Showing posts with label motif. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motif. Show all posts

Aug 12, 2012

Beyond the Square : Circles

Hello my lovely people,
Hope you are all having a wonderful sunday! Just checking if everyone is happy, sunny, eating lotsa yummy food and hooking of course :))

A quick post before i am off to make lunch and attend to the domestic chores of Sunday. Above is my circle motif collage. Hope you liked it. My favourite 4 are below..

Also check out my Beyond the Square challenge page here. Planning on making a home decor piece with these motifs or maybe just some bunting to go on windows.. Let me see what these motifs will actually turn into.

Wishing everyone a great remaining weekend full of recharging activities.


Aug 10, 2012

Joining for Tea - anyone?

It has been a while since i used my Oven. The Banker requested for some home made cake as that is the only egg-less cake available in HK.. he he

My lovely people, can i invite you over for a freshly baked egg-less totally yummmy scrummy cake?
Find the recipe here. I have added walnuts as i cannot imagine a cake otherwise.

 and i have added fresh cherries too. And also choco chips for the little people.

This is motif #19. I hope you like it, i think the colors really do justice to this motif.. My new favorite now. Will post more pics for some more motifs later in the day.

See you lovely people in a bit, going to grab a piece of the cake and enjoy my mid-day Tea now..Hope you guys have a happy hooky afternoon.


Aug 8, 2012

Circle of Life

Hello my lovely friends!

Today has been a very special day. My little miss officially began her schooling. soon they grow just seems like yesterday she was born...

And now she is all grown up n off to school...:((
I know i will miss her more than she realizes but hey, guess its all part of the Circle of Life. 
Today its school, tomorrow its gonna be collage and i do not, repeat, do not want to think about what happens after that!!

Have you guys watched The Lion King? What a silly question, i am assuming this is one movie which probably everyone has watched and loved and grown up and watched again. It is very high up in my list of all time favorite movies. Listen to this track and fall in love with life and the movie too in case you have not watched it yet.

Circle of Life - Lion King

My crochet too is in circles right now. A look at my favourite circle motif right now.

Motif #14 from CIRCLES.

A look at what else i have been doing. Will do a proper post soon about the same.
Is my crochet draw messy..well it should be right?
 Here's wishing my little one and all our little ones a wonderful journey in the circle of life, yes there will be bumps ahead but hope the ride is smooth still and they grow into courageous ones who can over come the bumps and enjoy their circle of life :)


Aug 7, 2012

Framed Motif

Hello and good morning to my readers from all parts of the world. Hope you have overcome the Monday and heading strong into the week!!

As i said in my previous post, i am getting back to the Beyond the Square Challenge.
A look at my new motif..

Motif #6 for you from CIRCLES.

We have a Living Plaza here, similar to $1 store. Picked up this lovely wooden frame from this store. They have a variety of frames in different wood colors and also in white and blacks. Definitely going back for more. Don't you think this flower looks super cute in this frame?

A peek into Motif #8. This one needs blocking for sure. Here it is, pins holding it in place. Will post the blocked motif tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone and i am all gearing up for a big day tom! 

Happy hooky time,

Aug 6, 2012

Another weekend

Goood Monday morning to all my lovely people!

A warm welcome to Linda from Linda's Craftcorner - love her blog and her knowledge about crochet is really practical and very useful!! , Marta who is very talented  and you can find her blogs here and also a welcome to Paula from ~the ramblings and musings of the "fur-babies" momma

Hope you all enjoy your stay in my diaper world!!

Saturday and sunday just whooshes by and before you know, the Blue Monday is upon you. We had a fun weekend. 

Met a few celebreties..

 The Queen and the Prince..

 He didn't seem interested in us, the same holds true for little miss also :))

Did lotsaa running around at the highest point in HK.

Baked some yummmy finger food...

She could not keep her fingers off it..

I also managed some finger crochet. Meaning Motifs..

I am going to scold myself..Bad bad girl..have not done a lot for the Beyond the Square challenge. I am going to make up for this.. For sure, be tuned in to this space :)

Motif #7 from CIRCLES.
Please see the side bar for more on this challenge from Barbara of Made in K-Town.

Ending the post with one of my favourite crochet items made for my little miss. This t-shirt was greatly enhanced by the crochet collar. I don't quite remember the pattern but it is really easy.

I cant believe this, but this Monday i am truly missing the BLUES. No more office means no more monday rushes and no more blues. I used to have long coffee breaks to get winded up for the week ahead @ work! Do you guys miss work? Maybe i am missing it now, after 2 years..hopefully will get back to it...hopefully..once the kids are out of diapers and start schooling...

Hope you guys have a great week ahead, if you are working and having the BLUES, go and grab a coffee from my side!!



Jul 30, 2012

My Hex-Tote

Good morning my lovely people!
Hope you all had a great n fun filled weekend. The sun showed up at last, after a week of continuous cyclonic rain here in HK. The little people basked in the sun and in general it was a good weekend.

Ok, have you ever seen something and wanted it real bad? The moment i saw this bag i knew i had to give it a go. The problem was the colors. There were so many options. I wanted to use Red as i am generally wearing something which is red. And the pattern called for white. So decided on this combination.

It is a fun fun fun project. I had a great time crocheting this bag.

Thank you Alice from futuregirl craft blog. The videos and step by step instructions are so clear and easy to follow. I love her blog and admire her eye for detail and perfection. Lotsa lessons to learn :)

A few more clicks of my new bag which i absolutely love love love..!!!

Can you see these ends?

You know what is clever about this bag? Use a lining to cover this mess of threads up!

I sewed this lining by hand, i do not have a sewing machine as of now :((
Another neat trick to close the bag is this strip of titch buttons. Easy to sew them on, gives a nice finish to the bag. I dint want buttons as it is cumbersome to keep opening them. Zipper was out of question as i don't have a machine. This pretty much fit the bill :)

 A closer look at the hexagons....

 My latest model decided he has found a new play toy :)

Hope you guys liked this bag. Do visit Alice and crochet a hex tote for yourself!
Happy sunny week to everyone out there.


Jul 11, 2012

Beyond the Square Motif

Hello my dear fellow bloggers!
Hope you all have been having a sunny and fun filled day :)

 A view of the finest harbour fronts. Buildings and mountain terrain at the same time. Probably the only one in the world. The view for my coffee cant get any better ;)

Here's something that will surely brighten up the dull day - A book. This is one of the smartest purchases i have made in the recent past. "Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs". You can go ahead and have a sneak peak at this Amazon link. For the people in India you can order this book at Flipkart. Here's the link. Best part of ordering in flipkart is the option of cash on delivery :)

Coming back to the book, it is truly amazing, has unbelievable motifs and my mind went buzzzzzzzzzzzz with ideas and things to do after seeing this book in my hands. Opening the parcel and turning each page over and over again, i am still not able to soak in this book completely. You see what i mean by ideas right??

Learnt a new technique from this book. Known as Sliding Loop, think it is the best way to start your motifs as you can adjust the size of your beginning circle.

I was pleasantly surprised to see this challenge by Barbara of Make in K-town. You can read more about this here.

Readily joined in and here is my first motif:

Category : Squares
Motif No # 89

Hope you guys have a look at the book and join me in this adventure of motifs and beyond!