This project is a reallly small one, just 2 flowers, 2 hearts, 2 frames, some beads and 2 lovely smiling oh soooo cute photographs of my most loved people!
I got the flower pattern from
here and the heart pattern from
here. The frame was done using thick sheets from an old Little Miss's trucks book. She loved that book and used to make us read it over n over again. The crochet frame was made up by me on the go..The beads were the expensive stuff . Bought it from ToysRUs.
It is a very small project but it took me over 2 weeks, mainly because i did not dare to open the beads when the Little Miss was awake and could not open it when she was asleep as Mr Smiley was awake and would make a run for the colorful stack! Ufff...when both were off to dreamlandzz..the light was not good enough to plan the entire layout!
This is the initial layout
and these are the beads!!! Arent they so pretty, the butterfly ones and the flower ones..have lotsa projects in mind...head is buzzzzinnnnggggg..
Added a layer of glue when i blocked the wall hanging. It really helped in stiffening the entire piece and gave it a brand new look.
So here's the reveal!!!
This has already been certified by my girl as "Arey cute! Everybody smiling!"
Love it love it love it.........