Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts

May 14, 2013

Tutorial :: Crochet Case/Pouch

Hello my lovelies!

How are you doing today? Can you believe that we are already in the 5th month of this year....where is the time going...Seems like it was just the beginning of the year and already we are in the middle of the 5th...I remember reading all the lovely posts in blogger land about the year end reviews..and it just seems like yesterday :)

The beginning of this year i wanted to use this blogging site to develop my creativity and also provide a few tutorials on the way of my journey...this is a small step in that direction..My first attempt so please excuse any blunders on the way...

Here's what i am trying to make today..This pattern is very flexible, can be done with any thread/yarn and any stitch. Its more of a guideline and your creativity is the limit to what you can do with it!

Warning :: Picture overload to substitute for words :)

Get these things ready
*Crochet swatch in any stitch and measuring any size you like for your pouch/case. Make sure that the swatch is double the length of your desired purse. For Ex: If you want a purse measuring 6" by 4" then crochet a swatch of 12" by 4" and fold in the middle to get a 6" by 4".
*Adequate length zipper.
*Crochet doily of your choice/crochet flowers/mandala/anything you want to add the extra zing to your case :)
*Sewing needle and matching thread.
*Lining fabric.

I used a basic Moss stitch for my purse. There are loads of tuts on the net for the same. I am writing a pattern i used, which i found most comfortable.

Even number of stitches.
I chained 130 stitches using Laura Knitting Cotton and 3.5mm hook.

Row1: 1 SC in 2nd ch from hook, *1CH, skip 1 ch, 1 SC in next ch, repeat from * to end, turn.
Row2: 1 CH, skip first sc, *1 SC in 1 ch sp, 1 CH, skip 1 sc, repeat from *, ending 1 SC in 1 ch, turn.
Repeat row 2 till the swatch measures up to the height you need.

Using a matching thread and embroidery needle, whip stitch the swatch by folding in half and stitching along the bottom only.

Here you can see that i have stitched the bottom part. DO NOT STITCH the 1 open side. This is important as it helps in easy sewing of the zipper.

Now, unzip the zipper and line it to the purse. Make sure you are having the wrong sides (WS) of both the crochet swatch and zipper together. Pin it in place and stitch it using back stitch taking care that big stitches do not come in the right side..

Make small stitches as possible to keep zipper fixed firmly and also to hide the stitches in front view of the purse.

 Do the same with the other end of the zipper too. Take care NOT TO pull the zip thru the entire length of the purse.!!

Now you have attached the zipper to both ends of the purse and you only need to stitch together the 1 side you had left. Remember??

 Now stitch the remaining one side...

Turn your purse inside out and voila!!!
You are done !!!! Well almost :)))

I have the need to line all my purses and bags and i used this fabric for lining. Lotsa tuts on the net for this and you should be able to sew/stitch this easily...When you attach the lining make sure it is done over the zipper so that it covers the zipper stitches.

and now for the fun bit. I made a doily and sewed it in place.
You can make anything from flowers, to motifs, use buttons, beads...the options are endless!!

You can make any kinda purse, a few ideas to get you started...

 Rainbow Case

 Granny square in 2 rounds Case

 Blues Case

Hats off to those who write for us, providing step by step instructions and photos for every single stitch. I have renewed respect for my fellow bloggers today :)

Hope you had fun with this, as much as i did.

Do write in and let me know if you have any questions or need any clarifications :) Love to help you out and hear from you as always..
