Showing posts with label polymer clay handles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polymer clay handles. Show all posts

Feb 22, 2013

Polymer Clay Hooks

Hello my gorgeous people!

Hope you sweeties are doing good and gearing up for the weekend..
This is a short post from my end. Was waiting for good light to share these with you but alas...that doesn't seem to happen when i am free...Having worked with various crochet hooks i must tell you that i root for the Clover ones. They are my absolute favorite...except at almost HK$ 90 it is not a friend of my pocket. When my clover 2.00 mm hook got twisted with repeated assault i started thinking about doing something to reuse my old steel one. But its really tough on the little hands you know..Then i remembered seeing the pretty polka dotted and colored handles and thought..hey i am crafty! I can make one... He he...

There are loads of ideas on the net for making all this Polymer Clay. But i found THIS one site particularly interesting. She actually tells the technique for covering pens. I tweeked it to suit my needs of crochet hook. You wanna see the result??

 and yes EM guessed it right!
 They are an absolute delight to work with. I could adapt easily and in fact my work was a tad bit faster i think..But the best part is, you can do it in any shades and techniques and create you own personalized hooks!

 I also added "a thumb rest" as i seem to hold my hook like a knife :) It really feels comfortable!
 This one's my favorite...Love the red and white dots together...Already have requests from my family members for hooks in their favorite shades. This it's a perfect crochet gift. What do you guys say? Which ones did you like the most?

PS: A warning. My hands especially my palms hurt a lot on the first day after making these as i really had to roll hard to make the clay workable! So i could not hook for that day! But the result is so so so worth it!

Have a great weekend! Love and more..