Showing posts with label conceptual photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conceptual photography. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Begin Deepening

it is not easy being hard.....

my bones, teeth and horns can not remain buried
I am here to stay
Like a Phoenix I will arise
and return again and again
looking beyond my ragged and torn edges
reaching higher up thru the dirty mess

the Soul work I am doing with Catherine Just in her 
BEGIN DEEPENING e-course is pushing me into 
some uncomfortable corners of self awareness, 
bare truth story telling, mind map journal writing and 
photo techniques to deepen the way I shoot myself and share. 

You can hurt me for just a minute. I curl up in a ball. I weep.
Yet when I  emerge with stronger wings,
I will fly away from this pain. 
I refuse to hide
burning memories. the ones that need to.
reaching up higher and harder

{{ Transforming the toxicity of conflict into beauty }}

and at the end of the day, ya just gotta laugh at all the crazy !