Showing posts with label hong kong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hong kong. Show all posts

Dec 17, 2012

Crocheted Olek wonder!

Good morning my LOVELY beautiful people!

How was your weekend? Hope you guys had a fun filled, happy and colorful time and managed to get some creative work done too :)

We had been to a mall in our city, Elements and there was a wonderful, faboulous and i am not finding the words to describe..huge and almost immposible crochet piece of work, rather art on display at the mall..

Can you guys imagine this set. It is entirely covered in crochet art. This is done by a lady known as Agata Oleksiak and known professionally as Crocheted Olek. She is a  Polish-born artist living in the US. You can read more about her amazing life and work HERE and find her website HERE. I so wish you guys could come and see this work with me. I was left speechless by her talent and dedication.

 Happiness is an inside job she says! And i agree 100%!
 Any takers for a lunch @ this wonderful crocheted table?
 Beautiful Christmas tree complete with lights and other decorations.
 Check out the details. Even the glasses and dinner ware is crocheted.

In 2009, she stated:
I think crochet, the way I create it, is a metaphor for the complexity and interconnectedness of our body and its systems and psychology. The connections are stronger as one fabric as opposed to separate strands, but, if you cut one, the whole thing will fall apart. Relationships are complex and greatly vary situation to situation. They are developmental journeys of growth, and transformation. Time passes, great distances are surpassed and the fabric which individuals are composed of compiles and unravels simultaneously. 

You can find the same below:
Isn't the philosophy beautiful :) Loved the way she has written about it!

 Another Christmas decoration in place. The tree is made of yarn balls and i wish i could own one such tree :)

Hope you guys had a fun time today in my world!

Lotsa love,

Sep 18, 2012

Color Burst Mat and Spotlight

A terrific Tuesday to all my lovely readers, fellow bloggers and crocheters. Hope you guys had a great weekend. Restful or hectic however it was! A warm welcome to my newest friends from blogger-land.

Chiflu from La mi cocinuca
Katie from My Secret Crochet Blog - Very creative lady with an equally compassionate heart!
Lavina Agarwal from Life's Little Treasures - amazing paper crafts spot you have. Admire your patience!
Shikha from Weaver Birdie - Lovely crochet amigurumi patterns and blog.
The lovely blogger from A Tale From Toadstool House.
An awesome crocheter and lots of beautiful things can be found at Kreatives aus dem Drosselgarten.
It's been so great to get onto blogging and meeting so many amazing people!

Yesterday i was out and about, getting errands done, while i could be happily crocheting, naah, need to do some stuff for the house, pending paperwork and long overdue DE-cluttering of the Diaper Home. Whilst i was out buying some dresses for the little people, who always seem to outgrow their shorts and underpants, i came upon this at my local flee market.

 Isn't this ball of whatever so utterly gorgeous :) I could not resist myself and purchased the ones below too.

Crochet hook 10mm did the trick. It is really thick material and not expensive. Costs HK $ 30 for 2 balls. I bought 4 such ones.The street market ladies stock a whole range of colors, mostly variegated.The fastest piece of  crochet i have ever done!!! Decided on a foot mat as the ball of yarn/wool/felt was really sooo very soft to touch.

 My son decided to be the first one to step on it. This is a circle done in simple SC. It was soo much fun to do this. And worked up in a couple of hours.

Added the white and black variegated after the variegated color felt.

 Can you see how thick the mat is?
 Cannot take my eyes off the rainbow center :)
Here it is, my new kitchen foot mat. Love it. Absolutely! Hope you guys liked it too. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Meanwhile have something to share with you guys. A dear friend and a fellow blogger, who is an awesome paper crafter and an equally amazing and talented lady has featured an interview of yours truly on her blog. You can read about it here:

Have a look around at her very creative blog!

Happy mid-week(almost) and happy crafting people!


Mar 28, 2012

Things to Do

The blogging world is truly amazing. Its a window to so many things beautiful and interesting. The craft and the variety is mind boggling. Just a simple search on a granny square gives one endless possibilities and i can see so many bloggers/crafters who have done so much that it is easy for me to pick what i want to do!

Here's a list of few things i am planning to get done by the end of this year. Sorta like my crocheting plan for 2012 :)

1.Granny Stripe Blanket. This is mainly going to be an inspiration from dear Lucy. You can find it here.

2.Cushion Covers - There are oh so many wonderful patters out there. There is a sunburst pattern here. The blues are really lovely in this. Then the flower granny square cover. This is an easy pattern only you need to get your colors right or else it may hurt the eye. The back of the cushion is something which you wouldnt want to spend too much time on. Yet it should look lovely. I am always on the look out for easy patterns but which give a great effect. Playing with colors and accessories enhances the look of a finished object a great deal. This method here is a great way of closing up your cushion cover and making good your old sweater.

3.Crochet Bunting - Need to do a butterfly bunting for the little people. They have been asking for it.

4.Granny Square ideas - Have a look at this pdf.  This has amazing granny square patterns, each one unique and wonderful. I am still waiting for my yarn to start this off..

Hopefully i can get to complete my wish list by year end. 

Now the time to leave HK and go for a holiday is nearing. My shopping and packing is still looming in front of me. Even tho i am a stay at home mom, i never seem to have time to complete my shopping. There is something still missing or something which i need to buy!

A look at the girl's new crocs. She loved the little decorations which give off a light when she jumps. Jumped all her way from the store to home:)

This is a doll for a dear friend of mine in Bangalore. I do hope she likes it. These dolls are a must buy if you ever visit Hong Kong.

And then the clothes, which need to be packed. This is just the beginning. I still have to go to the kids cupboards :(

So i neeeeed to start thinking about packing. Need to need to.
I am going to do that now. Or maybe just a bit more of crochet browsing and then :)

Mar 22, 2012

Summer Shopping - Part 2

Had been to Sham Sui Po yesterday. This place is truly amazing! I mean i can really spend weeks and weeks here. It has everything under the sun at very reasonable prices. You can find my earlier posts here.

I had to buy an external hard disk and a memory card. Golden Arcade is the best place for buying anything related to computer. Its a geeks world out there, there are rows and rows of computer peripheral shops and gaming VCDs shops. Purchased a Seagate External HD 1 TB for HK $870 and a high speed memory card 64 GB for HK $629. Crocheting a case for the HDD now.

 Making in shades of blue with a dash of red.

All the yarn i am going to use for this case are here.

There is something for everyone in Sham Sui Po. Be it computer/sports wear for men, craft/fabrics/accessories/street market for women and toys/clothes for kids. Ventured to the Yu Chan street for the usual round up of beads, ribbons and Ric-racs. Ready for a color feast?

Rainbow ric-racs.

Multicolor Ric-racs.

 Baby lace for scrap booking.

Just like that lace.

Some random flowers and fabric flowers.

As a craft loving mom i never know when i need these things, but hey no harm in storing them right? Sham Shoi Po also stocks wholesale fabrics. I used to wander past these shops never knowing that they sell stuff by the yard. It was close to 7 p.m. by the time i chanced upon one tiny shop selling a yard to a customer. That's when it hit me! They sell fabric too...Oh my god, there are rows n rows of yummy shops here which stock all kinds fabrics to buy from or just to feast your eyes upon. Since i ran out of time, picked up a few random stuff for i don't know what projects! Can you believe that i bought almost 10 yards of colorful fabric to play with for just HK $ 100? A revisit is definitely in the offing!!

Once i am back to HK after my summer hols I will surely be going here again :)
Till then i am going back to aimless crocheting, like the case cover as you know my mailman hasn't yet bought me those Stylecraft yarn which i am eagerly waiting for.

Mar 18, 2012

Summer Shopping

The countdown has begun, we are all going to India for a long, summer, fun filled holiday.The trip will take us to many places and i will keep this space updated.

In India summers are really HOT. Had to pick up clothes for the 2 little ones. Fa Yuen Street is the best place for kids clothes, bags, shoes, accessories and craft punches! It is mostly a local market, not frequented by the tourists. Also there is no bargaining, which is good for the likes of me. And they don't sell the knock-off LV purses and such stuff. All in all, a great place to shop.

I picked up many clothes for kids at throw away prices, dint click them.

These are the travel kits.

 and the hair clips to go inside them. They have it in a zillion colors and patterns!

for her twinkle toes :)
 clips n more of them. Now i am feeling maybe i bought a bit less:(
Gift bags too..
A few of the punches i bought. This isn't my entire stock.

Well a happy sunny Saturday afternoon it was.

On the crochet front i am feeling very lazy to end the wave stripe blanket. Have the last row of edging to be done. Already zeroed on my next hooky. Really lovely bit of work this pillow. Waiting for the mailman to deliver the goodness package :)

Shopping to-do list is still very long:

*More clothes :)
*Kitchen stuff
*Wardrobe stuff

Happy Sunday and hoping the sun stays smiling till i leave HK.

Mar 5, 2012

Craft Shopping

Sham Shui Po is a craft lover's paradise. There are rows and rows of shops filled with beads, buttons, ribbons, flowers, bows and other amazing stuff. You get all these things at throw away prices. Buttons and beads are sold by their weight. What you can buy in the upmarket stores for $15 you can get the same(and better) ones here for about $1 or lesser. It is a whole sale market basically but most of the shops encourage retail buying too.

Here's a look at the ribbons I purchased. Have a few projects in mind, will keep it posted :)

They also have Ric-racs in all wonderful shades and multicolors too. Since my kids were playing with it, i have to untangled the mess and make a click.

What to leave and what to buy? Its a heady mix of all wonderful things.

There you go, my button stash! Love it. Makes me smile :)
Have a wonderful week ahead.