Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Aug 30, 2012

Rainbow Bowl

A good morning to all my lovely readers:)

How is your world..mine is very colorful right now, I have been greatly surrounded by color the last couple of days.

I never thought crochet bowls would turn out soo great! Here's what you need:

1.A crochet doily. I worked up a big round motif drawing inspiration from HERE.
2.A bowl - i used the melamine variety and had no problems with removing the doily from on top.
3.Fabric stiffener - which i dint have. Alternately i used ordinary white glue mixed with water in the ratio 3:1.
4.Patience as you need to wait at-least 10-12 hours for the doily to dry, i gave it 6 hours actually. But at the end of 24 hrs it was actually pretty stiff and stable. I was thrilled to bits to see the white glue work :)

Here's what you need to do -

1.Make a mixture of the white glue and keep it ready.
2.Dip your doily in it liberally.
3.Place the cup, upside down and cover it with the doily, smoothing the edges as you like them, Try to give it a round appearance by shaping it with your hand. Yes, i dint promise a clean affair :D
4.Take a paint brush and dip some more glue and paint it over the doily.
5.Preferably keep the doily in a sunny place to dry or at-least where there is some fresh air.

Let the waiting being!!

Perfect to keep your bits and pieces. Or also as a show piece. Or also as a gift. Or also as a toy. Or also as get the idea! Lotsa possibilities basically!!

Are you guys looking at my new Stylecraft Special DK yarn!!! A post about my latest stash coming up sooon. Watch this space. Love to hear from you lovely people. It makes my day special!

Have fun and take good care,
Lots of love,

Aug 3, 2012

Summer Dress

Hello my lovely people!
Hope you are having a good friday and waiting for the weekend to relax and unwind :)

My new friends from blogger land - Sophie from Sophie's Paradise , Hyfah al, Beck from Beck to Vintage - love Beck's photographs and cute crochet items! and Mau from Creative Mau .

Its so good to make new friends everyday and get inspirations from all corners of the world don't you think?

I have not been doing any big project recently. Plan to amend it very soon.
Stitched a summer top for my little miss. Inspiration came from many sources, but had a picture of a wavy yoke stitched on this fabric, topped with some flowers. Turned out exactly how i imagined it. Its sooo so good to have a picture in your mind and then craft it from your own hands. A look at the dress rather top now..

Yes i used Picasa widely for these photos..
Did a round of blanket stitch and then followed it with this:
1 SC, 2 DC, 1SC in 1 loop. Slip stitch in the next. Did this all around for the edging.

Coming to the yoke...It is really simple actually. Did 5 rows of chevron wide wave pattern. Thats all!!
The straps are 1 row of SC in the center flanked by a granny stripe row on both sides. That's followed by 1 row of HDC. My favorite stitch for straps these days seem to be the HDC. It is a very cute and sturdy fellow..

Enhanced the joins with 2 ready made fabric button centered flowers from my stash.

Here's another click...

 Used 2 simple buttons for an opening at the back.

Picasa again, enhancing the strap and button for you..,

A close up of the edging. Can be used for any other crochet item a towel or dish cloth..

Well, i am hanging up my hook for the weekend. Have a few outdoor plans and some family/weekend time to spend before my little princess is off to school!!

Hope you all have a happy fantastic weekend ahead. Loads of fun - hooky and otherwise ::)


PS : I haven't used a sewing machine for this ;)

Mar 2, 2012

Is it Spring?

What a glorious day! I am so so glad to see the sun, smiling down upon all of us :) There is something special about Spring. New hopes, fresh starts, flowers and happiness and liveliness. No wonder any happy person has a 'spring' in his/her step. Spring is my favorite season! It holds the promise of good things to come. It is that time of the year when you have to take a walk in the park, have to run behind your toddlers at the waterfront, have to stop and smell the flowers.

Well, i am not sure if Spring has officially arrived here, but yes, I can feel it in my heart. Its traallaaa...It may not yet be the vernal equinox of March 20 or 21. Its still 2 days into the month, but hey I am singing!!

The kid's park from my window. A brighter view.

I had to take a few clicks today. These flowers just make me smile. Banker does have a good choice when it comes to selecting home, wives..err..wife..;)


 Aren't they all so gorgeous?
Love it!

Full of vibrant energy .

Yellow, pink, red and green. Happiness, health, youth and life!

My personal favorite.

This blog is heavy on pictures. Well, i did manage to get some hooky done too. Posting the progress
of my rug. It has Mr. Smiley sitting on it.

Currently at row #48

The tools - yarn and my favorite hook.

Well, that's it for now. My toddler and me are off for our walk. Here's hoping for a song on everyone's lips and a spring in each of your step:)