paid on ocasion to shoot semi naked women for calenders of cause! or the Women of Round Top bared it ALLmost for the local animal shelter. This past week, my photographs have been chosen on a couple of really cool blogs, Pioneer Woman and Kind Over Matter. If you click on the previous titles, you can go have a looksee! The photo of the young girl was taken while I was living in Mexico. She was beautifully eating an orange, and I asked her mother if I could take the shot. She paused perfectly, then carried on slurping that juicy fruit! The "Winged Messenger" is a project by Susanna Gordon. She hand paints them and sends them out into the world for us to place and photograph in random locations. Mine landed at the local Thrift Store where I feel like the volunteers need more appreciation than they receive on shopping days when crowds push their way thru the doors to grab all the bargains they can fight for. I usually tuck in a "Card Drop" with my dollar bills that I upload from Kind Over Matter...they are freebies! Gotta love that kind of bargain!

"to me, photography is an art of observation. it's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place...I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them" ~elliott erwitt~